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1200 PKK members released from prisons in Syria

nice talk but dont forget all this mess started when Assad forces fired on protestors only wants democratic elections(just like Turkey/Armenia) in Syria and killed 20-30 of them in instant.Assad choose to burn whole country with civil war instead of leaving throne peacefully , if only he would give elections to people just like protestors wanted.

With all due respect, but that isn't Turkey's problem. Where is Erdogan on Sudan, Somalia, Bahrein, etc? Turkey should have stayed neutral, rather than picking a side. And I say this as a person who wouldn't be unhappy if Assad is gone.
With all due respect, but that isn't Turkey's problems. Where is Erdogan on Sudan, Somalia, Bahrein, etc? Turkey should have stayed neutral, rather than picking a side. And I say this as a person who wouldn't be unhappy if Assad is gone.

...and do you think i am someone who approves Erdogan's decision to intervene? This is the flaw of demoracy : majority choose goverment party and they rule the country as they want for a limited amount of time.After elected party sit on throne all citizens can do is protest and criticize elected goverment just like what we are doing every day :coffee:

BTW for info we are in Somalia : Turkish construction companies building 2 cites entirely , goverment giving medical , food and speacially education help.Every year certain amount of students comes to Turkish universities with goverment funds , from what i heard there are many people in Somalia puts Turkish flag in front of their houses (on certain cities where our aid presence is intense).
Not only me but UN, Nato, EU, Oecd etc..Your turn, who accepts FSA as terrorist organization?

The east side of the world.... anyways Turkey is NATO which is of course NATO will list PKK as terrorists... now funny because U.S.A says Alqaeda is terrorists however now they are working with them in Syria... same with Turkey they claim PKK terrorists because they want freedom.... and they say F"S"A are freedom fighters while they are the same as PKK....
With all due respect, but that isn't Turkey's problem. Where is Erdogan on Sudan, Somalia, Bahrein, etc? Turkey should have stayed neutral, rather than picking a side. And I say this as a person who wouldn't be unhappy if Assad is gone.
Erdogan in Somalia

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Thats what Assad wants..Turkish intervention..Not a good idea..We should just continue supporting FSA..Thats more than enough

Seriously :D i don't think he wants to die.

Riot police isn't invented yet in this part of the world, bunch of retards if you ask me.

They fired upon cities with naval artillery WTF did Assad expect?

And @Syrian Lion
Ethnic terrorism is Turkey's reality, there's nothing Syria can do to change that. But Turkey can make your lifes much more difficult.
The east side of the world.... anyways Turkey is NATO which is of course NATO will list PKK as terrorists... now funny because U.S.A says Alqaeda is terrorists however now they are working with them in Syria... same with Turkey they claim PKK terrorists because they want freedom.... and they say F"S"A are freedom fighters while they are the same as PKK....

Whats east side of the world? Give me country or organization names that accept FSA as terrorist organization..Come on
Sorry, is this UN`s official stance or just that bloggers opinions? BTW on PDF, to share blog links is forbidden..FYI

anyways back to the main topic.... Syria calls F"S"A terrorists... so my questions here is how do you want the west, turkey and etc to call them terrorists while they are their main supporters??

Do you remember how Alqaeda started??

and there are million videos and articles FROM THE WEST itself about their terrorism i'm sure you can do little search...

The east side of the world.... anyways Turkey is NATO which is of course NATO will list PKK as terrorists... now funny because U.S.A says Alqaeda is terrorists however now they are working with them in Syria... same with Turkey they claim PKK terrorists because they want freedom.... and they say F"S"A are freedom fighters while they are the same as PKK....

Even Russia that you posts flags of dnt see FSA as terrorist lol.
Riot police isn't invented yet in this part of the world, bunch of retards if you ask me.

They fired upon cities with naval artillery WTF did Assad expect?

Indeed : Spray cold water , throw some gas grenades and baton them :triniti: without causing death or serious injury but sending ARMY WITH LIVE AMMO(even rubber bullet is acceptable :angel: ) AND AUTOMATIC RIFLES :sniper: ? Pfff...
BTW for info we are in Somalia : Turkish construction companies building 2 citizens entirely , giving medical , food and speacially education every year certain amount of students comes to Turkish universities with goverment funds.From what i heard there are many people in Somalia puts Turkish flag in front of their houses (on certain cities where our aid presence is intense).

Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with providing aid or something like that. What I meant by 'where is Erdogan on Somalia' is why Erdogan supports militants in Syria, but not in Somalia. Turkey should have stayed neutral. But staying neutral doesn't mean you don't have to take care of Syrian refugees, don't have to give aid or even don't have to criticize Assad. Erdogan could have criticized Assad and helped Syrian refugees, but helping a non-united militant group is something different. So one could wonder; why is Turkey actively supporting a militant group in Syria, by letting them use Turkey soil for their operations?
As I said we have the moral rights until 2022 to shelter, arm, everything to FSA, after that we shouldn't, so in 10 years if assads brains ain't on the floor lol.
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