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1 IRGC killed in Israeli attack on Syria


Shoot this troll out of this thread

Perhaps numbers are wrong but throwing you to the sea is true! It is brighter than daylight.
@al-Hasani @WebMaster @Horus
We have our dear 1 billion times permanently banned Iran1801, Iran1802, Mohsenam, BestLand, ... troll back.
We, all, were seriously worried for your health and thought that something has strike your brain that you have stopped creating new accounts for a few days.
PS. oops I find out that this account of yours is a bit older version of your Iran 18999999 account.
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U claimed 24 kids were killed. But your link says 10 people and killed on pic does not look like kids. By the way the strike was not at school at all but only near. Number of killed is also doubtful and source of the explosion as well.
U claimed 24 kids were killed. But your link says 10 people and killed on pic does not look like kids. By the way the strike was not at school at all but only near. Number of killed is also doubtful and source of the explosion as well.
Do you memorise events by the number of people killed body?? The clarifies a lot.

I said if I remember correctly. Unfortunately for Israel, it happened right in front of UN witness. And I don't think 10 children killed makes it any more humane than 24.

This is a war and shit happens. I understand that. I just brought it up to remind rmi that Israel attacks civilians too. This was a big one there were more everyday during that war.

No I don't. Please do not respond that jade
Let him continue. Even Israel has announced that it was an accident and they didn't know who was in that car. Between two countries that don't have any diplomatic relation, this is a clear apology to Iran.

Israel’s climb-down over Golan air strike: We didn’t know Hizballah’s convoy carried high Iranian officers
DEBKAfile Special Report January 20, 2015, 6:55 PM (IDT)


The Hizballah convoy struck by Israel on Golan
Israel Tuesday, Jan. 20, used Western and Arab media outlets for "clarification” to Tehran of the purpose of its air strike over the Golan Sunday, asserting that Revolutionary Guards Gen. Mohammad “Ali Allah Dadi and his staff of five were not known to be traveling in the Hizballah convoy and were not the target.
“We thought we were hitting an enemy field unit that was on its way to carry out an attack on us at the frontier fence,’ a senior security official in Tel Aviv informed the media. “We went on the alert, we spotted the vehicle, identified it as an enemy vehicle and took the shot,” he said, adding: “We saw this as a limited tactical operation.”
This semi-apology, say debkafile’s military and intelligence sources, was intended to tell Tehran that had Israeli intelligence identified the group of high-ranking Iranian officers in the Golan convoy, the air strike would have been called off. There was no reason why an intelligence mistake should cause a broad or even a limited military showdown between Iran and Israel, was the implied message.
Asked if Israel was expecting Iranian or Hizballah retribution, the Israeli security source answered: “A response is almost certain, but none of the parties is seeking escalation.”
Sharp US intervention was almost certainly behind Israel’s embarrassing “clarification.” The Obama administration feared the Golan air strike might snowball into a full-scale military confrontation with Iran and Hizballah settling their scores with Israel. The ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and the six world powers would then be abruptly interrupted and possibly break down.
Obama administration officials may well have informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that, according to information reaching US intelligence, Iran and Hizballah were spoiling for revenge and all-out war might be impossible to hold back.
debkafile’s military sources are far from sure that Tehran will accept Israel’s lame excuses for the death of a senior general. They might choose not to believe that the OC of Israel’s Northern Command, Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, until recently chief of military intelligence (AMAN) and well versed in the arenas shared by Israel, Iran and Hizballah, would have mistaken the figures traveling in the Golan convoy.
All the same, in an effort to de-escalate the crisis, Israel has gone to the lengths of publicly owning up to a fiasco of its intelligence and a mistaken military operation.
By this climb-down for Tehran’s benefit, the prime minister and defense minister are bound to be held to account at home for failing to provide back-up for Israel’s armed forces and intelligence.
Killing civilians that's what your country has been doing since it was founded

Amiriyah shelter bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How dare you? U.S never has killed any civilians, neither Israel has killed any unarmed civilian, women or children.

The Amiriyah shelter bombing was an aerial attack that killed 408 civilians on 13 February 1991 during the Persian Gulf War, when an air-raid shelter ("Public Shelter No. 25"), also referred to as the Al Firdos C3 bunker by the U.S. military, in the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, was destroyed by the U.S. Air Force with two laser-guided "smart bombs"

Guys, I found the proof that Hezbollah deliberately targets Israeli civilians, hence they are terrorists, while Israel can not be considered as terrorists at all:

2006 Lebanon war casualties:

Israel: ----------------121 IDF killed ------- 44 civilians killed ---------- Soldier/civilian ratio: 2.75

Lebanon: ---------<500 Hezbollah --------1000 civilians killed---------Soldier/civilian ratio: 0.5

2014 Gaza war:

Israel:-----------66 IDF killed ------------6 civilians killed--------------Soldier/civilian ratio: 11

Gaza:----------- 550 Hamas killed------1523 civilians killed----------Soldier/civilian ratio: 0.36

Now expect Israel worshipers and Hasbara cyber warriors with their excuses.
Do you memorise events by the number of people killed body?? The clarifies a lot.
Thats the difference between Israel in Syria. In Syria its hard to memorize event unless 1000 people are killed.

I said if I remember correctly. Unfortunately for Israel, it happened right in front of UN witness. And I don't think 10 children killed makes it any more humane than 24.
It does not say children. And check the pic in ur link, they look like grown men to me.

This is a war and shit happens. I understand that. I just brought it up to remind rmi that Israel attacks civilians too. This was a big one there were more everyday during that war.
Israel fights against Hamas who fire rockets from dense populated areas. Obviously civilians will be hurt. But does it mean deliberate attack on civilians?

During the D day thousands of French civilians were killed by allied forces. Thats war.
The good thing about Iran is it does not take shit, for example the retaliatory attacks in Bankok and India against Israeli ambassadors after the Israelis killed some of their top nuclear scientists. I expect a response.
Nothing condemning Iranians and Hezbollis operating in a U.N.-restricted military zone to prepare terror ops against Israel? Anti-Zionism runs very deep in Pakistanis, doesn't it?
How dare you? U.S never has killed any civilians, neither Israel has killed any unarmed civilian, women or children.

Guys, I found the proof that Hezbollah deliberately targets Israeli civilians, hence they are terrorists, while Israel can not be considered as terrorists at all:

2006 Lebanon war casualties:

Israel: ----------------121 IDF killed ------- 44 civilians killed ---------- Soldier/civilian ratio: 2.75

Lebanon: ---------<500 Hezbollah --------1000 civilians killed---------Soldier/civilian ratio: 0.5

2014 Gaza war:

Israel:-----------66 IDF killed ------------6 civilians killed--------------Soldier/civilian ratio: 11

Gaza:----------- 550 Hamas killed------1523 civilians killed----------Soldier/civilian ratio: 0.36

Now expect Israel worshipers and Hasbara cyber warriors with their excuses.
During the WW2 US killed hundreds of thousands German civilians while Germans killed very very few US civilians if at all. Does it mean Nazis were nice guys?

U can see that Hezbollah does not hesitate to slaughter fellow Muslims by thousands with most brutal ways. So what wold they do to the Jews if they could? :coffee:

Do not waste your time with him. You are arguing with wall which denies reality and tries exonerating Israel of its crimes. He did same thing with me in this thread and I refuted him completely. He eventually gave up. This thread is rebuttal to IDF propaganda. Anyone runs into pro-Israeli's blaming others for their attacks on civilians, just watch this thread and cite it. I already did the work:

IDF Doctor in Emotional Reunion With Parents of Palestinian Baby Whose Life He Saved


When they target civilians we aren't allowed to call it terrorism. And their response is 'stop whining'. Look at page 2, video clearly shows targeting of ambulances. His response was 'stop whining'. He's a terrorist and Israel is a terrorist state. We don't need US or European States to confirm this. We are using their same criteria.
No, you stated that Hezbollah killed 200,000 Syrians. Which is pure trolling.
Yep they help Assad to slaughter 200,000 Syrians. Both are same gang.
You are right about figures. Early reports were 10 casualties but quickly increased:

Israeli strike on Gaza school kills 15 and leaves 200 wounded | World news | The Guardian
These are Hamas numbers which is impossible to verify unless u expel Hamas from Gaza. Anyway even they dont say that killed were kids.
Thats the difference between Israel in Syria. In Syria its hard to memorize event unless 1000 people are killed.

It does not say children. And check the pic in ur link, they look like grown men to me.

Israel fights against Hamas who fire rockets from dense populated areas. Obviously civilians will be hurt. But does it mean deliberate attack on civilians?

During the D day thousands of French civilians were killed by allied forces. Thats war.

If you don't want to accept it, it is your choice. You can search in Google and find out the truth. You don't need to rely on what I posted.

Regarding your comment about Hamas firing rocket from densely populated areas, have you ever looked at Gaza strip in google map? They are 1,816,000 people who are forced to live in 360 square km. That is 5,044 people in each square km. I don't think they really had anywhere else to keep their arsenal.

And, WWII standards don't apply to nowadays and the precision arms available.
Do you memorise events by the number of people killed body?? The clarifies a lot.

I said if I remember correctly. Unfortunately for Israel, it happened right in front of UN witness. And I don't think 10 children killed makes it any more humane than 24.

This is a war and shit happens. I understand that. I just brought it up to remind rmi that Israel attacks civilians too. This was a big one there were more everyday during that war.

Let him continue. Even Israel has announced that it was an accident and they didn't know who was in that car. Between two countries that don't have any diplomatic relation, this is a clear apology to Iran.

Israel’s climb-down over Golan air strike: We didn’t know Hizballah’s convoy carried high Iranian officers
DEBKAfile Special Report January 20, 2015, 6:55 PM (IDT)


The Hizballah convoy struck by Israel on Golan
Israel Tuesday, Jan. 20, used Western and Arab media outlets for "clarification” to Tehran of the purpose of its air strike over the Golan Sunday, asserting that Revolutionary Guards Gen. Mohammad “Ali Allah Dadi and his staff of five were not known to be traveling in the Hizballah convoy and were not the target.
“We thought we were hitting an enemy field unit that was on its way to carry out an attack on us at the frontier fence,’ a senior security official in Tel Aviv informed the media. “We went on the alert, we spotted the vehicle, identified it as an enemy vehicle and took the shot,” he said, adding: “We saw this as a limited tactical operation.”
This semi-apology, say debkafile’s military and intelligence sources, was intended to tell Tehran that had Israeli intelligence identified the group of high-ranking Iranian officers in the Golan convoy, the air strike would have been called off. There was no reason why an intelligence mistake should cause a broad or even a limited military showdown between Iran and Israel, was the implied message.
Asked if Israel was expecting Iranian or Hizballah retribution, the Israeli security source answered: “A response is almost certain, but none of the parties is seeking escalation.”
Sharp US intervention was almost certainly behind Israel’s embarrassing “clarification.” The Obama administration feared the Golan air strike might snowball into a full-scale military confrontation with Iran and Hizballah settling their scores with Israel. The ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and the six world powers would then be abruptly interrupted and possibly break down.
Obama administration officials may well have informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that, according to information reaching US intelligence, Iran and Hizballah were spoiling for revenge and all-out war might be impossible to hold back.
debkafile’s military sources are far from sure that Tehran will accept Israel’s lame excuses for the death of a senior general. They might choose not to believe that the OC of Israel’s Northern Command, Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, until recently chief of military intelligence (AMAN) and well versed in the arenas shared by Israel, Iran and Hizballah, would have mistaken the figures traveling in the Golan convoy.
All the same, in an effort to de-escalate the crisis, Israel has gone to the lengths of publicly owning up to a fiasco of its intelligence and a mistaken military operation.
By this climb-down for Tehran’s benefit, the prime minister and defense minister are bound to be held to account at home for failing to provide back-up for Israel’s armed forces and intelligence.

IMO, there is a chance, even small, that the Israeli intelligence was manipulated by "local" sources.
In that regard, I anticipate in the next couple of days to see Israel cut its links with An-Nusra Front and some how sacrifice them, otherwise, the attack will be interpreted as intentional and provocative.
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