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  1. asaeed

    I Am Sick Of Hate!

    Mate,don't sweat it,most pakistanis,not just Pashtuns are uneducated
  2. asaeed

    Swedish newspapers reprint Mohammed cartoon

    In my opinion my faith(ISLAM) does not need to be defended by me when some a**hole decides he is going to draw and insulting picture of the Prophet(pbuh),sticks and stones will break my bones and all that !.We have to use our minds,these people will always offend and attack our FAITH throughout...
  3. asaeed

    Syrian plane intrudes into Israeli airspace

    For crying out loud,there you go again on your crazy evangelical stance.You will not be raptured any time soon my friend !!!
  4. asaeed

    Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering

    Yep I reckon they feel right at home in India
  5. asaeed

    Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering

    Solomon you live in cuckoo land so piss off back there you zionist scum !
  6. asaeed

    Doubtful video showing Army 'abusing' in Swat

    Who gives a ****,these guys were probably giving some payback for all their brothers in arms beheaded by these scum !
  7. asaeed

    Model Islamic State

    Have to agree with dabong1,in a country where no one goes hungry or without shelter and is supported through the proceeds of those that contribute through(TAX/ZAKAT) can truly be claim the ideals of an islamic state i.e UK
  8. asaeed

    Tribal lashkar that took out taliban headquarter (PICS)

    Not even Nazi Germany,its a world war 1 design !!
  9. asaeed

    Muslim demographics

    Look's like an Evangelical propaganda Video scaremongering the anglo saxon populations.
  10. asaeed

    The Taliban and Tamil equation

    Intresting how some Indian politicians are all for the Tamil freedom fighters and their right to independance,how the indian tamil population openly supports and funds the LTTE.Do you see where I am going with this,e.g Kashmir.
  11. asaeed

    Which sect of Islam is this. Very disturbing!!!

    Disturbing are you serious,whats disturbing is the a holes running around blowing up schools,and beheading people that is whats disturbing.
  12. asaeed

    Arab world rocked by torture video involving UAE sheikh

    The prince reminds me of uday and qusay
  13. asaeed

    Militants will not be allowed to dictate terms: Gen Kayani

    Damn right,send in a couple of battalions of ssg and wipe the floor with their beards!
  14. asaeed

    Taliban withdraw from Buner after PA warning

    I just do'nt understand why Paramiliatary forces are always being sent to deal with the scum,what is the regular army thinking about.Get in there and make them dead for crying out loud.
  15. asaeed

    Taliban withdraw from Buner after PA warning

    Just heard on Al Jazeera that they have returned to Buner,so much for the withdrawl eh ?
  16. asaeed

    ISI cleansed of extremist supporters?

    Yeah well India created the Tamil Tigers now did'nt they and look what happened to Rajiv.Things change,but all nations adjust for their own national security interests,Thats the way the cookie crumbles my friend.
  17. asaeed

    Slums in India

    You forgot to mention that a large majority of those ******* millions are muslims.
  18. asaeed

    Aid conditional to AQ Khan access - US Bill

    will NEVER happen,our Indian friends jump with joy when they hear that some lightwight lawmakers propose such things,as much as you hate the fact,the US will never go down that road,they need us,more than we need them,it;s the other way round in India's case.
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