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Which sect of Islam is this. Very disturbing!!!

astaghfirullah!! may Allah guide them....shirk shirk shrk..muslims badly need to learn and read translation of quran...
I think you need to learn it...

Shirk = association with God. Where is the association with God here?

Notice the tribal video A1Kaid posted there, they are chanting La illaha illalah, (There is no diety, except Allah). That is Shirk? That is the opposite of Shirk!
"Which sect of Islam is this."........the majority sect.

"Very disturbing"...the thing that is disturbing is that muslim do not do follow the way of the prophet pbuh and make up there own laws along the way like the saudis-salfi-wahabi ect shirk groups.

Why is it that the nearly all the musliims country follow the sufi way but we think the saudi style is right?
Though it was new to me, but i don't find anything bad in it. Probably they are just venting out the catharsis through abreaction.
Disturbing are you serious,whats disturbing is the a holes running around blowing up schools,and beheading people that is whats disturbing.
astaghfirullah!! may Allah guide them....shirk shirk shrk..muslims badly need to learn and read translation of quran...

You are calling this shirk? Ever thought of thinking of yourself before acting as judge? Sufis are nearer to God than many ever can be, they live their whole life focused on God and they got my great respect. Unfortunately we got some hypocrites here who think they can judge everyone they want, Sufis are great and devout muslims.
astaghfirullah!! may Allah guide them....shirk shirk shrk..muslims badly need to learn and read translation of quran...

Do you knwo what the meaning of the word shirk is?

Do you know what the categories of shirk are?

And if you know the above, then pray tell me, how the above is shirk, and which category of shirk this is?

I'd love to be informed on this.
This is the Barailvi sect.

So the chechans,iraqis,syrians,turks ect are all part of the Barailvi sect?

The Wahhabi (Arabia), Deobandi-Thanvis(Pakistan and India) and Jamaat-I-Islami all are anti-sufi, whereas the Barelvis emphasize Muhammad's uniqueness. Indeed, nearly 85% of South Asia’s Sunni Muslims are said to follow the Barelvi school, closer to Sufism. The remaining 15% of Sunnis follow the Deobandi Wahhabi -Thanvis school, more closely related to the conservative practice of Islam. Most Shiites in the subcontinent also tend to be influenced by the Sufis. Pakistan’s Muslims, like other Muslims in the region, tend to follow a school of Islam which is less conservative, and hence the support for strongly and overtly religious parties has been minimal.

We can take from above that the Wahhabi-Deobandi -Thanvi sect is a miniority in the muslim world and that the sunni-sufi-Barailvi way is what the majority follow.
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Do you knwo what the meaning of the word shirk is?

Do you know what the categories of shirk are?

And if you know the above, then pray tell me, how the above is shirk, and which category of shirk this is?

I'd love to be informed on this.

Is shirk worshipping gods other than Allah or is it idolatory ?
I can't see any idols around in the video...
You are calling this shirk? Ever thought of thinking of yourself before acting as judge? Sufis are nearer to God than many ever can be, they live their whole life focused on God and they got my great respect. Unfortunately we got some hypocrites here who think they can judge everyone they want, Sufis are great and devout muslims.

No one is doubting the devotions of muslims upon the path of Tareeqat or Sufism.

However, there are some, including myself, who have issues with some of their methodologies and belief systems.

Although I do not condemn, I reserve the right to disagree with concepts such as Wahdatul-Wujud/Shuhood, FanaFillah Baqa Billah, Fana FisShaikh, Qutb and Aqtaab, Majazeeb, among others.
Is shirk worshipping gods other than Allah or is it idolatory ?
I can't see any idols around in the video...

The word is also used in Urdu/Hindi..Shareek...it comes from the word Shirk, to place two things together, to put two at a par, etc.

Theologically, shirk has different categories. Akbar, ASghar, Jahri, Khafi.. Shirk Akbar can take one outside the established bounds of Islam.

Shirk Khafi (hidden) is like someone praying beautifully to show off to others, giving charity with the intent to be praised as a Dayavaan. Such shirk is reprehensible, but does not make one a non muslim, though it does spoil the benefit of the good deed offered. The Prophet's famous hadeeth on this comes into play "Actions are by intentions, and you shall receive (the reward) for that which you intended."

Shirk Jahri (open) would be idolatry, or giving worship to other than Allah, whether a human being, animal, stone, teh Sun, Moon, even Prophets and Angels.

ps. You're right, I do not see any shirk in this video either.
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The word is also used in Urdu/Hindi..Shareek...it comes from the word Shirk, to place two things together, to put two at a par, etc.

Theologically, shirk has different categories. Akbar, ASghar, Jahri, Khafi.. Theologically speaking, Shirk Akbar can take one outside the established bounds of Islam.

Shirk Khafi (hidden) is like someone praying beautifully to show off to others, giving charity with the intent to be praised as as Dayavaan. Such shirk is reprehensible, but doesn not make one a non muslim, though it does spoil the benefit of the good deed offered. The Prophet's famous hadeeth on this comes into play "Actions are by intentions, and you shall receive (the reward) for that which you intended."

Shirk Jahri (open) would be idolatry, or giving worship to other than Allah, whether a human being, animal, stone, teh Sun, Moon, even Prophets and Angels.

ps. You're right, I do not see any shirk in this video either.

Thanks for the clarification! I would thank you for the post, but I can't find the button for it.
So the chechans,iraqis,syrians,turks ect are all part of the Barailvi sect?

The Wahhabi (Arabia), Deobandi-Thanvis(Pakistan and India) and Jamaat-I-Islami all are anti-sufi, whereas the Barelvis emphasize Muhammad's uniqueness. Indeed, nearly 85% of South Asia’s Sunni Muslims are said to follow the Barelvi school, closer to Sufism. The remaining 15% of Sunnis follow the Deobandi Wahhabi -Thanvis school, more closely related to the conservative practice of Islam. Most Shiites in the subcontinent also tend to be influenced by the Sufis. Pakistan’s Muslims, like other Muslims in the region, tend to follow a school of Islam which is less conservative, and hence the support for strongly and overtly religious parties has been minimal.

We can take from above that the Wahhabi-Deobandi -Thanvi sect is a miniority in the muslim world and that the sunni-sufi-Barailvi way is what the majority follow.

Dabong, Deobandis also practice Sufism, although they speak out against certain actions done around the Shrines of Awliya, and also disagree with Barelwis on Milad, Chaleeswan, Qul, Gyarween Shareef, etc.

However, apart from the above actions, they also have the four silsilas of Subcontinental Sufism such as Qadariya, Chishtiya, Suhrawardiya and Naqshbandiya. Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi, Ashraf Ali Thanwi and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (the major leaders of the early Deobandi School) were the mureed of the famous Sufi and Peer, Shaikh AmdaadUllah Mahajir Makki, who is revered by Barelwis too. They were also Shuyookh of the varoius Silsilas and had khaanqas where they meditated and engaged in sufi zikrs.

The AhlHadeeth/Salafis (whom their opponents call Wahhabis) are vehemently anti sufi, and do not just condemn the practices of some Sufis (like the Deobandis), but the theology of most Sufis (unlike the Deobandis).

As for who is in the majority and who isn't, that is a childish debate, since numbers do not mean everything, and most people outside of Indo/Pak have not even heard of Deoband(Devi vandan) Sharanpur and Rai Bareilly.
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astaghfirullah!! may Allah guide them....shirk shirk shrk..muslims badly need to learn and read translation of quran...

No actually you do as long as these people are not bothering any body and practice there belives as they like its none of your buisness or mine for that matter.
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