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The Taliban and Tamil equation


Jan 20, 2008
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Although the world is making a big deal about a small band of thugs twittering around in the mountains and trying to be big men by wearing masks and black turbans to scare the local populace, I personally do not see the Talibans as a threat to the existence of Pakistan or any other derivative thereof. Interestingly the Talibans share a lot with our similar friends from Sri Lanka, The TAMILS. a few comparisons.

1. Centralized leader who speaks on behalf of the entire lot.

2. Using suicide bombing as a tool of fear and intimidation.

3. Targeting of Government buildings and infrastructure.

4. Targeting of military and para military soldiers.

5. Using the means of certain uniform & so called military discipline to scare and intimidate the local people into submission.

6. Getting arms & funding from neighboring countries.

7. Mostly a rag tag band of mercenaries using smaller arms and lacking air power or armored and/ or artillery power.

8. Being restricted to a certain enclosed geographic location inside the country.

However, Pakistan should only let this show run for the time period it is worthwhile to squeeze the US and its cronies into believing that soon a black turban thug would be sitting on the Presidential mantle and looking for the nuke button. Such scare tactics work well provided they remain controlled by all means.

Time will soon however come and these over zealous religiously twisted goons will eventually be mowed down like weeds by the Pakistan Army. However that time will remain of our choosing and after we have acquired the purpose of keeping this bogey alive. :pakistan:
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Intresting how some Indian politicians are all for the Tamil freedom fighters and their right to independance,how the indian tamil population openly supports and funds the LTTE.Do you see where I am going with this,e.g Kashmir.
Although the world is making a big deal about a small band of thugs twittering around in the mountains and trying to be big men by wearing masks and black turbans to scare the local populace, I personally do not see the Talibans as a threat to the existence of Pakistan or any other derivative thereof. Interestingly the Talibans share a lot with our similar friends from Sri Lanka, The TAMILS. a few comparisons.

1. Centralized leader who speaks on behalf of the entire lot.

2. Using suicide bombing as a tool of fear and intimidation.

3. Targeting of Government buildings and infrastructure.

4. Targeting of military and para military soldiers.

5. Using the means of certain uniform & so called military discipline to scare and intimidate the local people into submission.

6. Getting arms from neighboring countries.

7. Mostly a rag tag band of mercenaries using smaller arms and lacking air power or armored and/ or artillery power.

8. Being restricted to a certain enclosed geographic location inside the country.

However, Pakistan should only let this show run for the time period it is worthwhile to squeeze the US and its cronies into believing that soon a black turban thug would be sitting on the Presidential mantle and looking for the nuke button. Such scare tactics work well provided they remain controlled by all means.

Time will soon however come and these over zealous religiously twisted goons will eventually be mowed down like weeds by the Pakistan Army. However that time will remain of our choosing and after we have acquired the purpose of keeping this bogey alive. :pakistan:

dont compare the tamils with taliban. the tamils are more organised .

they have an airforce as well as a navy with miniature submarines
dont compare the tamils with taliban. the tamils are more organised .

they have an airforce as well as a navy with miniature submarines

You do not call a cardboard twin wing 1932 aircraft, an aluminum home made tube and Air Force or a Navy Sub! :rofl:

Regarding the organization, they were organized and now with the Sri Lankan Army literally choking them from all sides, they are desperate to save their own lives!
So basically your are saying that the aircraft of 1932's are no aircraft. And so this means none of the countries in 1932's had Airforce or navy. :lol:

Man having old aitcraft donent mean they cannot be called aircraft. Ya they are really very old compared to todays technology.

asaeed you could be right both Scenario are comparable, pakistan support Islamic militants so called freedom strugle in J&K and India is supporting Tamilion militants so called freedom strugle in Srilanks. So i dont think it should be problem for you to compare. :wave:
The biggest differences are

1. Taliban was created to repress the native population on behalf of a foreign power, and LTTE was born out of a repressed populace.

2. Taliban was created by a group of foreign powers in foreign land, LTTE was created by the natives in their own soil.
Yup that's for sure what your saying Sambha, but both have gone way ahead of what exactly there where created for and are facing the Consequences the hard way.
You do not call a cardboard twin wing 1932 aircraft, an aluminum home made tube and Air Force or a Navy Sub! :rofl:

Regarding the organization, they were organized and now with the Sri Lankan Army literally choking them from all sides, they are desperate to save their own lives!

well that has been due to india withdrawing any kind of support to LTTE finally since early 90s and lately bolstering SLA (and providing them intel reports and reconnaisance access in real time)
Indians always intruding in other country. :crazy:
Use the money to support your own people.:undecided:
Indians always intruding in other country. :crazy:
Use the money to support your own people.:undecided:

oh we have the means ... and even if we get caught none an do anything about it.so ....... who cares?:cheers:
Intresting how some Indian politicians are all for the Tamil freedom fighters and their right to independance,how the indian tamil population openly supports and funds the LTTE.Do you see where I am going with this,e.g Kashmir.

And yet India and Sri Lanka are allies, the Sri Lankans openly praise India in the media, India has declared LTTE a terrorists outfit for a long time now, and the LTTE is on the verge of defeat.

Additionally, India has done its utmost to support the civilians caught in the conflict, by highlighting their plight and providing aid and assitance, putting pressure on SL to reduce civilian casualties to a minimum.
Also, if the LTTE is infact defeated, India will make sure that whatever political arrangement is decided will ensure that Tamils get their rights over their own lands and do not need a reason to fight for a separate homeland.

I'd say this is a stellar example of how to handle an ethnic conflict to the best interests of all parties involved.
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