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India to be Islamic Republic of Pakistan by 2020

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Funny article, isn't it?

Pakistan right now is fighting for its own survival. When Pakistan was formed in 1947, it had Bangladesh. Fighting with India for Kashmir created Bangladesh. The country now stokes and has chances of disintegrating. Baloch movement is going strong; wazirstan has standing army; bomb exploding everyday; ttp and PA is in competition who is more Muslim - at this time it is revealed that Pakistan has plan to capture India - I am yet to understand with what weapons ? Terrorism ??

India is a secular country - unlike it's neighbor there is no difference which guy rules India. No one is even looking at religion.

Religocrazy has made the realities what we see in Pakistan. A country where religion has become so much paramount that 97% of the people thrust religion onto 100% of people and students living there.

Loss of national identity has consequences, probably that is what we are seeing with Pakistan!
let us first focus on making Pakistan fully Islamic, then India and then China and after that the rest of the world...
2020 is a bit optimistic, certainly by 2070 India will probably be back under Muslim rule.

PS - The map is a fake, I doubt the ISI would do such a thing to begin with. They are a professional organisation.

Get yourself corrected, India of the past were never a combined force and that was the major reason we lost to Muslims. Now the situation is different, India is one country and that means resources are combined. Also we learned lot of valuable lesson. In a way I am thankful to British that made India one nation, I do not think we were one. If people like Raj Thackeray succeed in dividing India on regional lines, that day can be achieved, otherwise not. Gone are the days were boundaries could have been changed easily, now it is not easy for strongest of the nations of earth. So neither India can takeover Pakistan nor vice versa. There are some day dreamers on both sides.
very interesting, its seems like, the guy in the sea warns the one in the air that the threat of tsunami is going to hit you and the guy who warns thinks that he is in the safest place(the depth of his foolishness has no end) than the person who has no threat at all in the air.

lets come the topic, my dear brothers, you know in which country you will be in 2020. but definitely in any of the following ones like sindhistan, balochistan, punjabistan and waziristan. RAW will do enough to engage you four by 2020, so its time for you choose anyone among the four.

thank you so much for a great joke
This is total non-sense and i am not surprised to see the author to be an indian, cheap way to get attention, everybody knows anything which has the words ISI and Conspiracy becomes a hot sale.

We pakistanis never dreamed of such a foolish thing, india is a sovereign country and all we want from india is a free kashmir and nothing more then that.
2020 is a bit optimistic, certainly by 2070 India will probably be back under Muslim rule.

PS - The map is a fake, I doubt the ISI would do such a thing to begin with. They are a professional organisation.

Already a muslim ruled us .ever heard of APJ Abdul Kalam??and we are very happy that he ruled us :)
:flame:..cant say anything now...we will see wat will happen in 2020...lol..some ppl say these kind of things just to get popularity...
This is total non-sense and i am not surprised to see the author to be an indian, cheap way to get attention, everybody knows anything which has the words ISI and Conspiracy becomes a hot sale.

We pakistanis never dreamed of such a foolish thing, india is a sovereign country and all we want from india is a free kashmir and nothing more then that.

No Abbas, you cannot speak for everyone. Very recently (Right after Mumbai Blasts), even Hamid Gul (on TV, with Bharat Varma) reiterated the theory of India being a Dar-ul-Harb, and vowed to make it Dar-ul-Islam.

How can you go on to discard the hysteria created by the likes of Zaid Hamid who would go to any extent to sell the already fulfilled prophecy of Gazwa-tul-Hind?

To keep this country united, along with the diversity it boasts of, India needs to remain secular. Neither a Hindu Rashtra, nor an Islamic Republic would serve the purpose.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

I was under the impression that they are going to change the name of current Pakistan to People's Republic of Pakistan or something like that! :lol:
what abut this indian BS on media ?????????

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HAHAAHAHA!!! Pakistan never had a thing called diplomacy. It has always relied on a tactic called brinkmanship, something they borrowed from the Americans.

Proof: Everyone in Pakistan lied they had a nuclear bomb and they were going to annihilate themselves too, if it somehow could harm India. When Pervez Musharraf was asked whether they had Atom Bomb during Kargil, he shamelessly blurted out, though with a smile, "No, we never had an executable nuke until 2001, we lied".


You missed the the information----pakistan didnot have a credible delivery system as such----but the nuke was available---the nuke would have been buried in the ground en-route of invading indian armies and detonated as such----like a massive IED---.
While reading a blog, I came across this interesting topic which shows Pakistan's strong and aggressive international diplomacy and strategy which is one possible quality of any strong nation.

Pakistan proposed making India as Islamic Republic of Pakistan by 2020 | World Today

By Sanskar Shrivastava on 8/17/2009 11:49:00 PM

Pakistan apparently has come with some new plans by influencing some developments in the north, west and southern parts of the India, as part of its multi-pronged strategy. Terrorists who were caught by Indian Security Force in Kashmir revealed this information. ISI (Pakistan's intelligence agency) is the main mastermind.

An article in the Power Politics magazine says that the ISI has passed two maps (maps are on the main article page, links given above) to the Pakistan Army to increase the moral of the troops by giving them a target to break and merge India in Pakistan forming Islamic Republic of Pakistan by2020. This will somehow increase the confidence of the public of Pakistan also who always dream of troubled India.

The map targets North India, and shows the region as 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan' by 2020. It also projects South India as disputed territory and treats the Indian neighbours China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka as their neighbouring countries. They also considered Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India as Islands of Bangladesh. The map also indicates their desire of changing Mumbai's topography, turning the South Asia's economic capital Mumbai (Bombay) into 'Muslimabad' by 2012. :pakistan:

The article reflects the insecurity of Indian(s) and their obsession with Pakistan. Period!
Well i am amazed by the Indian members response to such an article, even without realizing or mentioning once by them that the views expressed are by an Indian Sanskar Shrivastava a student at (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Amrita School of Engineering, who pasted this highly sensitive secretive ISI made plan onto his blog.

Anyhow, such BS kind of highly secretive ISI made plan revealed by an Indian Student has no place for discussion further.

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