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Muslim demographics

Well, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Both through birth rate, and conversion rate.

Whoever made the video simply cannot accept this fact. I would like to know what their "plan to action" is?

more sex? Or perhaps a more sinister plot to erradicate muslims forcefully?

What I find particularly amusing is the part where they say "your childrean will not inherit the world in which you live" (or something along those lines). Since when have childrean inherited the world as their parents left it?

The world is ever changing!
What's the problem brother? No need to worry. I am seeing the diffrece in USA already. They try to destroy Islam in muslim land so Allah rise Islam in non-muslim land. Allahu Alam.
Hahahaha love the video. Muslims living outside Pakistan have as many kids as you want Europe and North America needs a higher population, but Pakistanis living inside Pakistan...dont have too many kids...our country is not large enough to take in more population. 172 million is enough for Pakistan.

P.S. I think this video is evangelical propaganda.
Many Americans and Europeans are converting to Islam, and Americans and Europeans dont identify their countries as Christian countries anymore.
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Look's like an Evangelical propaganda Video scaremongering the anglo saxon populations.
On youtube although I cant now find out was a video of colonel qaddafi saying that Europe would soon be islamic because of falling fetility rates in European countries, Turkey`s entry to the European Union and immigration from muslim majority coutries. I do not however think that this will happen.
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