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Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering

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@Solomon2 you better see this before u post B***** ;)

By the way Mr. Solomon, who kicked them out from their lands & made them live as refugees ?? Who has been making settlement in their lands & increasing them day by day ??

Answers here.

"If someone comes to your home & kicks you out of your own home & leaves you with nothing & you have to live in a shelter home or on a pavement, what would be your reaction ?? Won't you be trying to take back your home from that person ??"

It's happened to Jews many, many times under Islam. Do you maintain that the Israelis should be trying to reclaim Mecca, Medina, etc.?

"Plus how many Israelis have been killed by rocket fire & in return how many thousands of innocent Palestinians been killed ??? "

You're not thinking in terms of right and wrong and why, but who is killed and how many. That's tribal thinking. You're not at the level where you can discuss what is just and what is not.

"Israel is the aggressor as they kicked out the Palestinians from their homes, made them live in terrible conditions & have killed thousands of innocent Palestinians & Lebanese without any provocation from them. "

I will be generous and assume you are writing out of ignorance.

"But i guess it isn't worth to be discussing with you people as Americans are no different then Israelis. "

Americans fight wars much more vigorously, and with less compunction about killing noncombatants, than Israelis do - though that is changing, especially in Afghanistan.

"Ironic is this that -"

Hey, anyone can craft a story. My motto is at the bottom of every post.

"And by the way lets say if Holocaust did happen on the scale as told -"

More ignorance, this time of the deliberate sort.

"- why Israel is taking the revenge by doing a Palestinian Holocaust ?? "

The Palestinian Arabs, with access to extremely generous welfare, including medical care and other services provided by Israel, continue to suffer a population explosion. That's a fact.

"Why don't they take the revenge from the Germans who made them suffer."

I actually read an account by one Jewish soldier who, immediately after WWII, ducked from Italy into Germany to try his hand at killing Nazi officials. He quickly grew tired of it. Revenge is not justice, and justice is what Jews are about.

"What had Palestinians to do with it ???"

That's a long story and I urge you to study more about it.
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@linkwheel: I think there have been enough investigations and there should be quick movement to a fair trial that clears Israel of all charges - certainly the evidence is there for that.

Unfortunately, there is no prospect of Israel or Israelis getting a fair trial. Even the Pakistanis here don't offer the argument that because Jews are getting attacked from Gaza, Israel has a right to self-defense by rooting out terrorist strongholds from among the civilian population - much as Pakistan is doing now.

That isn't me whining, but my recognition of ignorance and complicity in the face of evil.
The Nation Like Israel Cannot Survive for Long time ...
The Nation Like Israel Cannot Survive for Long time ...
You cut yourself off in the middle of your train of thought. The implication is that if you did think otherwise, you might think otherwise about Israel.

Well, why shouldn't Israel "survive a long time"? Most people think that Israel is sustained only by massive U.S. aid. That is a perception I've attempted to correct here.
Solomon2, your blog is a joke.

It is the culmination of misinformation, bias, stupidity and lies.
The Jews were given the best treatment under Islamic rule the likes of which are unparalleled. Yet, you will not see it as you are deaf, dumb and blind. There is disease in your heart.

Thankfully, not all Jews are alike. Not all are as despicable as you.
There are some who understand history without false facades; such Jews seek nearness to God.




Jews for Justice for Palestinians

(Jews for justice for palestinians)

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"It is the culmination of misinformation, bias, stupidity and lies."

There can be a great gap between what things are and what they are called.

"The Jews were given the best treatment under Islamic rule the likes of which are unparalleled."
At times the treatment has been very good indeed. (Muslims have gone a very long way downhill since.) But Jews have fared best in those lands where people embrace the liberalizing principles of the Enlightenment: empowerment through citizenship, not a shaky "tolerance" that can turn into a bloody riot at a moment's notice.

"not all Jews are alike -"

I do not accept the NKs as Jews; they represent only themselves. When the NKs were invited to the inter-religious conference at Mecca last year not only did Jewish invitees object but Muslim invitees as well; the invitation was removed.

On the other hand, the Mea Shearim folks have lived in Jerusalem for a long, long time and see no need for a larger state beyond the 1948 borders - that's what they say, anyway. It seems more like a negotiating tactic for their party to get more money out of the Israeli government.

As for the comparison of Jews and Nazis by a UK Jew: all politics is local, and he seeks some sort of accommodation with UK Muslims; not all Jews are Israelis. I imagine he'll probably live to regret the moral stand he took in his speech; in the long run, defending free principles against tyranny is much safer than accommodating them - as Pakistan is learning now.
Solomon you live in cuckoo land so piss off back there you zionist scum !
Although i consider myself to be a supporter of Israel, family gatherings witnessing the bombing of people - even if they are members of hamas is rather disturbing. Obviously the psychological effects of living in a war zone are showing. No wonder a lot of Israelis come to India to "escape it all"
Yep I reckon they feel right at home in India
he seeks some sort of accommodation with UK Muslims

I see, I see.

A Jewish member of parliament cannot possibly question Israel due to genuine moral conviction; and so the argument that he is seeking accommodation with a minority group in the United Kingdom is far more likely.

In fact, all objection by Jews is best attributed to some convoluted conspiracy theory.

- Ask your General practitioner to prescribe you some Aripiprazole, it's an Atypical antipsychotic drug.
Yep I reckon they feel right at home in India

Yeah they do. We treat are guests with respect.

It's amusing to see the hate Pakistanis have for Israelis though, you guys have so much in common. You are the only two states formed on the basis of religion for one.....
Nemesis gets it, it is ironic.

"piss off back there you zionist scum !"

Do you think that next time you could put "zionist" is bold extra-large caps, like THIS? Or is there a rule on this forum about treating others with respect and not calling them insulting names?

"A Jewish member of parliament cannot possibly question Israel due to genuine moral conviction"

It may be genuine - for now. I'm just of the opinion that his moral conviction will change. Certainly it is unbalanced.

"No wonder a lot of Israelis come to India to "escape it all"

I blame the entire Muslim world and Palestinians for being soo weak that they cannot fight a country with a population of 7 million people. You cant ask these people for mercy and beg them to give their land back, in this world you are only respected if you are strong and take matters in your own hands. Look at China, it was one of the world's most poorest countries at the time of their independance but look at them now. With hardwork and determination they have built up such a strong country, now nobody can screw with the Chinese.
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