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Learn from India's freedom struggle': Saudi Prince tells Palestine while attacking Hamas, Israel and the West

The question is what can Saudi do for the Palestinians. At the very start link normalization to a Palestinian state in actuality not just a commitment on paper. That would be a first step. Second, mandate the steady and uninterrupted supply of humanitarian supplies including food, water, medicine and fuel can go into Gaza if Israel ever hopes for that normalization. Third, use their influence in Washington to find an out of the box solution to this crisis, and get the US to impose it on Israel.
After bombing the hell out of Yemen
Palestine is too little and the Jews have unconditional crusade grade western support. Gandhism will not work there. Muslim had to remove crusader with violence.
Wait for the fall of western empire and then...
I don't think waiting for fall of western empire is an option.
It will last another 500 years or more, because modern countries are build on institutions and are very stable.
In medieval times, kingdoms where based on kingship and hereditary succession. which resulted in unstable kingdom and changing borders.

Problem with violent resistance is only few young men can participate in it. Women, children and old people can't join Hamas, but they could have participated if it was a peaceful resistance.

But, it seems too late now, time for peaceful resistance was in 1948, with 7 million Jews living there now for decades, I don't think they have an option to evacuate either.
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The question is what can Saudi do for the Palestinians. At the very start link normalization to a Palestinian state in actuality not just a commitment on paper. That would be a first step. Second, mandate the steady and uninterrupted supply of humanitarian supplies including food, water, medicine and fuel can go into Gaza if Israel ever hopes for that normalization. Third, use their influence in Washington to find an out of the box solution to this crisis, and get the US to impose it on Israel.
What Saudi hasn't already done? The Arabs went to war with Israel and lost territories, men and money for the Palestinian cause, the West Bank was with Jordan, and Gaza was Egyptian territory. Gaza isn't landlocked either, it's bordering Egypt (which they closed out now) and has an open sea on the other side. They could easily get food and water as a state if the Arabs really wanted, even now we are sending humanitarian aid through Egypt. The US is never going to impose any restrictions on Israel the relationship between the two is too deep. In fact, the US co-signed the Abraham Accords with Israel and even now the Arabs don't seem to back away from it.

Now, Palestinians are not really favoured as a people, if you lived in the middle back in 2008, 09 you would know why Palestinians who used to dominate the Middle East job market, especially the upper management suddenly disappeared and got replaced with South Asians entirely. :D
has an open sea on the other side. They could easily get food and water
Any reason why someone hasn't tried supplying some humanitarian aid like food, water, medicines using small boats or rafts?
Now, Palestinians are not really favoured as a people, if you lived in the middle back in 2008, 09 you would know why Palestinians who used to dominate the Middle East job market, especially the upper management suddenly disappeared and got replaced with South Asians entirely. :D
Can you elaborate on this? I wondered why so many non-Arabs work in gulf countries when there is so much excess labor available in Arab countries. Especially in large countries like Egypt.
Civil disobedience did not bring down the British empire. WW2 did.

NEW DELHI: Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia referred to the "insurrection and civil disobedience" that "brought down the British Empire in India" during a recent speech on the current violence in the Middle East in which he condemned both Hamas and Israel for attacking civilians.“

All military occupied people have a right to resist the occupation, even militantly.

I do not support the military option in Palestine.
I prefer civil insurrection and civil disobedience.
This brought down the British Empire in India and the Soviets in Eastern Europe … I condemn actions by Hamas and by the government of Israel. In this conflict there are no heroes, only victims," said Faisal, a former senior government official of Saudi Arabia who once headed the Kingdom's intelligence unit.

The elder statesman made the remarks during his address at the Baker Institute in the US earlier this week."

I categorically condemn Hamas' targeting of civilians. Such targeting belies Hamas' claims to an Islamic identity," Faisal said, adding that Islam prohibits the targeting of innocent civilians, children, women and elderly even in a state of war.

The attack by Hamas has given "the high moral ground to an Israeli government that is universally shunned", the Saudi prince said, adding that it has also given this Israeli government “the excuse to ethnically cleanse Gaza of its citizens and bombing them to oblivion".

Faisal further said the Hamas attack has also sabotaged Saudi Arabia's attempt to move towards a peaceful resolution of the Israel-Palestine row.

An insight into Saudi Arabia's position

The Saudi leader also attacked Western nations for saying that the Hamas attack was unprovoked. "

What more provocation is required to make it provoked than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three-quarters of a century," he asked, adding that Israeli forces have been killings Palestinians in a targeted manner, jailing civilians and stealing Palestinian lands.

Prince Turki also condemned Western politicians for "shedding tears when Israelis are killed by Palestinians", but refusing to "even express sorrow when Israelis kill Palestinians".

Faisal's frank speech is being widely acknowledged as the clearest indicator yet of the Saudi leadership's thinking on the situation.

According to political experts, Saudi Arabia's rulers do not view Hamas in good light. In fact, many of the governments in the region share the sentiment.

The rulers of Egypt, Jordan, UAE and Bahrain see Hamas and its revolutionary brand of so-called "political Islam" as a threat to their rule.

Saudi Arabia was well on its way to normalising ties with Israel when Hamas launched its attack on October 7.

Several analysts believe that Hamas's deadly raid into Israel was partly prompted by a desire to derail normalisation that would have left Hamas and Iran sidelined in a new Middle East.

Traitor should face the wrath of his people and change his religion to a jew.

Civil disobedience did not bring down the British empire. WW2 did.
It was an army well armed and battle hardened soldiers from WW2 who convinced the British they had no chance.
Translation: Learn from uncle Adolph. He freed the subcontinent and crippled the British Empire.

@Maira La
@ khansaheeb

One thing you (@ThunderCat) and I can agree on is Adolph was the catalyst for Indian freedom along with other nation-states.

This walking in doti barechested didn't accomplish anything; it's garbage feed to keep non-whites soft.

Lastly, the The Atlantic Charter made the Brits agree to give colonies full independence for American aid in WWII.

NEW DELHI: Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia referred to the "insurrection and civil disobedience" that "brought down the British Empire in India" during a recent speech on the current violence in the Middle East in which he condemned both Hamas and Israel for attacking civilians.“

All military occupied people have a right to resist the occupation, even militantly.

I do not support the military option in Palestine.
I prefer civil insurrection and civil disobedience.
This brought down the British Empire in India and the Soviets in Eastern Europe … I condemn actions by Hamas and by the government of Israel. In this conflict there are no heroes, only victims," said Faisal, a former senior government official of Saudi Arabia who once headed the Kingdom's intelligence unit.

The elder statesman made the remarks during his address at the Baker Institute in the US earlier this week."

I categorically condemn Hamas' targeting of civilians. Such targeting belies Hamas' claims to an Islamic identity," Faisal said, adding that Islam prohibits the targeting of innocent civilians, children, women and elderly even in a state of war.

The attack by Hamas has given "the high moral ground to an Israeli government that is universally shunned", the Saudi prince said, adding that it has also given this Israeli government “the excuse to ethnically cleanse Gaza of its citizens and bombing them to oblivion".

Faisal further said the Hamas attack has also sabotaged Saudi Arabia's attempt to move towards a peaceful resolution of the Israel-Palestine row.

An insight into Saudi Arabia's position

The Saudi leader also attacked Western nations for saying that the Hamas attack was unprovoked. "

What more provocation is required to make it provoked than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three-quarters of a century," he asked, adding that Israeli forces have been killings Palestinians in a targeted manner, jailing civilians and stealing Palestinian lands.

Prince Turki also condemned Western politicians for "shedding tears when Israelis are killed by Palestinians", but refusing to "even express sorrow when Israelis kill Palestinians".

Faisal's frank speech is being widely acknowledged as the clearest indicator yet of the Saudi leadership's thinking on the situation.

According to political experts, Saudi Arabia's rulers do not view Hamas in good light. In fact, many of the governments in the region share the sentiment.

The rulers of Egypt, Jordan, UAE and Bahrain see Hamas and its revolutionary brand of so-called "political Islam" as a threat to their rule.

Saudi Arabia was well on its way to normalising ties with Israel when Hamas launched its attack on October 7.

Several analysts believe that Hamas's deadly raid into Israel was partly prompted by a desire to derail normalisation that would have left Hamas and Iran sidelined in a new Middle East.

Gandi lol in World War 1 and 2 many men got killed in west. In Uk equation was 3 to 1and France was same and Germany it was 4 to 1. Britain was smart to leave the country. Gandi had nothing to celebrate in it..

mbs is betraying to muslim world and Surrendered Palestine way Pakistani army gave away kashmir and imran khan. Usa has Surrender ukriane to Russia
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Any reason why someone hasn't tried supplying some humanitarian aid like food, water, medicines using small boats or rafts?
Not what I am talking about. I am talking about trade and other relationships, also you missed the Egyptian border. As for the reason, I wasn't asking for a reason, I was making a statement that Arabs have enough opportunity to support Gaza through aid and military support and so far they have only provided Humanitarian aid.
Can you elaborate on this? I wondered why so many non-Arabs work in gulf countries when there is so much excess labor available in Arab countries. Especially in large countries like Egypt.
Egyptians still has a significant presence in other Gulf states, as for Palestinians, well I don't want to elaborate on that. It has to do with the mentality.
Good advise from the Saudi.
Surprised how some people here criticizing Mahatma. Bloody ingrates
Indian freedom struggle is a event mired in controversies

Some call it revisionism by current political lot or say the right wing lot

Don't ever take it as an example, cause it won't fit everyone

Its not for nothing, that people to this day talk of getting rid of colonial mindset.

Further for those interested, the below event along with Netaji are stuff to read about. The writing was on the wall, and the occupiers left fearing reprisals from a army they trained so well.

It's purely for political purpose, which was masked in national unity building did this notion of non violent way to attain freedom get propagated. Gandhi ji never said what to do after you get slapped on the other cheek too, that he wanted people to show once the first cheek is slapped.

Why did the nation even have a army, if its purely non violence that got us freedom? I mean if we are to believe, a world power like Britain could be driven out with it, why the eff do we even need army?
British Indian army peaked at 2.9 million in 1945. Indian economy went from about a quarter of the world GDP before the British, to 2%. No wealth left to siphon. Poverty was the norm outside port cities, created to send resources to Britain.
The Hindus are cowards by nature, if you act like them then expect 1000 years of being dominated

WW2 and the inability post war for western colonial states to end the occupation of multiple lands, not some skinny Indian dude in a nappy

If Palestinians do the same and bet on western regimes, Jews and cuck Arab leadership then they might as well be Hindus

No resistance is the only way,,
Only when the cost of OCCUPATION is more then the benefit will the occupation end

The Jews are under pressure across the world
Palestinian narrative is strong
We have the youth and the numbers

Don't pussey out now
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