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  1. IAm

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    1. I don't think the IRGC will create this missile cities without a lot of emergency exit. 2. Cruise missiles cannot do this type of attack, they have to fly close to it And they can only fly close to them after degrading Iranian air defenses. 3. With this type of arsenal they will not have...
  2. IAm

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Don't worry. The US MOP bunker buster can only penetrate 60m deep. Some of these missile cities are are several 100s of meter deep. The MOP cannot get near this underground storage even if drop precisely upon them. I don't know much but I don't think nuclear weapon can go 100s of meter deep...
  3. IAm

    Iranian sea skimming cruise missiles upgraded

    Please! spare us. Cruise missiles are the ones that can fly very low. Sea skimming missiles are mostly cruise missiles. I don't know where you got this idea that cruise missile can't fly low above the sea.
  4. IAm

    Novel Iranian missile launch technique - Underground canisters

    They won't get anywhere. They (US) falsely portray omnipotent/omnipresent/omniscient capability in order to bully opponent into submission and subjugation. According to their false narrative every US air base is impenetrable to enemies missiles. When their air base was hit they changed the...
  5. IAm

    Novel Iranian missile launch technique - Underground canisters

    So, you mean these yankees record every square inche of Iran 24/7; recording every Iranian digging weeding etc. If these yankees have these Godly powers you allot to them they would have destroyed Iran decades ago.
  6. IAm

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I think most BMs have hypersonic terminal speed though they are not called by that name.
  7. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Yeah every air defense can be destroyed under saturation attacks but that doesn't mean it is not effective.
  8. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Great to hear. Long overdue.
  9. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    No wonder the US didn't dare to retaliate. Their F-22-35 would have been disgraced. If Iran shot down their F-22 in a retaliation attempt their air superiority thing would have fizzled out creating high demand for Iranian ADs/SAMs.
  10. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Destruction of AD system does not means it is useless. There is no invincible AD system anywhere. Any AD system can be attacked and destroyed even if it performs with 100% accuracy and there is nothing like 100% accuracy in any AD system. David Sling even if it is 100% accurate, it still has a...
  11. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    You can only prove it is BS by proving that the CIA commander is still alive. I repeat the CIA commander was kill together with 6 top officials but the US cannot even announce their death. If this is not true, it is easy to disprove. Let him come and say here I am and I will agree that I have...
  12. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    And you've forgotten what happen to Michael D'Andrea, the CIA Commander in-charge ME whose death you can't even announce. Remember the consequences. Remember your junk air defenses you so trust could not intercept a single Iranian missile. You aegis, patriot and thaad will be put to actual test...
  13. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    US will not risk attacking Iran, no, they won't do it. US will attack those that don't have potent strike force to hit them back. They attack only military with rusty riffles and IEDs, even with that they still struggles with them for years. They are likely to turn their aggression on PMU but if...
  14. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Wishful thinking of a dying emperor. Continue wishing, there is no harm in wishing. You create your own hypothetical battlefield, let it go the way you want and win the way you want, but one thing is sure, in real battle no body will follow your script.
  15. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    The US have not gone to war with Iran not because they fear the closure of the strait of Hormuz, NO, they fear their own defeat. Iran have all kinds of missiles to launch a heavy onslaught on US targets. US air defenses have not been tested by a potent enemy before, they are therefore not sure...
  16. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    And what happen to the CIA commander incharge of the ME? You can even announce his death, Gen Soleimani was baried with dignity and honor.
  17. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Some unconfirmed sources say US want to attack Iraqi Militias because they think Iran is weakened by covid-19 and this is the right time to strike.
  18. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    You may gloat and ridicule all you want but that does not take away Iran's capability, no, not even a jot of it. If Iran's air defenses were dumb as you wish there will be no passenger plane flying over Iran, all will have been shot down by now. US little success of hacking the passenger plane...
  19. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I said earlier on this threat that it is better for Iran to rely on it own domestic air defenses than that of the Russians but some guys disagreed with me. I still stand by it. The only reason Iran is safe today is that Iran has it own air defenses. If you can develop your own you better...
  20. IAm

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    It seem our US Brothers are finding it difficult believing that a missile costing $3m in USA will cost $300k in Iran, but they failed to look at differences in the economies. I just checked my salary against similar position in USA and that of US is ten(10) times higher. This means labour cost...
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