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Iranian Air Defense Systems

They were going to “kick out” US out of Middle East. Now US deploying patriots in Iraq. They ain’t going anywhere.
Outside of Iran's opinions, US military IS reducing its footprint in the ME, because it has to dedicate alot and prepare for China. US wants to leave Afghnanistan. US military is also currently exhausted, due to multiple, sustained conflicts....i believe you only really look at the US military ON THE SURFACE. Deep down, everyhting isnt as good as it looks, and if u cant deduce that, then just wait for the evidence, we will get it soon.

We know the US is afraid to strike Iran. that is clear today, because the US wont be able to do it cost free. hmm hmm..
US will not risk attacking Iran, no, they won't do it. US will attack those that don't have potent strike force to hit them back. They attack only military with rusty riffles and IEDs, even with that they still struggles with them for years. They are likely to turn their aggression on PMU but if Iran arms PMU with air defenses they won't try. Air power is all they have and if their FF jets can't go on rampage they are doom.
Iran is so powerful with its integrated air defense system that the USA and its allies will bite the dust !! So the scenarios that the USA will crush Iran are in Hollywood films, not in real life !! There are people here on this forum who like Hollywood movies
And what happen to the CIA commander incharge of the ME? You can even announce his death, Gen Soleimani was baried with dignity and honor.

What CIA commander? Is there such a thing?

Trump does not have the support of Americans to start another war in ME in the worst two weeks of Coronavirus.

Mullahs in Iran will like this war more.

WWII was a Pyrrhic victory for UK but it was the best available choice. Better than loss.

Trump tweet got lost in Coronavirus news. CNN has not even mentioned it. It would be headline last month.

The Mullahs have their own problems with the virus.

There it is again, this misguided idea that somehow the bombing of Iran will be as easy at it was in Afghanistan or Iraq. I guess all of Iran's military advancements and strategic military planning are for naught....

Long story short, it truly does remain to be seen how this conflict will play out when it comes down to blows. We don't know how much of a beating the U.S. is willing to take and how much Iran can endure. Also it's does bear repeating that American armed forces aren't fighting against a smaller lightly armed groups with limited hardware. Iran has a large arsenal that is well-protected and widespread ready to fire on military assets for quite some time with deadly accuracy and massive destructive power. The casualties for U.S. forces in the Middle East, especially in Iraq will be in the thousands within the first dew days if not hours. Moreover, Iran already knows it will get the brunt of the damage in such a conflict has accepted this.

This isn't a 'been there, done that' type of deal Oldman1, especially given the current healthcare crisis due to COVID-19 happening stateside.

Bombing Iran is the easy part, ending the war is the hard one. The question is how long would Iran want to deal with this when they start another aggression to try to get U.S. troops out of Iraq. Launch more ballistic missiles in hopes U.S. won't respond? Take the casualties and leave?
What CIA commander? Is there such a thing?

The Mullahs have their own problems with the virus.

Bombing Iran is the easy part, ending the war is the hard one. The question is how long would Iran want to deal with this when they start another aggression to try to get U.S. troops out of Iraq. Launch more ballistic missiles in hopes U.S. won't respond? Take the casualties and leave?

Bombing anyone is the easy part. The key is what is next. U.S has never bombed Iran before. If the U.S does some bombing of something in Iran, even a very limited one, Iran has to respond in order to prevent the deterrence from being lost. Exactly how the Americans viewed their deterrence factor being lost before the assassination of sardar Soleimani. Post bombing, they feel they have recovered some form of deterrence.

If the U.S decides for whatever reason to attack Iran even in a limited fashion, they have to be prepared to deal with real retaliation this time in order for deterrence to be reserved on both sides. It's important for both sides to keep deterrence in order for peace to have a chance.
What CIA commander? Is there such a thing?

The Mullahs have their own problems with the virus.

Bombing Iran is the easy part, ending the war is the hard one. The question is how long would Iran want to deal with this when they start another aggression to try to get U.S. troops out of Iraq. Launch more ballistic missiles in hopes U.S. won't respond? Take the casualties and leave?
Iran is the most successful country battling your made virus while your banana republic is the weakest state battling coronavirus:

Bombing anyone is the easy part. The key is what is next. U.S has never bombed Iran before. If the U.S does some bombing of something in Iran, even a very limited one, Iran has to respond in order to prevent the deterrence from being lost. Exactly how the Americans viewed their deterrence factor being lost before the assassination of sardar Soleimani. Post bombing, they feel they have recovered some form of deterrence.

If the U.S decides for whatever reason to attack Iran even in a limited fashion, they have to be prepared to deal with real retaliation this time in order for deterrence to be reserved on both sides. It's important for both sides to keep deterrence in order for peace to have a chance.

We did bomb Iran, Operation Praying Mantis, Iran had enough of that. Iran knows the consequences.

Iran is the most successful country battling your made virus while your banana republic is the weakest state battling coronavirus:

View attachment 623124

Now you are just reaching.
We did bomb Iran, Operation Praying Mantis, Iran had enough of that. Iran knows the consequences.

Using the 1980's as a sample for 2020 is simply gross negligence on your part. No military commander in the world is going to make decisions and plans based on events that took place nearly 40 years ago. The fact that you'd even use that as a piece of evidence, especially considering Iran was already in a major war with Saddam's Iraq is really ignorant and not even worth arguing about.

Are you going to use the Korean war now as an example of how the U.S Military can defeat China? Or will you be rational and observe changes over 40 years, emerging geopolitical factors, technological changes, weapon acquisitions, military preparations (on both sides).

Iran was never going to open a two front war, and not because it didn't have the AshCMs to punish the U.S navy in the 80's. Using my same point you can even say, U.S is much more capable than the 80s' at intercepting AshCm's but it seems like you are still stuck in the past.
Using the 1980's as a sample for 2020 is simply gross negligence on your part. No military commander in the world is going to make decisions and plans based on events that took place nearly 40 years ago. The fact that you'd even use that as a piece of evidence, especially considering Iran was already in a major war with Saddam's Iraq is really ignorant and not even worth arguing about.

Are you going to use the Korean war now as an example of how the U.S Military can defeat China? Or will you be rational and observe changes over 40 years, emerging geopolitical factors, technological changes, weapon acquisitions, military preparations (on both sides).

Iran was never going to open a two front war, and not because it didn't have the AshCMs to punish the U.S navy in the 80's. Using my same point you can even say, U.S is much more capable than the 80s' at intercepting AshCm's but it seems like you are still stuck in the past.

Using the Millennium Challenge 2002 would be a gross negligence on your part then and for many Iranian posters.
We did bomb Iran, Operation Praying Mantis, Iran had enough of that. Iran knows the consequences.

Now you are just reaching.

What are you fuktarded.... or just an Ameritard....forgot what happened 3 months ago already??

You forgot what happened to your general. Remember the consequences.
And you've forgotten what happen to Michael D'Andrea, the CIA Commander in-charge ME whose death you can't even announce. Remember the consequences. Remember your junk air defenses you so trust could not intercept a single Iranian missile. You aegis, patriot and thaad will be put to actual test and a single failure will spill the blood of 1000s of US soldiers into the sea and their fresh serve as lunch for the fishes, since the US is "wise" enough to put 5000 soldiers in one vessel to go and face Iranian AshCM/BM.

What CIA commander? Is there such a thing?
The CIA commander in-charge of the ME, Michael D'Andrea was killed together with his lieutenants, but US hid its to save face. You can show me evidence that Michael D'Andrea is still alive to prove me wrong and I will humbly accept it.
What CIA commander? Is there such a thing?

The Mullahs have their own problems with the virus.

Bombing Iran is the easy part, ending the war is the hard one. The question is how long would Iran want to deal with this when they start another aggression to try to get U.S. troops out of Iraq. Launch more ballistic missiles in hopes U.S. won't respond? Take the casualties and leave?

Again, you seem to be completely glossing over the fact that Iran has overtly accepted that it will take substantial losses in any future confrontation with U.S. armed forces. What we really should be questioning is America's tolerance for casualties in the modern era against an opponent more than capable of literally obliterating thousands of U.S. soldiers within the hour along with many mission critical infrastructures/assets that can't be easily replaced overnight being destroyed outright. These are the sorts of casualties Americans haven't seen in decades and it would be remiss not to bring up this potential reality, how is it going to look when Trump has to explain to the nation that 1,000s in the span of days have been killed? U.S.A has had an overall abysmal response to a measly virus since our president didn't take it seriously on the onset thinking this was all some conspiracy to 'sabotage' his re-election campaign. I guess adding a war on top of that crap-cake would be fitting given all the bullshit that has happened thus far, his administration can surely handle Iran....

Also on your point about Soleimani's murder--The Trump's administrations reckless decision to kill Soleimani hasn't deterred Iran whatsoever and has in-turn upped Iran's resolve severely. Too bad those U.S. soldiers in Iraq have to used as sacrificial lambs all because Zionist Trump can't negotiate in earnest with the Iranians due to his unwavering love for Israel and want to be some sort of woeful 'tough guy'.

Also i'll go ahead and say it since it seems not many people PDF want to acknowledge this but Trump exhibits what can quite easily be interpreted as a genuine hatred for Iran. His actions, words and policies are way over-the-top for someone in the self-entitled 'world leader' position and has only brought the prestige of America down due to his insufferable ego. Reprehensible in stature, contemptible as a person, Trump is a pretty good representative for what America has been for some time now; A bully who thinks its own shit doesn't stink.
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We did bomb Iran, Operation Praying Manti

You see you try to hide facts

And what did Iran do after you attack us in 1980s ??

The only stupid person here is you trying to hide facts.

We attack your war ship immediately after that

Search For USS Samuel B. Roberts(FFG-58)


You see retard every attack U.S curried out against IRIran in 1980s were answered back with twice more

Even attack on Iran passenger plane was answered back
Search the word Lockerbie
Which all investigators found the Lydia men innocent

So when would you American learning

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