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Iran to unveil hypersonic missile in near future


Feb 10, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Tehran (IP) - The Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said that the IRGC would unveil its hypersonic missile in the near future.​

Iran Press/ Iran News: "The hypersonic missile has passed its tests and will be unveiled soon," Hajizadeh stressed.
Saying that the production of the missile is a big leap in Iran's missile field, the IRGC commander said, "This new missile passes through all missile defense systems. The missile targets the enemy's anti-missile systems."

The hypersonic missile has a high speed (about 12 to 13 Mach ) and can maneuver in and out of the atmosphere, according to Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force General Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

Earlier (11 November 2022), Brigadier General Hajizadeh on the sidelines of the martyrdom anniversary of Hassan Tehrani Moghadam, the designer of Iran's ballistic missile power, the high-ranking IRGC commander announced that Iran had acquired an advanced hypersonic ballistic missile.

"The tests of this missile have been completed and in the near future, at a suitable opportunity, this hypersonic missile will be unveiled, He added.
they cost alot

maybe the money should be spent elsewhere

and if they do make one it needs to get passed the Patriot, Arrow, Davids Sling and finally the Iron Dome

if Iran can get passed these then no high value target in Israel is safe

F35 are stored in deep under ground bunker but Hypersonic missiles can penetrate deep
they cost alot

maybe the money should be spent elsewhere

I think I have an idea about what sort of hypersonic missile they are talking about, its probably going to be the North Korean missile, which is a regular ballistic missile but with a hypersonic glide vehicle mounted on top.


its probably a matter of necessity for Iran to maintain a minimum credible defense, price is probably worth it.

Idk how much either North Korea or Iran will spend on the R&D but rumors are China may be responsible for transfer of tech.

I think I have an idea about what sort of hypersonic missile they are talking about, its probably going to be the North Korean missile, which is a regular ballistic missile but with a hypersonic glide vehicle mounted on top.

Idk how much either North Korea or Iran will spend on the R&D but rumors are China may be responsible for transfer of tech.

I think you are confusing Iran with your Turkey that needs to import missile technology from China.

As for North Korea, their missile technology is basically coming from Iran and China these days.

The Iran Secret: Explaining North Korea’s Rocket Success​

they cost alot

maybe the money should be spent elsewhere

and if they do make one it needs to get passed the Patriot, Arrow, Davids Sling and finally the Iron Dome

if Iran can get passed these then no high value target in Israel is safe

F35 are stored in deep under ground bunker but Hypersonic missiles can penetrate deep

Iran's missile such as Khoramshahr-4 (revealed last week) can penetrate any current Israel air defence. Even the likes of kheibar shekan etc can already penetrate these Israeli missile systems to a considerable degree. The HGV like systems will be an added capability. The more the merrier.

Iran will always find ways to make these systems cheaper. Don't forget Iran is not run by some defence industrial complexes whom are focused on maximising profit.

Just look at Shahed 136 to see how Iranian ingenuity can alter battle fields at such a small price per unit.
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Very shallow news report with no actual substance, it didn't even mention what sort of missile would it be
Quasi Ballistic Hypersonic Missile like Kinzhal
Hypersonic Glide Vehicle like DF ZF (DF 17)
Hypersonic Cruise Missile like Zircon.

My guess a quasi ballistic hypersonic missile like Kinzhal because other 2 types are beyond the technological capabilities of Iran.
Very shallow news report with no actual substance, it didn't even mention what sort of missile would it be
He said it would be unveiled in the near future, so obviously we don't know all the details yet. HGV like DF 17 carries is not beyond Iran's capabilities at all. Cope and seethe, Pajeet.
I think you are confusing Iran with your Turkey that needs to import missile technology from China.

As for North Korea, their missile technology is basically coming from Iran and China these days.

The Iran Secret: Explaining North Korea’s Rocket Success​

Iran's missile such as Khoramshahr-4 (revealed last week) can penetrate any current Israel air defence. Even the likes of kheibar shekan etc can already penetrate these Israeli missile systems to a considerable degree. The HGV like systems will be an added capability. The more the merrier.

Iran will always find ways to make these systems cheaper. Don't forget Iran is not run by some defence industrial complexes whom are focused on maximising profit.

Just look at Shahed 136 to see how Iranian ingenuity can alter battle fields at such a small price per unit.

Not Turkish, and secondly North Korea gave Iran its missile tech at the beginning, then Iran improved on those designs, and did provide some input on field use and improvements. North Korea's missile program is far ahead of Iran's, I don't think thats debatable, people want to beat their chest but its reality. The North Koreans I suspect got some Russian engineer or something, b/c they basically managed to build out the entire Russian arsenal of ICBMs(their Hwasong-18 looks just like the Topol-M), SLBMs, and other paltforms.
Not Turkish, and secondly North Korea gave Iran its missile tech at the beginning, then Iran improved on those designs, and did provide some input on field use and improvements. North Korea's missile program is far ahead of Iran's, I don't think thats debatable, people want to beat their chest but its reality. The North Koreans I suspect got some Russian engineer or something, b/c they basically managed to build out the entire Russian arsenal of ICBMs(their Hwasong-18 looks just like the Topol-M), SLBMs, and other paltforms.
It is known that Iran-North Korea missile cooperation is extensive and continues. Iran cannot build certain missiles for domestic reasons (ICBM), so it is speculated that Iran assisted North Korea with HGV and more powerful missiles, but we can't know this for sure. In terms of what is revealed/announced, North Korea is indeed ahead of Iran in terms of SLBM and ICBMs, but not MRBM/IRBM, which is what Iran focuses on.
He said it would be unveiled in the near future, so obviously we don't know all the details yet. HGV like DF 17 carries is not beyond Iran's capabilities at all. Cope and seethe, Pajeet.
For a country who's supposedly most advanced missile is a liquid fueled one (that too copied from North Koreans) you surely have a lot of nerve to throw jibes at me even though my question was totally genuine and in good faith.

You wanna make a HGV like DF 17, without even having a sustained hypersonic wind tunnel, sure bro whatever you say bro,
Yes bro Iran is Lumber one bro 🤣🤣

I understand your frustration your government makes tall claims which retards like you can not defend with logic so you start trolling whoever questions it.
Not Turkish,

I am dubious you're not given your obsession with them and your seemingly bitter outlook towards Iranian achievement. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, then it's a...?

and secondly North Korea gave Iran its missile tech at the beginning, then Iran improved on those designs, and did provide some input on field use and improvements.

You mean 30 years ago? There is something called chronology, you should look into it. Iran also imported Russian technology in the past, it does not mean it is not exporting UAVs etc to them today.

North Korea's missile program is far ahead of Iran's, I don't think thats debatable,

Yes, it is very debatable. Especially when the sources are telling you Iran is aiding them. The only thing that is preventing you Turks from seeing this is your deliberate unwillingness to accept reality.

The only thing North Koreans have openly which Iran deliberately does not is longer range of missile i.e >2000km range. In terms of accuracy and quality, Iran is far more advanced than North Korea. In terms of range, Iran has openly said this is a political decision range.

people want to beat their chest but its reality. The North Koreans I suspect got some Russian engineer or something, b/c they basically managed to build out the entire Russian arsenal of ICBMs(their Hwasong-18 looks just like the Topol-M), SLBMs, and other paltforms.

The North Koreans, like I told you in my original post (backed by a source) are aided by Iran, China and perhaps Russia. It does not take a genius to figure out than a nation like North Korea would not suddenly start churning out ICBMs etc in the manner they have. They do not have the economy nor the scientific base to do anything of this sort by themselves.
For a country who's supposedly most advanced missile is a liquid fueled one (that too copied from North Koreans) you surely have a lot of nerve to throw jibes at me even though my question was totally genuine and in good faith.

Which missiles is this which is "copied" from North Korean?

You wanna make a HGV like DF 17, without even having a sustained hypersonic wind tunnel, sure bro whatever you say bro,

Iran has had hypersonic wind tunnels for years. First one was made almost 10 years ago.

Iran builds first hypersonic wind tunnel to test missiles and spacecraft​

Yes bro Iran is Lumber one bro 🤣🤣

I understand your frustration your government makes tall claims which retards like you can not defend with logic so you start trolling whoever questions it.

Your comment has been reported for acting like a toddler. If you can't engage in a proper discussion without throwing curse worlds around then stick to your own section.
Which missiles is this which is "copied" from North Korean?
your khorramshahr series of missiles is based on North Korean missiles. https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/khorramshahr/
Iran has had hypersonic wind tunnels for years. First one was made almost 10 years ago.
What sort of hypersonic tunnel is this is it open circuit or closed circuit, is it hypersonic shock tunnel or sustained hypersonic wind tunnel. What is it's temprature range, What is it's size. (India's first sustained hypersonic wind tunnel had a size of 200mm, and a max temperature of only 800K).
There is no credible info on this wind Tunnel of yours so I still stand on my assertion that Iran has no proper hypersonic tunnel to research on an HGV.
Not to mention that a mach 8 wind tunnel in not useful for researching on HGV's, it needs atleast a mach 15 wind tunnel that too with a high temperature range preferably not below 2000K.

Your comment has been reported for acting like a toddler. If you can't engage in a proper discussion without throwing curse worlds around then stick to your own section.
I tried to be civil, my 1st comment was totally in good faith with zero mockery or trolling however if you are going to reply me with slurs like pajeet, I am not going to hold back my tongue either.
your khorramshahr series of missiles is based on North Korean missiles. https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/khorramshahr/

Khoramshahr's initial (i.e original) version is thought to be based on soviet R-27. The K-4 missile you've seen revealed last week however is completely different beast to previous versions in the sense it uses a completely different fuel composition, utilised ampulised fuel system, completely new and unique warhead system. The only thing similar to the previous K series missile is its outer shell.
Therefore, to talk about these systems as "copies" etc of other system only highlights ignorance and being engineeringly illiterate.

What sort of hypersonic tunnel is this is it open circuit or closed circuit, is it hypersonic shock tunnel or sustained hypersonic wind tunnel. What is it's temprature range, What is it's size. (India's first sustained hypersonic wind tunnel had a size of 200mm, and a max temperature of only 800K).
There is no credible info on this wind Tunnel of yours so I still stand on my assertion that Iran has no proper hypersonic tunnel to research on an HGV.
Not to mention that a mach 8 wind tunnel in not useful for researching on HGV's, it needs atleast a mach 15 wind tunnel that too with a high temperature range preferably not below 2000K.

You can stand on your own assertion all you want, but that changes nothing. I showed you Iran had mach 8 hypersonic wind tunnels as far back as 2013/14. Do you want want them to give you a prsonal tour of facilities before believing it?


Iran is very active in these field and thus it's not stretch to imagine these wind tunnels will constantly be improving. The recent K-4 missile for example has a burnout speed of mach-16 and mach-8 speed during the terminal phase.

I am not going to hold back my tongue either.

Well then you will get yourself reported.
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