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Zionist Analysts: No Systems Able to Hit Fattah

Zionist Analysts: No Systems Able to Hit Fattah

TEL AVIV (Dispatches) --
Media analysts and commentators in Occupied Palestine have been discussing Iran’s new hypersonic missile that was unveiled on Tuesday by chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Major General Hussein Salami. It is said that the Fattah missile gives Iran a “significant” military edge in the region.
According to Nir Dvori, a military commentator on Israel’s Channel 12, the missile will be “difficult to detect, observe and intercept.”
The channel’s Arab affairs commentator, Ohad Hamo, said that Iran’s missile is another step towards “deterring” the Zionist regime from launching any sort of military strike against the Islamic Republic. He also pointed out that the Fattah missile will be difficult to intercept because of its speed — Mach 13 — and maneuverability.
“No missile defense system will be able to hit it.”
The U.S. does not possess hypersonic missiles, he added, only China and Russia do.
“Iran’s unveiling of the Fattah hypersonic missile is a message to Israel,” noted Maariv newspaper.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told those present at the missile’s unveiling ceremony on Tuesday: “We know these achievements anger our enemies, but we say to them, die in your anger, because these achievements make the Iranian people happy. What the IRGC’s Air Force is accomplishing is scientific and local work far from foreign pressure.”
Raisi insisted that Iran’s deterrence force is purely defensive, never offensive.
“It is a point of strength that contributes to establishing security in the region. This missile means that the region will be safe from evildoers and foreign aggression. The message to those who are thinking of attacking Iran is that the Islamic Republic is a powerful country and its power aims to support the people of Iran and the oppressed people of the world.”
Hypersonic missiles are projectiles that can move at a speed of at least Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound. That is 1.7km (1.05 miles) per second or 6,174km (3,836 miles) per hour.
Some ballistic missiles already reach these speeds, but this new class of weapon separates itself from the pack as it can take a more random path to its intended target after plunging back into the earth’s atmosphere.
This makes it far more difficult to be detected by radar systems and to be destroyed by defense shields.
More countries are pursuing hypersonic weaponry in hopes they will provide them with a military

edge, but the challenges remain formidable.
For one, friction from the upper atmosphere produces extremely high temperatures, while the intense speed of the missile produces superheated particles surrounding it that make it harder for radio communications to get through.
So far, Russia and China have displayed an array of hypersonic weapons, with Moscow being the only one thought to have tested them in combat. The United States has also tested hypersonic missiles but lags behind its two rivals.
Several months after the IRGC first announced in November that it had a hypersonic missile, the Fattah was displayed on Tuesday.
Iran says the projectile has a range of 1,400km (870 miles) and can move at a massive speed of up to Mach 15 (5.1 km or 3.2 miles per second) before hitting its target.
It is also said to feature a moveable secondary nozzle and employ solid propellants that allow for high maneuverability within and outside the atmosphere, which top IRGC commanders have said means no missile defense system in the world is a match for it.
Iranian authorities have also praised a “generational leap” in missile technology on the back of the Fattah, which they have said will give Iran new levels of deterrence.
They have dismissed Western skepticism of Iran’s development of hypersonic missiles, saying the truth will be revealed “on the day” such arms may be used, and that the U.S. is only skeptical as the technology undermines its efforts to sell arms to the region.
Fattah’s current range is just short of the distance between Tehran and Tel Aviv, but IRGC aerospace chief commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh suggested on Tuesday that the force could look to hypersonics with a range of 2,000km (1,242 miles) in the near future.
At the claimed speeds, Fattah could theoretically reach Israeli targets in under seven minutes. That will leave little room for detection and interception, even for the Zionist regime’s Iron Dome missile defense system.
When covering news of the missile’s unveiling, Israeli media widely focused on a previous threat by Iranian media that an Iranian hypersonic projectile could reach Occupied Palestine in 400 seconds.
The U.S. introduced a new round of sanctions on Tehran after the unveiling, including sanctions around its ballistic missile program.

You don't even read the post, yet reply! it's trolls behavior.
he is a troll indeed, I think he is employed for trolling by zhionist.
he is a troll indeed, I think he is employed for trolling by zhionist.
Iranians saying all kinds of nonsense,thinking they can fight the world and nobody landed on the moon,but I'm a "Zionist troll"?

Where is the 120% interception rate mentioned?

This is logical and responsible reporting.

Proof in following video:

Patriot system's poor performance against Houthi ballistic missile arsenal for reference:


Related information in following links:

Confirmed by the manufacturer:

Since it was first fielded, Patriot has been used by five nations in more than 250 combat engagements against manned and unmanned aircraft, cruise missiles, and tactical ballistic missiles. Since January of 2015, Patriot has intercepted more than 150 ballistic missiles in combat operations around the world; more than 90 of those intercepts involved the low-cost Raytheon Missiles & Defense-made Guidance Enhanced Missile family of surface-to-air missiles.

Those engagements were possible because Patriot is built on a foundation of more than 3,000 ground tests and over 1,400 flight tests.

Each and every time Patriot is tested or live fired, engineers uncover new ways to further improve or enhance the system. The improvements are necessary because the threat is constantly changing and becoming more sophisticated.


Houthi developed Burkan-3 MRBM and touted it to be "unstoppable."

Saudi provided evidence of a Patriot system intercepting a Burkan-3 MRBM and a number of drones over Riyadh in 2021 in following link:


Saudi have a total of 11 operational Patriot systems and are using outdated HAWK systems to protect some regions. Patriot systems have shot down a large number of Houthi ballistic missiles and drones but Saudi territory is huge and radar coverage has gaps which could be exploited with good intel as happened in Abqaiq in 2019.

Saudi Air Defense is underdeveloped for a country of its size but it has prevented a great deal of damage in Saudi territory.

You can look down on others and show "arrogance" in your posts because Iran has not tasted war in the same way as Iraq and Saudi Arabia have in recent years.

However, I have one thing to point out. If you are a believer then you should know that Allah Almighty dislikes "arrogance."

Sure. You find Russians trustworthy - the side that claimed that it will not invade Ukraine but did the opposite:

Such truthful and virtous partners you have...

A Patriot system intercepted a Russian tooth fairy over Kyiv on 04-05-23. The parts that were shown in photographs were identified as components of a Russian tooth fairy.

I am absolutely overwhelmed to see this convincing evidence. According to you, basic ballistic missiles were not shot down either. Therefore.

My bad. Iran put astronauts on the moon in the 1960s. Iran developed, tested, and operationalized incredibly sophisticated ICBMs in the Cold War. Iran put a number of sophisticated robots on mars since 1997. Iranian space program has no peer in the world.

How come US compare to Iranian achievements in "rocket sciences" and other domains? US is a regional power while Iran is a superpower. I was looking at alternate reality until now. Thanks for waking me up.

The irony meter is through the roof here. You are doing exactly what you claim not to. You are so out of touch with global developments that it is not funny.
strawman arguments

Houthi developed Burkan-3 MRBM and touted it to be "unstoppable."
Who said this? "the Burkan-3 is essentially a terror weapon, not a precision guided weapon."
Nice website there, basically relaying prior Saudi and American propaganda.

"The Qiam reportedly is a bit more accurate than the Scud-B, with a CEP between 500 m and 1 km. Given its origin, the Burkan-3’s guidance system is likely identical and since its range is increased by roughly 60 % over the Qiam, its CEP will be roughly 60% larger too. So, due to the small payload, the area affected by a Burkan-3 impact is relatively small and, due to its poor accuracy, the probability of it destroying any particular target is effectively zero."

The writer of this contradict what happened a year before, and yes, is prior Saudi Arabia United states lobby propaganda for Yemen.

Qiam-1 has 10m base CEP according to American think tank (CSIS) funded by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel (https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/qiam-1/), so Burkan-3 has a CEP of...16m?

CSIS open fundings and contributors: https://www.csis.org/about/financial-information/donors/corporations#500

Qiam-1 is so inaccurate and has zero chance of hitting any particular target that it literally struck a United States expeditionary targeting what it wanted to target : https://www.npr.org/2020/01/08/7945...-reveal-extent-of-damage-at-al-assad-air-base


So either Iran got very lucky with its "terror missile" with a massive CEP, either someone is so biased to the point of contradicting himself in his own article
Where is the 120% interception rate mentioned?
120% rate is satirical, referring to the absurd claims of interception by Ukraine without presenting any proof and this is not a CRUX video that will prove these claims
You surely know that both sides loves to take pictures of everything they destroyed, put it on telegram or tiktok, including pictures of cadavers and practicing cannibalism. Where are the images of at least (according to Ukraine) 50+ Shahed drones shot down? Or a satellite picture?
Sure. You find Russians trustworthy - the side that claimed that it will not invade Ukraine but did the opposite:


Such truthful and virtous partners you have...

A Patriot system intercepted a Russian tooth fairy over Kyiv on 04-05-23. The parts that were shown in photographs were identified as components of a Russian tooth fairy.
My bad. Iran put astronauts on the moon in the 1960s. Iran developed, tested, and operationalized incredibly sophisticated ICBMs in the Cold War. Iran put a number of sophisticated robots on mars since 1997. Iranian space program has no peer in the world.

How come US compare to Iranian achievements in "rocket sciences" and other domains? US is a regional power while Iran is a superpower. I was looking at alternate reality until now. Thanks for waking me up.
Other strawman and fallacy arguments which no one ever said, why are you sensible? No one said that Iran got on the moon and mars, you are talking with your emotions alone and going on another planet.


A patriot component in Saudi Arabia after a Houthi strike. No one said that Patriot is useless with a non-existant interception rate, this is false and no one said this, but you are pouring a massive amount of strawman arguments for unknown reasons and answering questions that no one asked nor anyone said. Multiple patriot systems, jets, drones, helicopters, tanks, APC, IFVs, mostly coming from the west have been destroyed throughout the war.

I tell you again:
- Everyone makes propaganda including Iran and Pakistan, propaganda is propaganda, the question is to know which country propaganda lies the most.

As for what i think, from the Ghost of Kiev to the interception rate, to the women saying they are intercepting drones with tomato cans, i made my choice and i do not believe any claim by Ukraine, and even more when this is proofless or sourceless, the same goes for any country presenting propaganda without any proof neither sources.
Persians have a proverb that says "fox was asked who is your witness, and he replied my tail!"

It matches your behavior, "Patriot is successful cause reports which west has published says so"
wow, I couldn't think of any better evidence! they even have charts!

No, there has been reports even in western media that exposed the false interception claims, videos showing Yemeni missiles coming down without patriot missiles could even get close to them.

If the chart is wrong, where is the evidence of death and destruction across Saudi Arabia? OR do you think that Houthi ballistic missiles are made up of plastic and melted before touching the ground?

The chart clearly shows that some of the ballistic missiles got through.

For example: One Houthi ballistic missile struck al-Estiqbal military camp in Marib on January 2020. This strike killed 116 and injured 100 in this sector. This strike is acknowledged and highlighted in RED in the chart.

These incidents gave the usual suspects to harp against Patriot systems in press releases around the world.

A ballistic missile could be missed while operating outside the "engagement envelope" of a Patriot system, or due to a Patriot system undergoing maintenance checks at the time. Anything can happen in a war.

Start using that brain in your head instead of questioning factual sources on illogical grounds.

And about Ukraine, yeah sure Russians are more trust worthy than US and it's allies, the murderers of millions of people across the globe, just one million victims in the middle east alone is the result of your beloved honest Americans, remember the Iraqis none-existence WMD? the same WMD which west gave Saddam to attack Iran.

Iraqi defectors and political dissidents convinced Bush administration to invade Iraq on questionable grounds:

American troops did not find biological weapons in Iraq but hidden cashes of Iraqi chemical weapons in some locations:

Still, I admit that American decision to invade Iraq is a controversial development because it was based on faulty intelligence in part. Saddam regime was brutal but contributed to regional stability in its own way. It was toppled and eliminated on less-than-convincing grounds.

Nevertheless, your beloved honest Russians are a STEP UP from the Americans in the aspect of "lying."

Before the ongoing war in Ukraine, Americans had warned that Russian forces will invade Ukraine:

But Russian officials were openly rejecting reports that Russian forces will invade Ukraine:

Chinese President Xi also knew that Russian forces will invade Ukraine.

US = Correct
China = Silent
Russia (and Belarus) = Liars

Russian forces have committed numerous war crimes and blasted entire cities to ruins in Ukraine. But Russians have denied these reports at every step as well.

Point? The side that you have chosen to trust, is not trustworthy at all. At the least, have the moral decency to condemn both US and Russia in these matters.

Your newfound humanitarian concerns for Iraq ring hollow as well:

Your country is the greatest beneficiary of the American move to eliminate Saddam regime in Iraq in the region. Your country violates Iraqi sovereignty under one pretext or the other as well.

Ukraine war is a proxy war between Russia and US, nothing else. US ran a coup in Ukraine and deposed their democratically elected government, people of the eastern Ukraine rebelled against this coup regime and demanded separation, and since then US has been helping the Ukrainian fascist regime to kill and suppress the pro-Russian people in Ukraine, and invade them in the end (based on their own admission). so yes, US started this war, not Russia.

You literally speak Russian propaganda in this matter.

Ukrainian political crisis began in 2013 when then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych rejected EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and opted for Customs Union of Russia instead. This decision did not sit well with a part of Ukrainian population and protests broke out:

Yanukovych ordered crack down on the protestors but the movement grew to such extent that he chose to flee to Russia.

Yanukovych convinced Russia to intervene and Russian forces annexed Crimea as well as engineered a separatist movement in Donbas in 2014:

On the other hand, it is true that the American Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland was in contact with Ukrainian politicians and her leaked call suggests that she was involved in suggesting who is acceptable in the new political setup of Ukraine:

Of-course, Russia took advantage of this controversial call to build its own narrative and make its moves in Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine because it wanted to restore former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych to power in the country.

Other claims are "smokescreen."

No, there is no way American super duper stealth drone can be hacked or even identified by Iranian air defenses, Americans are the inventors of computer science, the pioneers of stealth and invisibility!

I was taking about "rocket sciences."

Drones are machines and can be vulnerable to "cyber warfare" in a conflict zone if lacking in safety standards and protocols.

CIA was using an RQ-170 drone to spy on Iranian nuclear program since 2007. Iran was able to capture this drone 3 years later when it was operated poorly in broad daylight (complacency factor). Still, credit is given where due: this is an achievement of the Iranian security apparatus.

This incident and loss convinced Americans to revisit their drone safety standards and protocols:

So what is the next best thing to do if a drone is found to be not vulnerable to "cyber warfare" efforts but operating nearby? Shoot it down:

But these losses do not affect American surveillance apparatus on the whole:

If you think that an isolated RQ-170 incident over Iran in broad daylight due to one-time CIA complacency is the benchmark of the American expertise in "stealthy sciences," then you are in for a rude awakening.

Post in thread 'B-21 Bomber can penetrate Chinas most advanced air defense systems: US Senator' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/b-21...fense-systems-us-senator.766341/post-14343917

And speaking of "computer sciences," do you think that "cyber warfare" is an Iranian exclusive domain?

This is but a trailer based on known information on the web.

Step out from that fantasy bubble you seem to keep yourself in.

Though I admit, we didn't land on the moon (in 1960s), cause we didn't have Stanley Kubrick!

I am not sure if this is serious, but:

I also happen to know somebody who has visited NASA and seen the evidence up close.

What type of deluded people post in this forum...
The only thing that makes missile unstoppable is that it's speed makes it very hard to detect. Once you detect it, all you have to do is put a missile in front of it, pure mathematics. It is coming towards you, so no need to catch up with it. Looks like the Patriot PAC-3 radar and detection systems are much improved over earlier ones
you must perdict the path , Fattah is capable of maneuvering both inside and outside atmosphere
strawman arguments

This is strawman.

I questioned OP's attempt to discredit Western sources in general with an illogical claim in here. You are welcome to point out a Western source that has claimed 120% interception rate of an Iranian drone in Ukraine. Let's see.

This is a blanket judgement call and it is not conducive to debate. WE cannot have education and scientific research with this type of mindset. This is the thought process of an uneducated person. This is something that you might see in Afghanistan.

Who said this? "the Burkan-3 is essentially a terror weapon, not a precision guided weapon."
Nice website there, basically relaying prior Saudi and American propaganda.

The writer of this contradict what happened a year before, and yes, is prior Saudi Arabia United states lobby propaganda for Yemen.

Qiam-1 has 10m base CEP according to American think tank (CSIS) funded by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel (https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/qiam-1/), so Burkan-3 has a CEP of...16m?

CSIS open fundings and contributors: https://www.csis.org/about/financial-information/donors/corporations#500

Qiam-1 is so inaccurate and has zero chance of hitting any particular target that it literally struck a United States expeditionary targeting what it wanted to target : https://www.npr.org/2020/01/08/7945...-reveal-extent-of-damage-at-al-assad-air-base

View attachment 933548

So either Iran got very lucky with its "terror missile" with a massive CEP, either someone is so biased to the point of contradicting himself in his own article

I am not focused on "semantics" but on "technical information." My intent was to point out that Burkan-3 is the most advanced ballistic missile in Houthi arsenal and was developed with Iranian support. Burkan-3 was also claimed to be "unstoppable" by Houthi in typical Asian tradition:

However, a Patriot system intercepted a Burkan-3 over Riyadh in 2021, and Saudi provided evidence of this intercept to show that a supposedly "unstoppable" ballistic missile is shot down.


"On Saturday, Arab coalition forces in Saudi Arabia intercepted and destroyed a ballistic missile and six explosive drones launched by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels towards Riyadh."

But OP was boasting in here that Patriot system cannot shot down even basic ballistic missiles. As pointed out in here, CSIS chart clearly shows that numerous ballistic missiles were intercepted while others got through during the war.

For example: One Houthi ballistic missile struck al-Estiqbal military camp in Marib on January 2020. This strike killed 116 and injured 100 in this sector. This strike is acknowledged and highlighted in RED in the chart.

A ballistic missile could be missed while operating outside the "engagement envelope" of a Patriot system, or due to a Patriot system undergoing maintenance checks at the time. Anything can happen in a war. But these incidents gave the usual suspects to harp against Patriot systems in press releases around the world. These press releases do not seem to add up.

If CSIS chart is wrong, where is the evidence of death and destruction across Saudi Arabia? OR do you think that Houthi ballistic missiles are made up of plastic and melted before touching the ground?

CSIS open fundings and contributors show that it is a well-connected Think Tank and you can expect informative research works from it. Something that you cannot expect from many a Twitter Experts.

Qiam-1 has 10m base CEP according to American think tank (CSIS) funded by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel (https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/qiam-1/), so Burkan-3 has a CEP of...16m?

CSIS open fundings and contributors: https://www.csis.org/about/financial-information/donors/corporations#500

Qiam-1 is so inaccurate and has zero chance of hitting any particular target that it literally struck a United States expeditionary targeting what it wanted to target : https://www.npr.org/2020/01/08/7945...-reveal-extent-of-damage-at-al-assad-air-base

View attachment 933548

So either Iran got very lucky with its "terror missile" with a massive CEP, either someone is so biased to the point of contradicting himself in his own article

I have not claimed that Qaim-1 is inaccurate. And neither have CSIS.

You have provided photographic evidence, I accept it. Credit is given where due.

This information is also independently documented.

This is the difference between me and some of the members here. My emphasis is on Facts, Figures, and Common Sense. I do not argue unless I see questionable claims. I am not a fan of propaganda in person. WE learn nothing valuable from propaganda in terms while in search of truth because it is the art of deception.

120% rate is satirical, referring to the absurd claims of interception by Ukraine without presenting any proof and this is not a CRUX video that will prove these claims
You surely know that both sides loves to take pictures of everything they destroyed, put it on telegram or tiktok, including pictures of cadavers and practicing cannibalism. Where are the images of at least (according to Ukraine) 50+ Shahed drones shot down? Or a satellite picture?

Nice attempt at covering up OP's lack of thought.

Russia - Ukraine War is a high intensity war. This type of war has not taken place in Europe since World War 2. A lot can happen in this type of war on a single day, let alone over a span of month. Reports of drones (among other airborne threats) that are shot down come from troops on the ground and Ukrainian authorities provide a summary of these reports from time-to-time. Some of the engagements are documented and released on social media platforms for public consumption by independent observers, others can be missed.

Shahed-136 drone losses are not independently counted yet. You will have to wait for this information to emerge.

Both Ukrainian forces and Russian forces have shot down as well as captured numerous drones in the war by now. This information is independently checked and should be kept in mind.

Other strawman and fallacy arguments which no one ever said, why are you sensible? No one said that Iran got on the moon and mars, you are talking with your emotions alone and going on another planet.

You seem to have missed the point. Let's establish which country has advantage in "rocket sciences" between US and Iran. You tell me.

View attachment 933546
A patriot component in Saudi Arabia after a Houthi strike. No one said that Patriot is useless with a non-existant interception rate, this is false and no one said this, but you are pouring a massive amount of strawman arguments for unknown reasons and answering questions that no one asked nor anyone said. Multiple patriot systems, jets, drones, helicopters, tanks, APC, IFVs, mostly coming from the west have been destroyed throughout the war.

Yes, Houthi have managed to target Patriot systems during the war:

But I have refuted OP's claim about supposedly poor performance of Patriot systems in here.

Saudi were learning from Houthi tactics as well:

Lethality of Houthi.png

"Yet, a second factor also arguably impacted on the lethality of Houthi attacks: an improvement in the effectiveness of Saudi air defense. ACLED data show that the interception rate by Saudi forces doubled in 2020 relative to 2019, rendering the majority of Houthi drone and missile attacks in 2020 ineffective (see graph below). The interception rate for drones reached 77%, while the rate for rockets/missiles hit 40%. Indeed, after the September 2019 attacks, Saudi Arabia received new ground-based air defense systems from the US and started developing novel counter-drone systems. In response to Saudi interceptions, the Houthis developed new combined drone and missile attacks. In the past, the Houthis had deployed suicide drones to down Saudi defense systems and open the way for missile attacks. However, these combined attacks saw a 360% increase in 2020 compared to the year prior, and were especially directed against oil refineries."

Yes, Saudi-led coalition has suffered equipment losses during the war. No proof of the loss of multiple Patriot systems but others are well-documented. Saudi-led coalition "ground forces" were lacking in quality troops and tactics. This led to a stalemate with Houthi in Yemen.

Saudi called upon the US to help defeat Iraq and liberate Kuwait in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. US accepted this request and made it possible for the coalition forces to achieve these objectives in a brilliantly executed operation.

Saudi called upon the US (and Pakistan) to help defeat Houthi in 2015. US refused to dispatch troops for this mission but settled for providing arms, logistics support, and sharing intel with Saudi-led coalition. Pakistan refused to partake in this war in any capacity on the other hand.

Houthi had better fighters on the ground and scored numerous hits on Saudi infrastructure from a distance. Iranian supplies and support made it possible for the Houthi to acquire new tools and develop new tactics. Credit is given where due.

Now Saudi Arabia and Iran are talking about peace. This is a good one. Let's see how the war in Yemen is politically settled.

I tell you again:
- Everyone makes propaganda including Iran and Pakistan, propaganda is propaganda, the question is to know which country propaganda lies the most.

True. But Russia seems to take the lead in this game based on its track record as noted in here. An this is but a tip of the iceberg. A thesis can be written on this subject in fact.

As for what i think, from the Ghost of Kiev to the interception rate, to the women saying they are intercepting drones with tomato cans, i made my choice and i do not believe any claim by Ukraine, and even more when this is proofless or sourceless, the same goes for any country presenting propaganda without any proof neither sources.

This is shortsighted stance. Ukraine has provided ample evidence of its battlefield achievements in the war and continues to do it. Your blind trust in Russian claims are misplaced given its extraordinary propaganda efforts. My suggestion is to fact-check claims of both sides for a change. But you need to keep an open mind to have a fair assessment. Your blanket dismissal of Western accounts and sources is not going to help.
Russia made similar claims about Kinzhal but.... some people will never learn.
Who said this? "the Burkan-3 is essentially a terror weapon, not a precision guided weapon."
Nice website there, basically relaying prior Saudi and American propaganda.
Basically DIY stuffs built in workshops.
you must perdict the path , Fattah is capable of maneuvering both inside and outside atmosphere

Changing path causes the to loose speed
Changing path causes the to loose speed
Lol, where you have been , to compensate for that this missile have a thrust vectoring engine in the warhead itself , that is why it can keep its speed and do maneuvering outside atmosphere .

you see unlike what some western analyst think our approach to the problem is a little different from Russia
ile and six explosive drones launched by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels towards Riyadh."

But OP was boasting in here that Patriot system cannot shot down even basic ballistic missiles. As pointed out in here, CSIS chart clearly shows that numerous ballistic missiles were intercepted while others got through during the war.
wonder how they managed to decide its a burkan-3 not burkan-2h or burkan-2 or even burkan-1 from just those parts
by what i understand the difference in burkan-2, burkan-2h is in the size of the body and how much fuel it carry and burkan-3 is a burkan-2h with a shorter and lighter warhead .
so what we see in those video can be a simple scud-c or scud-b interception . even a modern version of Hawk system can do that
Lol, where you have been , to compensate for that this missile have a thrust vectoring engine in the warhead itself , that is why it can keep its speed and do maneuvering outside atmosphere .

you see unlike what some western analyst think our approach to the problem is a little different from Russia

People like you ignore basic physics- in general an interceptor will always be more manoeuvrable than a HGV or ballistic missile. They enjoy smaller size and most importantly react to the flight profile of a war head in real time. And satellite with infrared sensors . A hypersonic missile inside the atmosphere produces a large signature. Will be seen tracked by satellites . Outside atmosphere a missile engine quality and the fuel expenditure to manoeuvre and will manoeuvre poorly and slowly. I think I covered everything for you I will not be coming back go over it again and again in circles . I clearly see why you needed Pakistan nuclear expertise 3 decades and still no nukes of your own Abdul Qadeer scientist arrest was blow you Iranian to this day Can not do it with out him.
People like you ignore basic physics- in general an interceptor will always be more manoeuvrable than a HGV or ballistic missile. They enjoy smaller size and most importantly react to the flight profile of a war head in real time. And satellite with infrared sensors . A hypersonic missile inside the atmosphere produces a large signature. Will be seen tracked by satellites . Outside atmosphere a missile engine quality and the fuel expenditure to manoeuvre and will manoeuvre poorly and slowly. I think I covered everything for you I will not be coming back go over it again and again in circles . I clearly see why you needed Pakistan nuclear expertise 3 decades and still no nukes of your own Abdul Qadeer scientist arrest was blow you Iranian to this day Can not do it with out him.
this missile is only a warhead so well its smaller. what you fail to understand is an interceptor have a limited kinetic poower as its not powered in all its flight path , while this one has unlimited kinetic energy as its powered in its flight path. , at can correct its course as much as it want and made as many maneuver it want , the interceptor will be victim to loose its energy with each course correction it make

you don't see the point here . Pakistan wanted nukes , Iran want a bargain tool. building the nuke won't serve Iran as much as holding the card of building it
wonder how they managed to decide its a burkan-3 not burkan-2h or burkan-2 or even burkan-1 from just those parts
by what i understand the difference in burkan-2, burkan-2h is in the size of the body and how much fuel it carry and burkan-3 is a burkan-2h with a shorter and lighter warhead .
so what we see in those video can be a simple scud-c or scud-b interception . even a modern version of Hawk system can do that

NOTE: Information in this post is updated.

Burkan-1 = 800 KM = SRBM

Burkan-2 = 920 KM = SRBM

Burkan-2H range = 1050 KM = MRBM

Burkan-3 / Zulfiqar range = 1500 KM = MRBM

Burkan-2H and Burkan-3 can reach Riyadh from Yemen. And Houthi were using Burkan-3 in 2021.

"The liquid-fuel Burkan-2H medium-range ballistic missile, which combined Scud parts and Iranian Qiam missile parts with the express purpose of reaching Riyadh and Yanbu (650 miles). In February 2021, an extended-range version (Burkan-3 or Zolfaqar) struck Ras Tanura at a range of 900 miles."
Burkan-1 / Scud-B range = 300 KM = TBM

Burkan-2 / Scud-C range = 600 KM = SRBM

Burkan-2H range = 1000 KM = MRBM

Burkan-3 / Zulfiqar range = 1200 KM = MRBM

Only Burkan-2H or Burkan-3 can reach Riyadh from Yemen. And Houthi were using Burkan-3 in 2021.
they had burkan 3 , it don't mean they only used it
by the way On 25 March 2018 yemen army fired several missile toward Riyadh only one was burkan-2h how you explain that

also those interception rate are based on ksa claim but we also have these reports
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