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Iranian Air Defense Systems

You forgot what happened to your general. Remember the consequences.

You seem to be too Ameritard to undrestand what consequence means..... as a consequence of your state terrorism.... you got plouged by Iranian missiles.... and hid the damage to save face..... it´s not Iran that has shown fear of attacking your terrorist armed forces, its your child murdering forces that showed they have total fear of Iran.
Iran's major deterrence against US attack throughout decades ---was its ability to close the Strait of Hormuz and do substantial damage to global economy---BUT RIGHT NOW AS GLOBAL ECONOMY IS IN RECESSION AND OIL MARKET IS OVERSUPPLIED-- THIS MEAN OF DETERRENCE WON'T WORK

3 month from now, pandemic will probably stop and all oil storage facilities in the world will be filled with oil


Current situation is different, and US can calculate that they can attack Iran in order to: 1) destroy its infrastructure and weaken its economy 2)destroy its nuclear program

How will Iran respond?

1) Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz and attack Saudi oil infrastructure-----but currently, oil market is oversupplied by 25mln barrels of oil per day----loss of 21mln barrels of oil per day from the Persian Gulf will bring balance to the oil market and will increase oil price to 60$ per barrel which is a comfortable price for US shale oil industry.

Also Strait of Hormuz will be reopened after 1-2 month since the start of hostilities---and by that time Iranian military and infrastructure will be destroyed and Iran will not be a threat anymore

2) Iran will launch 2500 ballistic missiles doing some damage that Americans can tolerate--but US bombing campaign against Iranian infrastructure will do unbearable damage to Iran

By bombing Iran and destroying its infrastructure they can weaken Iran to the point when Iran will be unable to maintain its sphere of influence in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.---AND THIS IS THE MAJOR GOAL

Iran will be so weakened by massive bombing campaign, destruction of critical infrastructure and massive sanctions, that its sphere of influence throughout Middle East and its ability to threaten Arabian peninsula will collapse ...In addition they can destroy nuclear infrastructure.

Iranian response in the Strait of hormuz (that will be reopened after 1-2 month) will be insignificant to global economy in current circumstances.

The game has changed and this recession and lack of global demand for oil is a very dangerous time for Iran.
Highly one sided assessment of the situation. First Iran missiles are at least 100,000 plus secondly other than closing Hormuz and hitting oil they can hit all major us bases in region killing their soldiers along with hitting Israel and killing us troops in Syria. In addition us ships in region would be hit with anti ship missiles. Us strikes can be intercepted by AD secondly overall this thought of USA attack at this time is flawed as the military along with international environment including key USA allies does not suit such operations.
You have to be disconnected to think that the US will bomb facilitate Iran by achieving its objectives. It should be remembered that Iran is part of the club of the 5 biggest power in air defense system of the world !!
Using the Millennium Challenge 2002 would be a gross negligence on your part then and for many Iranian posters.

I never mentioned the Millennium Challenge in my post at all because I know that things have changed over that time period which is the exact point I am trying to make with you.
We did bomb Iran, Operation Praying Mantis, Iran had enough of that. Iran knows the consequences.

Now you are just reaching.
That was then.....this is now, they have some very nice hardware waiting to see action if you dare try that again.
That was then.....this is now, they have some very nice hardware waiting to see action if you dare try that again.

Try to sink one of our ships and see what happens. We dare you to try that again.

You seem to be too Ameritard to undrestand what consequence means..... as a consequence of your state terrorism.... you got plouged by Iranian missiles.... and hid the damage to save face..... it´s not Iran that has shown fear of attacking your terrorist armed forces, its your child murdering forces that showed they have total fear of Iran.

You seem really dumb. You didn't understand the consequences of your actions that led to your general's death when your leader tweeted on the President's twitter saying you can't do anything after attacking our embassy. You are starting to forget what happened on Operation Praying Mantis. You really are.

And you've forgotten what happen to Michael D'Andrea, the CIA Commander in-charge ME whose death you can't even announce. Remember the consequences. Remember your junk air defenses you so trust could not intercept a single Iranian missile. You aegis, patriot and thaad will be put to actual test and a single failure will spill the blood of 1000s of US soldiers into the sea and their fresh serve as lunch for the fishes, since the US is "wise" enough to put 5000 soldiers in one vessel to go and face Iranian AshCM/BM.

The CIA commander in-charge of the ME, Michael D'Andrea was killed together with his lieutenants, but US hid its to save face. You can show me evidence that Michael D'Andrea is still alive to prove me wrong and I will humbly accept it.

o_O You believe that BS?

Again, you seem to be completely glossing over the fact that Iran has overtly accepted that it will take substantial losses in any future confrontation with U.S. armed forces. What we really should be questioning is America's tolerance for casualties in the modern era against an opponent more than capable of literally obliterating thousands of U.S. soldiers within the hour along with many mission critical infrastructures/assets that can't be easily replaced overnight being destroyed outright. These are the sorts of casualties Americans haven't seen in decades and it would be remiss not to bring up this potential reality, how is it going to look when Trump has to explain to the nation that 1,000s in the span of days have been killed? U.S.A has had an overall abysmal response to a measly virus since our president didn't take it seriously on the onset thinking this was all some conspiracy to 'sabotage' his re-election campaign. I guess adding a war on top of that crap-cake would be fitting given all the bullshit that has happened thus far, his administration can surely handle Iran....

Also on your point about Soleimani's murder--The Trump's administrations reckless decision to kill Soleimani hasn't deterred Iran whatsoever and has in-turn upped Iran's resolve severely. Too bad those U.S. soldiers in Iraq have to used as sacrificial lambs all because Zionist Trump can't negotiate in earnest with the Iranians due to his unwavering love for Israel and want to be some sort of woeful 'tough guy'.

Also i'll go ahead and say it since it seems not many people PDF want to acknowledge this but Trump exhibits what can quite easily be interpreted as a genuine hatred for Iran. His actions, words and policies are way over-the-top for someone in the self-entitled 'world leader' position and has only brought the prestige of America down due to his insufferable ego. Reprehensible in stature, contemptible as a person, Trump is a pretty good representative for what America has been for some time now; A bully who thinks its own shit doesn't stink.

No you should be questioning about Iran's ability to accept such substantial losses because you saw them fire missiles and didn't killed anyone over the death of their heroic general for many years. Equivalent to killing General MacArthur of his time. That should be enough to go to war over. Iran will have to explain that. Perhaps Iran is not willing to go to war over him that could lead to Iran's destruction.
Yeappp..... Ameritard to the core...... why talk about Opeartion Praying Mantis of 40 years ago, when Iran was preoccupied in war with Iraq.... when you can talk about Iranian missiles ploughing American air base 3 months ago...... maybe we should talk about the American civil war.... if you are so keen on bringing up irrelavent hisory.....

You got fked.... and your retarded Presidents threats of attacking 52 targets didn´t scare Iran.... but Iran´s threat of taking out all US sites in the region made you crap yourselves.... truth hurts when you live a lie.
Try to sink one of our ships and see what happens. We dare you to try that again.

You seem really dumb. You didn't understand the consequences of your actions that led to your general's death when your leader tweeted on the President's twitter saying you can't do anything after attacking our embassy. You are starting to forget what happened on Operation Praying Mantis. You really are.

o_O You believe that BS?

No you should be questioning about Iran's ability to accept such substantial losses because you saw them fire missiles and didn't killed anyone over the death of their heroic general for many years. Equivalent to killing General MacArthur of his time. That should be enough to go to war over. Iran will have to explain that. Perhaps Iran is not willing to go to war over him that could lead to Iran's destruction.
oh brave us marine like that insect who cry like wh ore when irig arrest them in PERSIAN GULF lol go wash yourself and then come back dont forget al asad who came vertically cam back horizontally and have soft brain damage
Try to sink one of our ships and see what happens. We dare you to try that again.

You seem really dumb. You didn't understand the consequences of your actions that led to your general's death when your leader tweeted on the President's twitter saying you can't do anything after attacking our embassy. You are starting to forget what happened on Operation Praying Mantis. You really are.

o_O You believe that BS?

No you should be questioning about Iran's ability to accept such substantial losses because you saw them fire missiles and didn't killed anyone over the death of their heroic general for many years. Equivalent to killing General MacArthur of his time. That should be enough to go to war over. Iran will have to explain that. Perhaps Iran is not willing to go to war over him that could lead to Iran's destruction.

I don't and won't have to be questioning anything, America is the one who will have to be dealing with a nation that is willing to take it as far as it needs to go. So far America has been quite reluctant in striking Iranian soil whilst over the years the Iranians have killed 1,000s of American GI's and American mercenaries the region over all the while ruining American plans for regional domination for well over two decades now. Just because the U.S armed forces decides to bring in some measly Patriots into Iraq doesn't mean U.S. now has total Carte Blanche to do what it wants in Iraq completely unabated. Those Patriots really won't help if Iran decides to destroy them and the bases they protect btw, just an FYI.

There does indeed seem to be a certain limit to what the PMUs which are an official part of the Iraqi military and Iranian forces are willing to take before more severe responses, possibility leading to full-blown open warfare, are decided upon. For Iran that red line is quite open and crystal clear; if Iranian soil is attacked by America then it's gloves off. During the attack on Ayn Al-Assad, several more waves of missiles (ranging in the hundreds of BMs) were already prepared and ready to go if the U.S. military were to retaliate against Iranian assets on Iranian soil (guess what didn't happen?). To me and many others this is a sign that Iran has overtly accepted, like I elucidated before, its willingness to take whatever losses in order to protect the Iranian homeland. To make myself even more clear, and further delineate upon what it is I'm trying to get across to you. Iran most likely can't win an open conflict with American forces if the war lasts for too long, Iran knows that, we know that but they've prepared to engage the U.S. in ways that they can sustain a conflict in. Iran can really hurt American standing in the Middle East if a high-intensity short-duration conflict is initiated but if that drags out Iran will really be feeling the hurt. The United States simply has the bigger economy and pool of resources to use in long form factor engagement, coupled with the larger military, this will lead to a "victory" of some sort. Although that aim is seriously in question since Iran really isn't alone here, it has allies/proxies that have been well equipped and armed can/will create a big problem for the U.S. the region over if they decide to get involved (high likely-hood). That's neither here nor there though....You seem to be insinuating that Iran is afraid of the U.S. and the attack on Ayn Al-Assad was just some hollow face-saving attempt to get back at the U.S. for killing a well respected General. Fair enough, that is your stance, I don't think that is what went down but I respectively have a different perspective on it

P.S.: The purpose of the strike was meant to send a message, don't try and play Mr. Know-it-all and act like you know what the Iranians were thinking when they decided to overtly respond in kind to the murder of Soleimani. Iranian weapons work and are in abundance, ready to go. This much we know now, all that is left if for Iran to weed out the idiots within its command structure that lead to embarrassing events like the Plane downing and other stupid blunders amongst a litany of other issues in lack of professionalism Iran is plagued with.

P.S.S.: Oldman1.....Operation praying Mantis happened quite some time ago, what Iran has now in terms of offensive weaponry completely dwarfs what it had back then (I won't list them off since I don't think you care tbh). If the U.S. sinks 40 Iranian boats (or some other Arbitrary number) then America will be getting the same or more amount of retaliation back. Can't wait to see how Trump or some other sorry U.S. president will explain to the American nation that the Iranians have split in-half dozens of our warships and wiped out dozens of our bases overnight killing and wounded literally thousands in the span of a single night.
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Yeappp..... Ameritard to the core...... why talk about Opeartion Praying Mantis of 40 years ago, when Iran was preoccupied in war with Iraq.... when you can talk about Iranian missiles ploughing American air base 3 months ago...... maybe we should talk about the American civil war.... if you are so keen on bringing up irrelavent hisory.....

You got fked.... and your retarded Presidents threats of attacking 52 targets didn´t scare Iran.... but Iran´s threat of taking out all US sites in the region made you crap yourselves.... truth hurts when you live a lie.
I bet you he's not even American by birth...probably some Israeli living in the U.S.

This forum is littered with imposters, posing as Iranians and American etc......but they're mostly Israelis or they belong to one of the groups like FDD and UANI....monitoring these forums to glean some info or secret. Either way, no non-iranian would be on our forum without some kind of motive.

Fun fact: I actually got a call from one of them a couple of weeks ago when I outed the Adam Millstein guy.....I like it, let them waste their time and resources on me.
I bet you he's not even American by birth...probably some Israeli living in the U.S.

This forum is littered with imposters, posing as Iranians and American etc......but they're mostly Israelis or they belong to one of the groups like FDD and UANI....monitoring these forums to glean some info or secret. Either way, no non-iranian would be on our forum without some kind of motive.

Fun fact: I actually got a call from one of them a couple of weeks ago when I outed the Adam Millstein guy.....I like it, let them waste their time and resources on me.

Whoa!! that's actually eerie man, who was it that you said was Adam Millstein again? They actually called you huh, I wonder what they said.

Also lol, what's your take on me xD
I bet you he's not even American by birth...probably some Israeli living in the U.S.

This forum is littered with imposters, posing as Iranians and American etc......but they're mostly Israelis or they belong to one of the groups like FDD and UANI....monitoring these forums to glean some info or secret. Either way, no non-iranian would be on our forum without some kind of motive.

Fun fact: I actually got a call from one of them a couple of weeks ago when I outed the Adam Millstein guy.....I like it, let them waste their time and resources on me.

Explain the Adam Millstein thing.

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