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Iranian sea skimming cruise missiles upgraded

That thread was taken off track, by yourself no less. I created this thread to allow for more constructive comment and here you are again with your "pain job" comments to try and inflame. If you're not trying to inflame, then refrain from such comments.

When you call a system that uses a completely different engine, seeker, warhead, etc a "repainted" C-802, then you realise you're coming across as trolling? Shall I assume you're plainly unaware and in genuine need for being informed?

My friend,

Did you check the title of this thread? I posted information regarding next generation systems coming online, i.e supersonic systems. Furthermore, these improvement you see were significant enough to warrant a thread, as where the context in which they were shown in.

Perhaps instead of making accusation such as "knock-off", come into these threads with a more positive mindset and ask members to inform you. Iran once upon a time imported some Chinese missiles, today those missiles may in some cases share shells, but everything else is different. If you disagree, then post your analysis for me to see.

Have you ever considered why you keep the shells? Maybe all the claimed improvements are just cheap propaganda?
Have you ever considered why you keep the shells? Maybe all the claimed improvements are just cheap propaganda?
it was a joint venture between Iran and china in the first place. you know farsi you can read the interview of ex-navy commander regarding the manuals and examples of IIN harpoons which transferred to china. however china later denied our access to engine and seekers so we managed to build our own derivatives.
Please don't derail the thread people let the healthy discussion take course. Don't reply to trolling just report violations or flaming.
Have you ever considered why you keep the shells? Maybe all the claimed improvements are just cheap propaganda?

Because a sane nation realises you do not need to waste resources to change something that does not warrant it at that time. Electronics change much faster, hence why you see these improvements. The body of the missile/plane performs its own task, once the aerodynamics and materials of the said systems no longer meet requirement, they will be changed. For example, a supersonic system will be aerodynamically different to these subsonic ones. Form follows functions in engineering, remember that. A simple example is the improvement in the F-15/F-16 throughout the ages. Electronics improved, but not much in the way of air-frame.

Now let us look at the missile you claim to be "repainted" C-802:

Iran signed a deal with Chinese to import the C-802, but before it could be fully realised they backed out. Iran ended up designing its own engine and seeker. That initial Iranian version was called Noor. Iran's next version was Qader. Both are seen below:


Noor on the right, Qader on the left. Notice the obvious size difference. There is also a Ghadir version which is even larger, that is the missile tested in this recent test.

As for engine, these missiles use the Iranian engine in the Tolue family.


And as explained already, the seekers and warheads are completely different. So basically, despite all these differences, you're trying to pass these systems as "repainted Chinese systems", then you wonder why some see you as insincere?

Iran is pragmatic, it is not going to spend resources to change the outer shells just so some people would only then believe systems are different. Military systems are more than just outside appearance my friend.

As for your comment regarding ballistic missiles, yes they tend to attract more attention, but do not for a second discount the important of these systems. These sea skimming systems are extremely potent.

over the horizon radar as seeker? It is anti ship missile and not a cruise missile, cruise missile can not skim over the sea:-). a improved anti ship missile ok....

According to whom cruise missile cannot skim over the sea? There are many such cruise missiles, P-800 is a major example.
over the horizon radar as seeker? It is anti ship missile and not a cruise missile, cruise missile can not skim over the sea:-). a improved anti ship missile ok....
Please! spare us. Cruise missiles are the ones that can fly very low. Sea skimming missiles are mostly cruise missiles. I don't know where you got this idea that cruise missile can't fly low above the sea.

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