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Iranian Air Defense Systems

some of Iranian made IIR systems:

sepehr 14:

MAX range: more than 50 km


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sepehr 14 (image 1 and2) and USAF boeing E-3 AWACS detected by this system.

sadad family:

compact surveillance device consisting of IIR and optical sensors with range finder. system is capable of elevation to cover more area.
sadad can achieve 100x zoom and it's field of view changes between 0.26-26 degrees. it can rotate in 360 degrees horizontally and 90 degrees vertically. maximum rotation rate is 200 RPS.
View attachment 618330

sadad 404 (first image) and sadad T201 (second image) in Iraqi PMU service during fight against ISIS.


maximum range: 80 km

seraj decection system:

EO/IIR+laser range finder (20 km)


stabilized airborne and seaborne sensors for drones and ships:


sensors for kamand CIWS:

View attachment 618331

space surveillance devices:



(international space station detected by Iranian made space surveillance device)

the most important Iranian made IIR sensor:

TIC-S-1 and TIC-S-2 are the most important Iranian made infrared sensors. these systems detection range against fighter jets are 50 and 150 respectively, in case of TIC-S-2 for leaving aircraft the range extents to 300 km because of more infrared emission by engine exhaust. this system (TIC-S-2) is also capable of detecting a human from 15 and a tank from 30 km away.
TIC-S series utilize advanced real time image analyzing software for better processing the input of it's FPA (focal plane array) sensors for better detecting potential targets. the sensor is a cooled variant to achieve better image. all combined results in a clear image comparable to the ones of CCD devices.
TIC-S-2 is a compact system with 60 cm in length, 26 in width and 30 cm in height. thus it's possible to integrate in different platforms including fighter jets.



TIC-S-1 (up) and TIC-S-2 (down)

and in the end:

detection of american RQ-170 using an IR sensor which resulted in subsequent hacking of the drone and landing it on Iranian soil.
Nice post and welcome back.
Iran has just cleared its skies of all commercial traffic overflights without explanation. This may mean that its strategic missile command and air defenses are on heightened alert and expecting imminent action.


Was there air travel ban? Possible response to the virus?
Iran has just cleared its skies of all commercial traffic overflights without explanation. This may mean that its strategic missile command and air defenses are on heightened alert and expecting imminent action.

At least they learned their lesson. This is a good sign.
iran expecting an attack , general Qaani is in Iraq US gun ship just came to Iraqi air space and few high ranking US generals just came to al asad air base something big is happening


I still think if they wanted to do anything they would move their troop out of Iran's reach not the contrary unless all of a sudden they have totally changed their battle strategy and have lost their regard for high casualty. Maybe I'm wrong.
This is their situation now:


This can put one of their carriers near China out of commission. I seriously doubt they look for trouble now. However, maybe they think Iran may decide to take advantage of this situation so they are bringing their forces near to show Iran they can defend their interests.
Some unconfirmed sources say US want to attack Iraqi Militias because they think Iran is weakened by covid-19 and this is the right time to strike.
Some unconfirmed sources say US want to attack Iraqi Militias because they think Iran is weakened by covid-19 and this is the right time to strike.
well it will be there lost not us

I still think if they wanted to do anything they would move their troop out of Iran's reach not the contrary unless all of a sudden they have totally changed their battle strategy and have lost their regard for high casualty. Maybe I'm wrong.
This is their situation now:


This can put one of their carriers near China out of commission. I seriously doubt they look for trouble now. However, maybe they think Iran may decide to take advantage of this situation so they are bringing their forces near to show Iran they can defend their interests.

sure as hell Iran dose not think that, as they are clearing up Iran air space every night for practice witch shows they expecting something and air defenses and missile forces are on high alert

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