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Iranian Air Defense Systems

actually they are changing their strategies. they will rely on smaller but numerous camps except of large and concentrated bases. also they will put them close to Iranian borders so in case of a military conflict they can strike deeper in.
i'm wondering in this case how much each camp will be equipped?? and what kind of equipment will they have??
To be honest, i'm worried this strategy leaves US at a disadvantage on the ground in these scenarios because the moment a unit/group of US soldiers is too few in #, their vulnerability goes up ALOT imo against even decently well trained militia forces(and we are talking Iranian back or/and trained or/and supported). these soldiers cant manuevre or live on the ground in Iraq while carrying patriots along, but they will get missile attacks? US soldiers imo already face an uphill battle in the ratio of # of committed US soldier to # of PMU militia committed to fighting US. Those 5K US soldiers also cant be in the same needed place at the same time, so this is a low footprint for US troops in a country the size of Iraq. BUt even US defense secretary said it recently too during talks of a new campaign in IRaq, said a surge would be needed, and damn right it would. If This planned US offensive isnt short and effective, then US can say bye bye to competing with CHina in the south china sea. screenshot this pls.
If Everybody reaches 0-0-0, the one who lost more will be the loser.
A Pyrrhic victory or a pyrrhic loss better than just loss. You keep your dignity that way. Do you agree?

No there is a reason why Pyrrhic victory exists in the first place. Otherwise you just call it a victory.
Trump does not have the support of Americans to start another war in ME in the worst two weeks of Coronavirus.

Mullahs in Iran will like this war more.

No there is a reason why Pyrrhic victory exists in the first place. Otherwise you just call it a victory.

WWII was a Pyrrhic victory for UK but it was the best available choice. Better than loss.

Trump tweet got lost in Coronavirus news. CNN has not even mentioned it. It would be headline last month.
No you saw Afghanistan case where the U.S. was fighting since 2001. Thats 19 years. 19 years of destruction. You want to see 19 years of bombing in Iran? Even if U.S. lost, its a Pyrrhic victory for Iran.

There it is again, this misguided idea that somehow the bombing of Iran will be as easy at it was in Afghanistan or Iraq. I guess all of Iran's military advancements and strategic military planning are for naught....

Long story short, it truly does remain to be seen how this conflict will play out when it comes down to blows. We don't know how much of a beating the U.S. is willing to take and how much Iran can endure. Also it's does bear repeating that American armed forces aren't fighting against a smaller lightly armed groups with limited hardware. Iran has a large arsenal that is well-protected and widespread ready to fire on military assets for quite some time with deadly accuracy and massive destructive power. The casualties for U.S. forces in the Middle East, especially in Iraq will be in the thousands within the first dew days if not hours. Moreover, Iran already knows it will get the brunt of the damage in such a conflict has accepted this.

This isn't a 'been there, done that' type of deal Oldman1, especially given the current healthcare crisis due to COVID-19 happening stateside.
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Thats the wrong mindset. You are pushing Trumps buttons. Your general is able to go around Iraq as he pleases for many years, but attacking the embassy was the last straw and he died for that, thinking U.S. won't respond or can't do anything. I can guarantee Trump will respond if you launch ballistic missile attacks again.
as long as the missile attack from Iran is in response then he will not attack he may other attack if Iran attacks first but not an attack in Iran soil there beef if with IRGC not Iran army if they attack Iran soil then Army gets involved too and the have half million ground force and a well trained air force and the own set of missiles which IRGC does not
The last thing any country wants to compare is U.S. fighting the Taliban and one fighting Iran.
Actually we should, because this is directly related to when you said that US has been "bombing PMU"(Iranian Air Defense Systems).
Well the US was "bombing Taliban" for 19 years and still left a loser, so bombing any group doesn't mean crap in the long run. Iran is wearing down US in Iraq and playing for time and Iraqi politics to work in its favor. Qassem;s death still gave Iran so much regional momentum it never imagined it would have or achieve so powerfully.

I will tell you this to your face as an American- US military TODAY, does not have the stamina, ability, reason, motivation, whatever else To stage a serious campaign on Iran. i can stand by that and bet money on it today. Screenshot this pls. Its jsut the facts. if you read the think tank papers, you will know Iran is too dense a nut for US to crack militarily, and the lack of an attempt is the best evidence of that. PS. i trade in facts, not emotions.

Because back then Iraq believe they could fight the U.S. because of the fighting in Vietnam against guerrilla warfare and lost. Iran is right there. Easy to see, easy to bomb.
If Iran is easy to bomb then why haven't you ACTUALLY BOMBED in 40 years? I mean Iran gave Trump a reason too when Iranian took down the RQ sentinel? secret drone over its waters, Trump wanted to bomb, and called Iran to setup a fake bomb, and he got a NO, so no bombing even took place then. your comments are suitable in a hypothetical scenario,because the reality doesnt match it.
Not hiding in civilian clothing.
Nobody is hiding. Iranian is harrassing US boats as we speak in the Persian Gulf so how tf has Iran been hiding? what we doing though here! u not serious! lol
Russia lost in Afghanistan,
So did US.
do you believe Russia's military should still be respected right now?
US congress testifies every year that Russian militaryt power is the biggest threat to US existence. nuff said.
Should the U.S. military be respected even now?
Respect will get you a 19 year war with no win. play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Yeah, I don't think it's a 'war' that the U.S. wants but instead an expansion of operations aimed at obliterating PMU factions and their respective capabilities is most definitely in the works, at least in some capacity since we've seen this more or less playing out for quite some time now.

But one shouldn't mistake a war for a short-term conflict. Just my opinion but I do think the U.S. could engage in a short-term high intensity kinetic conflict with Iran over the Iraq stuff, (in-spite of the COVID-19 pandemic currently ravaging our country, meaning America) don't see exactly what's stopping the U.S.A from going this route. I would bet my bottom dollar that the consensus within Trump's ill-forged administration is that Iran is indeed well occupied with mitigating the COVID-19 virus and can't fully commit to a short-lived conflict since resources are supposedly strained and morale would subsequently be low and money is in short supply (again, supposedly).

Truth be told though man, I can't exactly understand why American armed forces are consolidating their forces in several key locations. This makes it considerably more easier for Iran to maximize casualties if it came down to blows. The fact that there is talk of these new bases being 'permanent' is quite concerning though especially since they're close to the Iranian border making them, again, an easy target for Iranian forces to destroy.

What do you think?
I think I found out why US is doing this. Today was the end of PMU ultimatum to US to honor Iraqi parliament demand that they should leave Iraq.

This is not an offensive arrangement. It is a defensive arrangement against PMU. By concentrating their forces in two bases guarded by Patriot system they can defend better against PMU. But if the target is Iran then I agree; I also can't understand what they are doing.
Twitter banned his account so he won’t.
still active not banned.

There it is again, this misguided idea that somehow the bombing of Iran will be as easy at it was in Afghanistan or Iraq. I guess all of Iran's military advancements and strategic military are for naught....

Long story short, it truly does remain to be seen how this conflict will play out when it comes down to blows. We don't know how much of a beating the U.S. is willing to take and how much Iran can endure. Also it's does bear repeating that American armed forces aren't fighting against a smaller lightly armed groups with limited hardware. Iran has a large arsenal that is well-protected and widespread ready to fire on military assets for quite some time with deadly accuracy and massive destructive power. The casualties for U.S. forces in the Middle East, especially in Iraq will be in the thousands within the first dew days if not hours. Moreover, Iran already knows it will get the brunt of the damage in such a conflict has accepted this.

This isn't a 'been there, done that' type of deal Oldman1, especially given the current healthcare crisis due to COVID-19 happening stateside.
plus we don't know if Iran attacks US soil if its soil gets attacked directly in that magnitude that you are implying
I think I found out why US is doing this. Today was the end of PMU ultimatum to US to honor Iraqi parliament demand that they should leave Iraq.

This is not an offensive arrangement. It is a defensive arrangement against PMU. By concentrating their forces in two bases guarded by Patriot system they can defend better against PMU. But if the target is Iran then I agree; I also can't understand what they are doing.

A part of me hopes that this recent reorganization of U.S. armed forces in Iraq is somewhat apart of a possible with-drawl in the near-future. Having so many troops and equipment in several locations instead of many multiple locations is easier for mass-transit out of Iraq if the order is given but my gut doesn't tell me this is the case. In fact the U.S. does indeed look to be intent on staying 'permanently' in Iraq.
A part of me hopes that this recent reorganization of U.S. armed forces in Iraq is somewhat apart of a possible with-drawl in the near-future. Having so many troops and equipment in several locations instead of many multiple locations is easier for mass-transit out of Iraq if the order is given but my gut doesn't tell me this is the case. In fact the U.S. does indeed look to be intent on staying 'permanently' in Iraq.

its not US fault every power does that who among us ( humans ) like to lose power especially if they worked hard for it?
its not US fault every power does that who among us ( humans ) like to lose power especially if they worked hard for it?

This is going to be a bit a of ramble, my apologies ahead of time.

I grew up in a family where I lost loved ones to war and my own mother lived through the Iran-Iraq war. It sincerely pains me to see the U.S.A constantly, and I mean absolutely non-stop be engaged in conflict after conflict after conflict, ad hominem... The stories both my father and mother told me of the bombs raining down, the family members being blown to bits, obliterated in some useless war just tore me up inside as I grew up. So today I see America as the primary demon of destruction going about from one nation to another, one people to another, one culture to another, spreading the disease of war and conflict for its own benefit; whether it be oil, gas, economic influence, protecting some Zealot religious state (Saudi Arabia, Israel) or just plain old empire building, I view it all as reprehensible, we humans should be pouring all our collective resources into equalizing humanity as a whole and advancing civilian science with the ultimate goal of eradicating all known disease from cancer to heart, subsequently extending life expectancy greatly whilst focusing on human expansion.....Look I know what I say is nothing short of a fever dream but hey, you gotta have some sort of optimism somewhere. And for the record, I don't just blame America, many other nations contribute to world-wide turmoil, Iran included.

Anyways, the last war in which Americans actually gave a shit about morals and what their forces were doing over seas was Vietnam. At least back then regular Americans had the gumption to spit in the faces of the returning GI's who killed millions of Laos, Cambodians and Vietnams over some stupid communism bullshit. Quite literally the United States bombed entire nations to the stone-age just to prove that they can, the reason holds no weight as the loss of human life outweighs any misguided gains. This is the sort of reckless abandon we are dealing with. Today's Americans are heartless, brainless morons who won't do jack-shit against the U.S. government's gallivanting. Americans are in the "thank you for your service" era, people just don't care or have drunken the MIC U.S armed forces propaganda of the 'City on the Hill' and 'Our troops are heroes' as well as the obvious American exceptionalism. More over, the Zombie hordes of American idiots are some the most repulsive low-IQ dullards one could come across, and it's not as if this is a small population no...it's the majority of Americans who are stupid like actually dumb. Respectively I put little stock in their ability to stop this nation from getting into more conflicts in the future. As long as they have their sex time, **** time, TV, entertainment, food, drugs, shitty low-paying job; they're right as rain...

I can only hope regular Iranians in Iran know the true extent of danger that they're in. America doesn't seek just to win, they want to destroy so it doesn't come back stronger, especially when it comes to Iran.
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Thats the wrong mindset. You are pushing Trumps buttons. Your general is able to go around Iraq as he pleases for many years, but attacking the embassy was the last straw and he died for that, thinking U.S. won't respond or can't do anything. I can guarantee Trump will respond if you launch ballistic missile attacks again.
And what happen to the CIA commander incharge of the ME? You can even announce his death, Gen Soleimani was baried with dignity and honor.

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