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  1. M

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    Absolutely Right sir... Absolutely Right sir...
  2. M

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    +1 ............................
  3. M

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    You mean Rape, coerce, convert and then give respect?? What was percentage of Hindu population in 47 and what is the percentage now in pakistan?
  4. M

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    I pity you. The same (sic) "jahiliya" kuffar relatives of yours are marching aheadof you in each and every field. And look how your "non-jahil" talibani A-holes are bringing glory to your "non-jahil" religion.
  5. M

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    Well pakistanis, let me present the cream of the matter in clear words. You all are converted Hindus. (Deny as much as you want by trolling here or by distorting your history books). You cant run away from truth and your self. It is you who propogated 2-N theory that Muslims cannot live with...
  6. M

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    Well said emo girl. But where have Indians organised "large scale" hate campain against pakistanis. Heck more muslims dwell in India than the entire population of pakistan. If India had any problem with muslims then this trend would have been a piece of joke. Indian hate for pakistan (and not...
  7. M

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    So you wash your french underwear in a german detergent, good, but what is the relevance of that to this thread? Cant you stay on topic?
  8. M

    Siachen card? Pak puts off visa agreement

    Wow, who is dying to invitie pakistanis to come to India and that too on a "liberal" visa? Especailly given the fact that they are the special privilleged ones having seperate queues and subject to special techniques of screening in international airports. Refarding siachin, India has...
  9. M

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    Saar it is a long long point of argument and severly offtopic to this thread. Some other place, some other time maybe.
  10. M

    Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

    Yes Sir, Your uncle charlie chaplin invented the concept of zero and infinity and your cousin arnold dodo invented concepts of decimal and fractions. Its a conspiracy theory that all the above were invented by Indians. All illness that a human body may have have been already documented in...
  11. M

    Indigenous Indian Missile Arsenal : Present and Future

    Perhaps we would have to invent a new word then. Instead of "indigenous" in dictionary we will have to add the word "PINDIgenous" that will mean buying off-the-shelf misiles and giving it an excellent green paint in PINDI and later claiming to be indigenous..errr... PINDIgenous. :lol:
  12. M

    It is up to India to try to stop Sheikh Hasina ruining Bangladesh

    Where is that munshi? I want to hear his experts comments on this.
  13. M

    You cannot quote from Quran in Pakistan!!!!

    Then why show your inspired hypocracy of being kind and gentle while mercilessly slaying a helpless living soul? You wanna eat meat, eat it like being an animal. Why do you care for its pains and agony? If you really care, why to kill it in first place? Why insist on halal meat and why not...
  14. M

    Indian man sentenced by US court for treating wife as slave

    Dude, There is the word Indian in it. Dont you know?? If any Indian farts and a sharp momin to our west is able to hear it, it automatically becomes a "world affair" and fit to be discussed in this section of pdf. lol Mods please move this thread to suitable location or delete it as it...
  15. M

    You cannot quote from Quran in Pakistan!!!!

    Like??? Slitting the throat of a helpless animal, but still pretending to be pious enough by killing it in halal fashion so that the hepless creatures suffers (sic) less pain and dies an "enjoyably" death. Heck if you are so much concerned of "pain" of the animal, why to kill it in first place...
  16. M

    You cannot quote from Quran in Pakistan!!!!

    Basic difference is the philosophy of killing itself. For you butchery is Usual and nothing uncommon and prescribed in "the book" itself. For us every life counts.
  17. M

    You cannot quote from Quran in Pakistan!!!!

    Sarfiraz. There are no versions of Ramayana. Every so called "version" you are talking about go by different names, written by different authours in different languages, at different times, containing difference verses, poems etc. it is not a doctrine. (P.S. I am not talking about literal...
  18. M

    India's 10,000 km Agni-VI missile to be ready by mid 2014

    What if it is 40 Feet (12-13 Meter) and not 40M ?? Then it can be fitted in submarine. Maybe the report actually meant 40 Feet. But again that is too ambitious.
  19. M

    Indigenous Indian Missile Arsenal : Present and Future

    500 years later if pakistan made any missile, it will name it to "Ahmedinijad" or "Karzai" or "Erdogan", as per their existing glorious tradition. :D
  20. M

    India's 10,000 km Agni-VI missile to be ready by mid 2014

    40 M length of missile is too much chutiyapa.. Heck you are building a missile or a space launch vehicle? The report is not factually correct. There is some loose end to this. Either, range or dia or length. Something is innacuratly reported. In worst case, if all the report is...
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