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You cannot quote from Quran in Pakistan!!!!

in the mean time Monkeys are running in New Dehli ;)
And you cant harm a monkey in Dehli as hindus will be after you..But can bash a muslim and they will be indifferent...

Yehhhhhhhh kya baat hui?

We should not allow such bigotry to go unchecked no matter what goes in India.
Yehhhhhhhh kya baat hui?

We should not allow such bigotry to go unchecked no matter what goes in India.

was referring to a recent thread about Monkey infestation in Delhi and them being allowed to run riot in the capital on Religious grounds...
But yeah,was offtopic and unrelated to this thread ;)
We have to resist Blasphemy cases a bit, it is now becoming a nuisance and a source of great national shame on the way we are treating non-Muslims.

Blasphemy ko rona pitna karne walay ko khoob ****** karo, because this should not be done in this way. First of all I believe blasphemy is no such thing and the law should be repealed, if not there should be a competent registering authority where blasphemy accusation is registered then a board of lawyers sit and nitpick on the cases finer point and come to a decision on whether or not the charge has to be placed. Then the issue goes to court and the person gets a chance to defend their case.

If someone shouts and screams "This is blasphemy without following the protocol, throw THEM in jail in stead.
“Yes, I abused them. I would have killed the pastor right there and then but I could not arrange for a weapon,” he said.

............and i thought that ISLAM is a religion of peace.
We have to resist Blasphemy cases a bit, it is now becoming a nuisance and a source of great national shame on the way we are treating non-Muslims.

Blasphemy ko rona pitna karne walay ko khoob ****** karo, because this should not be done in this way. First of all I believe blasphemy is no such thing and the law should be repealed, if not there should be a competent registering authority where blasphemy accusation is registered then a board of lawyers sit and nitpick on the cases finer point and come to a decision on whether or not the charge has to be placed. Then the issue goes to court and the person gets a chance to defend their case.

If someone shouts and screams "This is blasphemy without following the protocol, throw THEM in jail in stead.

i am in favor of Blasphemy laws....
Its the same as Copyright infringement laws, Libel/Defamation / False accusation laws and Breach of intellectual property laws..

But the way these laws are used in Pakistan is bad..But yes the law is good and should be there...and overlooked by the court like any other law rather than some little Qari becoming the judge and jury and making death threats.

“Yes, I abused them. I would have killed the pastor right there and then but I could not arrange for a weapon,” he said.

............and i thought that ISLAM is a religion of peace.

Dont play emotional tricks mate.....
Come up with better arguments...
The Qari did break the law of the land by threatening the pastor and admitted it in Public...The pastor should put up a case against him...Likewise if the Qari thinks Blasphemy has been done then he should put up a case in the court and prove it.
“Yes, I abused them. I would have killed the pastor right there and then but I could not arrange for a weapon,” he said.

............and i thought that ISLAM is a religion of peace.

And i thought that this guy does not represent true Islam.

Do you see anybody supporting the Qari's actions here.?
The pastor was using the Quran to justify Christianity, which means that he may have been twisting the meaning. You highlighted that part as well, so what the fuss?

He used the Quran to justify Christianity, meaning he twisted its meaning.

Muslim daa'wa is mainly based on comparative religious studies where muslim preachers basically twish the meaning of others religious scriptures to justify islam. It happens every single day, in India too, Zakir Naik being the most visible face of these people.

I understand why its not sweet to the ears of those whose religion is being ''twisted'', but then the urge to murder over every slight and the god given right to be the judge, jury and executioner is the death of a civilised society and debate.

was referring to a recent thread about Monkey infestation in Delhi and them being allowed to run riot in the capital on Religious grounds...
But yeah,was offtopic and unrelated to this thread ;)

Followed that thread and understood what was implied. Even dogs are not allowed to be killed in India as there's a law against it thanks to animal rights activists, its a big nuisance in most cities, i'm sure on internet there must be someone worshipping a dog or marrying a dog or some such. There's your cue for your new thread, go get cracking.
Muslim daa'wa is mainly based on comparative religious studies where muslim preachers basically twish the meaning of others religious scriptures to justify islam. It happens every single day, in India too, Zakir Naik being the most visible face of these people.

I understand why its not sweet to the ears of those whose religion is being ''twisted'', but then the urge to murder over every slight and the god given right to be the judge, jury and executioner is the death of a civilised society and debate.

Nobody justifies the judge jury executioner. Nobody justify's this Qari's acts.

The Mullahs of today are a very different breed. In Friday sermons, instead of giving message of peace, the Mulah of the mosque next door bashes the army and the government, even the Eid prayers are not left alone. He even prayed the death of army generals and all.

Point being, that these hot headed people are there, because the message of Islam has been distorted in the last decade.

And I have not heard any Maulvi or scholar using other religions to justify Islam, because the Quran and Hadith are enough sources. Can't vouch for Zakir Naik, because I haven't heard him enough to make a call.
Muslim daa'wa is mainly based on comparative religious studies where muslim preachers basically twish the meaning of others religious scriptures to justify islam. It happens every single day, in India too, Zakir Naik being the most visible face of these people.

I understand why its not sweet to the ears of those whose religion is being ''twisted'', but then the urge to murder over every slight and the god given right to be the judge, jury and executioner is the death of a civilised society and debate.

They rarely quote exact text from a specific religious book..But discuss in general....
For example if a Maulvi wants to Quote Bible,whcich bible he will Quote..There are so many versions out there all with different texts..
Same goes for Geeta / Ramayan,,many versions and not the same text in all..

Same cannot be said about Quran..Anywhere in the world for the last 1400 years the text has been exactly the same....No matter in which part of the world you read Quran and of whichever era the text will be exactly the same.....
Thats why Muslims are a bit over protective towards the Quran..Its centuries of hard work in keeping the text the same as it was...

Bible was lost in time and now defaced to beyond recognition...Geeta /Ramayan / Torah the same fate.

But yes...Scholars should argue with knowledge not violence....
They rarely quote exact text from a specific religious book..But discuss in general....
For example if a Maulvi wants to Quote Bible,whcich bible he will Quote..There are so many versions out there all with different texts..
Same goes for Geeta / Ramayan,,many versions and not the same text in all..

What are you on about?

Chapter X Verse Y will be the same everywhere. All that will differ would be the interpretation, not the translation.
What are you on about?

Chapter X Verse Y will be the same everywhere. All that will differ would be the interpretation, not the translation.
Versions of Ramayana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depending on the methods of counting, as many as three hundred versions of the Indian epic poem, the Ramayana, are known to exist.

Followed that thread and understood what was implied. Even dogs are not allowed to be killed in India as there's a law against it thanks to animal rights activists, its a big nuisance in most cities, i'm sure on internet there must be someone worshipping a dog or marrying a dog or some such. There's your cue for your new thread, go get cracking.

But Hindus have a monkey god called Hanuman and the Monkeys are allowed to run in the city due to religious reasons not Animal rights.
Off topic but since you mentioned,i had to reply.
Versions of Ramayana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depending on the methods of counting, as many as three hundred versions of the Indian epic poem, the Ramayana, are known to exist.

Sarfiraz. There are no versions of Ramayana. Every so called "version" you are talking about go by different names, written by different authours in different languages, at different times, containing difference verses, poems etc. it is not a doctrine. (P.S. I am not talking about literal translation. These are different versions complete in themselves)

Example like :- Tulsi Ramcharitmanas, Valmiki Ramayana, Yagvalkya Ramayana, Kannadi Ramayana, Hikayat Seri Rama (Malaysia), Yama Zatdaw (Burma), Phra Lak Phra Lam (Vietnam), Ramakien (Thailand) etc and many many more.

Much to your surprise there is even versions of Ramayan in arabic, urdu and Persian.

Versions of Ramayana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But Hindus have a monkey god called Hanuman and the Monkeys are allowed to run in the city due to religious reasons not Animal rights.

You sure there's no possibility of fitting a third reason in there?

So the menace of dogs in Srinagar must be either because Muslims worship dogs or because of animal rights because as per you, there's no third possibility.

You sure there's no possibility of fitting a third reason in there?

So the menace of dogs in Srinagar must be either because Muslims worship dogs or because of animal rights because as per you, there's no third possibility.


you can kill a dog in srinagar or throw stones at a dog...without being lynched by hindu mob
But you cant kill a monkey or hurt a monkey in Dehly and you risk being lynched by believers of Hanuman...
So there is the difference......

Although i never have problem with Pagan / Hindu gods or any gods people believe in..
But i do have problem with people being two faced...Hindus are always shy to admit their beliefs outside their little circle..
If you respect a monkey or a rat due to some religious belief,at least don't try to hide it and admit it....
you can kill a dog in srinagar or throw stones at a dog...without being lynched by hindu mob
But you cant kill a monkey or hurt a monkey in Dehly and you risk being lynched by believers of Hanuman...
So there is the difference......

Basic difference is the philosophy of killing itself.

For you butchery is Usual and nothing uncommon and prescribed in "the book" itself. For us every life counts.
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