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The murder of history in Pakistan

Pakistan's history started 4 billion years ago when the earth was created.

And of course we are ashamed of jahiliyah times.
That doesn't mean we don't appreciate it for what it was.

What is the definition of your Jahilyah???, feeling ashamed of Hindu ancestor even he was a great mathematician or poet and looking at foreigners living in Spain as inspiration.
Just let me ask you one simple thing. Do you think that there is no distortion of historical facts in Pakistan? Simply say 'yes or no'

Some of the facts are distorted but most of the information you have provided in post # 50 is out of context.
wow...That time there was no India no Pakistan......you can say earth history not Pakistan History....

4 Billion might be too much, but Pakistan has a history older than India. Add that to it's important geographical location, and you get a culture which infuses Perso-Arabic and Indic. And you know what, we're well proud of that.
It's only Indians and few, very liberal unfortunately as they happen to be, Pakistanis which warn about the "dangers" of adopting parts of 'foreign' culture.

Oh god no !!

Yes, O God no indeed.
The problem is not mainly about claiming arab ancestory but the systematic infusion of lies in pakistani textbooks..What is your take on that..?Do you think that as a conspiracy as well?

The text books lied about the wars and that will be fixed once we get a new generation in power who don't have anything to hide.
Other then that, I don't see a problem with the books.
The argument can be made for India the US, or any country of the world as well.

A pathetic attempt to bury head under sand..Common dude this level of bs cannot be seen in any indian or american textbooks.
Hindu has always been an enemy of Islam.131
The religion of the Hindus did not teach them good things -- Hindus did not respect women...132
Hindus worship in temples which are very narrow and dark places, where they worship idols. Only one person can enter the temple at a time. In our mosques, on the other hand, all Muslims can say their prayers together.133
This division of men [among Aryans] into different castes is the worst example of tyranny in the history of the world. In course of time the Aryans began to be called the Hindus.134
‘the social evils of the Hindus’135
“The Hindus lived in small and dark houses. Child marriage was common in those days. Women were assigned a low position in society. In case the husband of a woman died, she was burnt alive with his dead body. This was called ‘sati’. … The killing of shudras was not punished, but the murder of a Brahman was a serious crime. … However, the people of low caste were not
allowed to learn this language. The caste system had made their life miserable.”136
Muslim children of India wear shalwar kameez or shirt and pajama and Hindu children wear Dhoti also.137
Hindus thought that there was no country other than India, nor any people other than the Indians, nor did anyone else possess any knowledge138. [Amazingly, this sentence, meant to denigrate Hindus, describes the response of the local people to Al Beruni’s visit to India. This is despite the fact that Alexander the Greek had come to this land many centuries earlier, that the rule of the Mauryas and the Guptas stretched to the lands from where Al Beruni had come, that the Arabs had conquered Sindh before Al Beruni’s visit, that the Arab conquest was also aimed against the Ismailis who had settled in the area around Multan much earlier, and that the Arabic mathematics was deeply influenced by the Indian mathematics, etc., etc.]
Hindu pundits were jealous of Al Beruni. Since they could not compete against Al Beruni in knowledge, they started calling him a magician.139
The Sultans of Delhi were tolerant in religious matters. They never forced the non-Muslims to convert to Islam. The Hindus embraced Islam due to the kind treatment of the Muslims.
The caste system of the Hindus had made the life of the common people miserable. They were treated like animals. Nobody could claim equality with Brahmins.140
The Hindus who have always been opportunists cooperated with the English.142
The Hindus praised the British rule and its blessings in their speeches The Hindus had the upper hand in the Congress and they established good relations with the British. This party tried its best to safeguard the interests of the Hindus. Gradually it became purely a Hindu organization. Most of the Hindu leaders of the Congress were not prepared to tolerate the presence of the Muslims in the sub-continent. They demanded that the Muslims should either
embrace Hinduism or leave the country. The party was so close to the Government that it would not let the Government do any work as would be of benefit to the Muslims. The partition of Bengal can be quoted as an example.143
…but Hindus very cunningly succeeded in making the British believe that the Muslims were solely responsible for the [1857] rebellion.144
The British confiscated all lands [from the Muslims] and gave them to Hindus.145
In December 1885, an Englishman Mr. Humes … formed a political party named Indian National Congress, the purpose of which was to politically organize Hindus.146
Therefore in order to appease the Hindus and the Congress, the British announced political reforms. Muslims were not eligible to vote. Hindus voter never voted for a Muslim, therefore, …147
[A shear distortion, and a blatant lie that the Muslims were ineligible to vote]
The height of Hindu-Muslim amity was seen during the Khilafat Movement, but as soon as the movement was over, the anti-Muslim feelings among Hindus resurfaced.148
Nehru report exposed the Hindu mentality.149
The Quaid saw through the “machinations” of the Hindus.150
Hindus declared the Congress rule as the Hindu rule, and started to unleash terror on Muslims.151
At the behest of the government [during the Congress rule], Hindu “goondas” started killing Muslims and burning their property.152
The Hindus always desired to crush the Muslims as a nation. Several attempts were made by the Hindus to erase the Muslim culture and civilisation. Hindi-Urdu controversy, shudhi and sanghtan movements are the most glaring examples of the ignoble Hindu mentality.153
The British, with the assistance of the Hindus, adopted a cruel policy of mass exodus against the Muslims to erase them as a nation The British adopted a policy of large scale massacre (mass extermination) against the Muslims The Muslim population of the Muslim minority provinces faced atrocities of the Hindu majority
[The Muslims] were not allowed to profess their religion freely
Hindu nationalism was being imposed upon Muslims and their culture All India Congress turned into a pure Hindu organisation
The Congress was striving very hard to project the image of united India, which was actually aimed at the extermination of the Muslims from the Indian society
The two Hindu organisations [Congress and Mahasabha] were determined to destroy the national character of the Muslims to dominate and subjugate them perpetually. 154
While the Muslims provided all type of help to those wishing to leave Pakistan, the people of India committed cruelties against the Muslims (refugees). They would attack the buses, trucks, and trains carrying the Muslim refugees and they were murdered and looted.155
The Hindus in Pakistan were treated very nicely when they were migrating as opposed to the inhuman treatment meted out to the Muslim migrants from India. (Musalmanon nein Pakistan se janay walay Hinduon ko her qissam ki sahulatein deen , lekin Baharat ke logon nein Musalmnon per bohat Zulm kiyay).156
After the Cripps Missions, Congress raised the “Quit India” slogan, which meant the British should leave, handing over the rule to Hindus.157
After 1965 war India conspired with the Hindus of Bengal and succeeded in spreading hate among the Bengalis about West Pakistan and finally attacked on East Pakistan in December 71, thus causing the breakup of East and West Pakistan.158

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/curren...-murder-history-pakistan-4.html#ixzz1vzpThxev
Well pakistanis, let me present the cream of the matter in clear words. You all are converted Hindus. (Deny as much as you want by trolling here or by distorting your history books). You cant run away from truth and your self.

It is you who propogated 2-N theory that Muslims cannot live with hindus. We did not. You had probelms with hindus we dont.

Pakistan is not created on the basis of ethnic, linguistic or cultural background. It is a sort of artificial state. The only glue that holds your state together is the Anti-India rhetoric and shared hatread towards hindus. Shed the hatread and you will see that you are no difernt that Indian muslim or even from your distant relative, the Indian hindu.


So time and again you need to shore up the anti_india and anti Hindu sentiments which is fundamentally critical to your existence.

And so what if all of us are converted Hindu's - what's it to you.
And of course we are ashamed of jahiliyah times.

I pity you. The same (sic) "jahiliya" kuffar relatives of yours are marching aheadof you in each and every field. And look how your "non-jahil" talibani A-holes are bringing glory to your "non-jahil" religion.
The text books lied about the wars and that will be fixed once we get a new generation in power who don't have anything to hide.
Other then that, I don't see a problem with the books.

yaa and do not forget to mention about your hindu ancestors in that text books..... i hope that hindu porus does not become a buddhist porus in your new books..... but i do sense a change in pakistani mentality towards past.... it is a :welcome: change
And so what if all of us are converted Hindu's - what's it to you.

Wait - Aren't they forgetting where Hinduism originated from? Forgetting both where the actual religion comes from and the name for it as well :disagree:
The text books lied about the wars and that will be fixed once we get a new generation in power who don't have anything to hide.
Other then that, I don't see a problem with the books.

yaa and do not forget to mention about your hindu ancestors in that text books..... i hope that hindu porus does not become a buddhist porus in your new books..... but i do sense a change in pakistani mentality towards past.... it is a :welcome: change
Can Indians stop with their inferiority complex and trying to group themselves with Pakistanis?

We are trying to have a serious discussion.
Well pakistanis, let me present the cream of the matter in clear words. You all are converted Hindus. (Deny as much as you want by trolling here or by distorting your history books). You cant run away from truth and your self.

It is you who propogated 2-N theory that Muslims cannot live with hindus. We did not. You had probelms with hindus we dont.

Pakistan is not created on the basis of ethnic, linguistic or cultural background. It is a sort of artificial state. The only glue that holds your state together is the Anti-India rhetoric and shared hatread towards hindus. Shed the hatread and you will see that you are no difernt that Indian muslim or even from your distant relative, the Indian hindu.


So time and again you need to shore up the anti_india and anti Hindu sentiments which is fundamentally critical to your existence.

We have never denied that we converted from Hinduism, how many times do we have to say this to get it through your head :hitwall:

In fact we are quite proud that we left Hinduism for Islam.

The two nation theory was established because we were afraid that as a minority, our rights would not be fulfilled.
This is a perfectly legitimate and logical reason to seek a nation.
And artificial? you want to talk about artificial?
What is the bond that Hold India together?
You don't speak the same language, you don't eat the same food, you don't save the same customs. India was never a country, ever. India is a bunch of small states, who can be so different that one feels like England while another feels like Mongolia, that is held together by an artificial construct call "the nation of India"
So please spare us

And seriously, don't pretend Indians don't hate Pakistanis. Just look at this forum. It is filled with utter hate for Pakistan.
My favorite word to describe Indians is "Hypocritical"
And this is why. You people act like you are angels when in reality you hate us equally as we hate you.
Can Indians stop with their inferiority complex and trying to group themselves with Pakistanis?

We are trying to have a serious discussion.

They are constantly trying to claim our glorious culture and history.

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What does it matter, would it make him less of an ancestor.

Yes.. Which pakistani text books talks proud of ur anchestor?
Doess the book talk proud about Chandragupta, who stopped Greek invasion?
Does it talk about Ashoka?
Does it talk about Chanakya(native of pakistan)?
Or does it talk proud of Aryabhatta or Bhaskara?
Does it talk of Rig veda which was written in pakistan?
Or many scientists who had their roots in pakistan in ancient times?
There were many "good" kings and emperors in between Ashoka and 712 AD!! Are they mentioned?
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