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India's 10,000 km Agni-VI missile to be ready by mid 2014

I am against creating such missile. What objectives it will have, nothing. Better work on SLBM Nirbhay and ABM.
^^^^yes SLBM is necessary....it'll enhance our second strike capability......but the thing is, if you have started something why not go the full length.....It's of no use staying in the middle.....

After acquiring the capability to reach every nook and cranny of the earth, we won't need to worry about the range anymore.......we can concentrate on other things like accuracy, velocity, evasive-ability etc.....
40 M length of missile is too much chutiyapa..

Heck you are building a missile or a space launch vehicle?

The report is not factually correct. There is some loose end to this. Either, range or dia or length. Something is innacuratly reported.

In worst case, if all the report is factually correct then the only use of such tall missile is for the launch through underground silos. It cant be used from submarines.
What if it is 40 Feet (12-13 Meter) and not 40M ?? Then it can be fitted in submarine.

Maybe the report actually meant 40 Feet.

But again that is too ambitious.
Not as huge as this.

Why are you comparing Agni V to a DF-5 when you should be comparing it to DF-31A? DF-31A lenght is around 16m and weight under 50tons.
While the length of the missile would be reportedly around 40 meters as against Agni-V’s 17.5 meter, its diameter will be 1.1 meter, which is almost half of Agni-V. The missile’s launch weight would be around 55 tonne.
“We are seriously contemplating to enhance the reach of our strategic missiles. The development of Agni-VI will be a step forward to accomplish the goal. With the present strength we are capable of developing the inter-continental ballistic missiles which can hit targets beyond the range of 10,000 km,” added the scientist.

Oh, great! Congratulations! Wish you successful!
All the best DRDO, make us proud. :)

On the contrery why do we require an ICBM with a 10000 km range?

All the best DRDO, make us proud. :)

On the contrery why do we require an ICBM with a 10000 km range?

Well isn't it OBVIOUS that 10,000KM range is for USA and Europe !!!
Well isn't it OBVIOUS that 10,000KM range is for USA and Europe !!!

Calculate before you say..we will need a range greater than 10,000 to hit USA. So its not for USA. It should be around 15,000 Kms. So USA is out of picture.
DF31A 16meters 42tons, range 12000km,
can any one tell me: how take Agni-VI (40 meters) in to a submarine as the paper said
"It will have the capability to be launched from submarine and from land-based launchers."
India's 10,000 km Agni-VI missile to be ready by mid 2014

BALASORE: Before the din that was kicked off after test firing of the much-touted Intercontinental Range Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Agni-V was settled down, India is gearing up to go for the maiden development trial of Agni-VI missile within next two years notwithstanding international reactions and pressures.

Being developed by the DRDO, the new generation ICBM Agni-VI will have a strike range of 8,000 km to 10,000 km. A reliable source told ‘The Express’ that the drawing and designing work of the most advanced missile had been started.

“It will be a three-stage missile and taller than the Agni-V. The design is just taking shape and other sub systems are under development. If everything goes as per the programme, the missile will be ready by mid 2014,”
:argh::smokin:said the source.

A scientist associated with the project said unlike the bulky Agni-III, the new generation Agni-VI missile will be more trendy and sleek, so that it can be easily carried to any place and deployed as and when required.

While the length of the missile would be reportedly around 40 meters as against Agni-V’s 17.5 meter, its diameter will be 1.1 meter, which is almost half of Agni-V. The missile’s launch weight would be around 55 tonne.

The Agni-VI is said to be the latest and most advanced version among the Agni series of missiles. It will have the capability to be launched from submarine and from land-based launchers.[/SIZE] :cheers::yahoo:The DRDO is also working on integrating Agni-V with submarine.

The new missile will also carry more number of warheads than any other versions. While Agni-V can carry up to three nuclear warheads, sources said the next missile in the series can carry even up to 10 nuclear warheads, capable of hitting multiple targets simultaneously.:bounce:

After the first test launching of 5,000 km range Agni-V missile while many had raised question about its ICBM capabilities, though it can hit the target anywhere in Asia, Africa and Europe except America, the development of Agni-VI would definitely be a befitting reply to them. :angel:

Apart from the Agni-VI’s ground version, the DRDO is also simultaneously working out for its underground variant.

The submarine launched version of the missile will arm the Arihant class submarines of the Indian Navy. This missile with a strike range of 6,000 kilometers can carry a payload of one tonne.

“We are seriously contemplating to enhance the reach of our strategic missiles. The development of Agni-VI will be a step forward to accomplish the goal. With the present strength we are capable of developing the inter-continental ballistic missiles which can hit targets beyond the range of 10,000 km,” added the scientist.

Agni-VI to be ready by mid 2014 - South India - Orissa - ibnlive

i don't think bolded part is true neither that A 6 will have 10,000 KM range

how can a 40 M tall missile will fit in sub?

Thats what best describes your reply. Now take a second nap.

UNSC seat will come all by itself in next couple of years. We dont have to beg. We even donated one to China long back.

If India can grow at atleast 8% for the next couple of years and raise its military influence, the dothis will shiver where they supposed to be.

Just concentrate on capability building at this moment. Increase the range of strategic missiles and improve the deterrence and change the strike posture.

Good bye to NFU(no first use). And announcement of complete annihilation of the initiating aggressor instead of a mere deterrence posture.

India needs a major modification of its nuclear doctrine. Like I said, no more NFU.

Increase the number of mated and ready to fire nuclear warheads.
Build atleast 5 SSBN`s with a min of 12 launch modules capable of firing K-IV/VI SLBMs. MIRV all long range missiles.
Buy more Tu-22M and extend the reach of air launched CM.( this alone will bring someone next door quietly to the negotiating table all by themselves)

This the best that can be done quickly in the next 2 years time frame.

In the long term say 10 years,

Start parallel development of desi bomber based on enlarged FGFA or manned bomber version of AURA.

Fast track the development and realisation of AURA, then start a parallel project for the development of next gen bomber based on data from AURA.

By then Kaveri2 with 100KN will be available, so even having 4 Kaveri engines for the bomber version is not a big deal.

UNSC without India in the 21st century is just a joke and can be witnessed by the current world situation where as many aggressions took place and big ones bullying tiny ones.

As I said, let the UNSC decide whether India should be in it. Not India itself. Any country can said that UNSC without their country is a joke. But if all 5 permanent members of UNSC agree that its membership without India is a joke, then it is. Until then, its just your personal opinion that counts as much as your comment.
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