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Bangladesh withdraws its envoy from Pakistan

lol wet bollywood dreamer, we are Bangladeshis , India exist in other parts :D

I get the impression of this Akhand Bharat is similar to some Chinese ultranationals that aspire for a Greater China, which includes China+Taiwan, and within its subject orbit the entire Japanese Archipelago, the two Koreas and Vietnam.


There is nothing like Akhand Bharat Project. "Akhand" in hindi or sanskrit literally means "Undivided" and Bharat is the original name of the himalayan and sub himalayan land before greeks named it India or Arabs named it Hind based on river indus or sindhu. The name bharat is indeed taken from hindu mythology. The area extends from indus river basin in the west to perhaps entire Myanmar in the east including Nepal, Bhutan, sri lanka and other islands. It refers to areas which were under hindu/buddhist culture. This area was politically never one as many small kings ruled. Only king Asoka seems to have reigned over entire Bharat or if not, on most part of it. Later when muslims invaded, the land came to be mostly known as Hind or Hindustan and thats when people of the land came to be known as Hindus for following a particular set of religion. when British colonized the kingdoms of bharat, they called it India. india's nationalist movement was synonymous with her freedom movement. some overzealous hindus saw it as an opportunity to have their nationalism based on erstwhile Bharat. At the same time some insecure muslims feared that a democratic India will never elect a muslim ruler and since muslims ruled before the british, they thought of having a separate land for muslims. eventually in 1947 Bharat got freedom as 2 nations as India and Pakistan but much before that Sri lanka and Myanmar were treated as separate political entities and hence they retained separate identities/nationhood. Important to mention that Myanmar was never part of political mainland of india. And Nepal never got colonized nor muslim rulers showed any interest to subjugate Nepal, Bhutan so they remained independent always. Some orthodox and radical hindus feel that the land called Bharat should get united as Akhand Bharat, if not politically then culturally. unfortunately, this idea favours hindus, sikhs, jains and buddhists more and muslims & christians feel alien to it as thier religion has roots not in india but in midle east. Radicals in Pakistan and Bangladesh and also in India, use the term Akhand Bharat to create a fear that Hindus want to return to Vedic era where muslims and christians will have no place and that Pakistan and Bangla Desh will be subjugated and usurped by Hindu India.

When your head settles please ask someone to explain the "Ghazwa-e-Hind".

Thank you so much for this explanation. Please tell me more about 'Ghazwe e Hind'.
All efforts - covert and overt must be undertaken by Pakistan to free BD from RAW's tentacles. .

Pakistan and its people are committed to fight their own battles and those are the only battles that we shall fight.

God knows we have done enough for the mythical Ummah. Pakistan is now the only Ummah we believe in.

Pakistan shall help the Bangladeshi people if they start a decisive war against the Indian tyranny but we shall do that only for the defence of Pakistan and the destruction of India.

Alhamdullilah, Pakistan is capable enough to defend itself. We do not expect or require any help from the Muslim world.

Pakistan Zindabad.
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No I don't know what Gazba e hind is.

I do know the phrase, "Hindustan Zindabad" as well as "Pakistan Zindabad" and "Bangladesh Zindabad" :)

Now, Gazwa-e-Hind is a fringe belief among right-wingers who believe that there will be an Islamic invasion and occupation of India.
Pakistan Zindabad.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Now, Gazwa-e-Hind is a fringe belief among right-wingers who believe that there will be an Islamic invasion and occupation of India.

Well then since it is an outlier belief, this should not be something we have to take seriously. Afterall there are fringe groups in any society.
yes... never trust US. for last 66 years you were their ally and did everything they wanted but still India got maximum. Now that India has become a donor country, you should beg for more.
Its true that US is not a reliable partner at all. So we congratulate you on your new strategic partnership with it. :lol:

India is a sad case of misplaced priorities. Topping the World Hunger List with 194 million hungry people, being home to the world’s largest poor population at 363 million, topping the Global Slavery Index 2014 for most number of slave population, with child malnourishment rates worse than Sub Saharan Africa and with over 600 million people with no access to a basic toilet, one would think that Indian aid would be reserved for its own crushed population. But apparently its more important to give aid to small neighboring countries to keep them under your thumb :crazy:.India takes aid from developed countries ($2.4billion in 2013) and forwards some of it to other small countries($1.3 billion in 2013) which it wants to dominate, with a "From India" tag to make itself feel like a boss and a donor country. :omghaha: Man, India has some weird kind of hegemonic inferiority complex going on, but whatever floats your boat. :lol:
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Bangladesh clearly does not believe in the Two Nation Theory , if you believe in it then good for you , but why force others ? read the posts of your fellow Pakistani members before ranting , they are literally for forcing the TNT on Bangladesh , while Bangladeshi members are saying No , Bangladesh is an independent country , & not Pakistan anymore , it has a different flag with a different Founder Sheikh Mujib & not M.A Jinnah . Bangladesh follows a different ideology which is secular, liberal & left oriented where by Hindus & Muslims coexist & not Iqbal's TNT how hard is that for you to understand
i'm Bangladeshi and i can tell you I don't support the Indian Colony Theory. there are other Bangladeshi members that can tell you that. Bangladesh is East Pakistan occupied by commie-Brahmans where minority Hindus dominate majority Muslims. there is no co-existence.
Hahaha u just proved that how brain dead u r one cant even come up with proper argument
we are responsible state never interfere in any state's matter india is just gutter of this world where some fake intelluctuals like u sitting on gutters head and letting poors dies of hunger supporting extremism breaking international laws killing minorities trying to convert everyone in hindu :) living in dream of akhand bharat.
Isis's recuritment agency is india.... Kashmir assam punjab trying to be seprate of this gutter mentality..
Waky waky before its too late.. brainless


Of Course you are brainless:D
Of Course you are brainless:D

lol ... speech less, brain dead, muted and now Retarted u R..
didnt know you cud be that retarted.. your represntation shows what you are here.. as i said before .. your hate will kill you .. go help your family instead of waisting your time on defending some ignorant who doesn care about poor minorities and lower cast of you... find some good reason to defend.. as soon as you do you will have words to spit.. not like you just said..
lol ... speech less, brain dead, muted and now Retarted u R..
didnt know you cud be that retarted.. your represntation shows what you are here.. as i said before .. your hate will kill you .. go help your family instead of waisting your time on defending some ignorant who doesn care about poor minorities and lower cast of you... find some good reason to defend.. as soon as you do you will have words to spit.. not like you just said..

Poor Ahamedid.

Again keep it up brainless kid
some of them are really rich you dont worry about them...
you think about your gutter . stinky hairy and darky ..

Poor Ahmedis .
Very poor
Try harder brainless dude .:D
You have no idea about me

So try harder brainless boy
Poor Ahmedis .
Very poor
Try harder brainless dude .:D
You have no idea about me

So try harder brainless boy
Hahahaha yeah how cud i know about u when i have no idea a life in gutter...
Think and think... knock knock

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