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Bangladesh protests Pakistan Parliament resolutions

We don't want to Arabianize our mother language by writing Bengali in Arabic script which West Pakistani dictators wanted forcefully in East Pakistan but we do have many Persian and Portuguese words in Bengali. Arabic ? I don't think there are much Arabic words in Bengali.

Arabic is our religious language but Bengali is our mother language. 99% Bangladeshis don't understand Arabic. Most just read Quran without even understanding any meaning of it. So having Arabic script is out of question.

You didn't understand my post.
Mr Bengali doesn't know the basics of.......Bengali......sigh......There's no 'Sanskrit script'.....the language out of common use before any written script was introduced in the sub-continent......Sanskrit is written in different scripts...most commonly Devnagori......Bangla is written in....you guessed it Bangla script.....!
Mr Bengali doesn't know the basics of.......Bengali......sigh......There's no 'Sanskrit script'.....the language out of common use before any written script was introduced in the sub-continent......Sanskrit is written in different scripts...most commonly Devnagori......Bangla is written in....you guessed it Bangla script.....!
one correction...devnagri came out of sanskrit....not vice-versa
one correction...devnagri came out of sanskrit....not vice-versa
Devnagori is a script......Sanskrit is a language without any script.....Devnagori actually did not come out of Sanskrit.....scripts are just codes developed to express a language in writing.....they do not necessarily need a language to be developed.....I can develop a completely new script in 5 mins which can be used to written Sanskrit,Japanese and English!

Bangladeshi now completely divided between Arab & Pakistani spit lickers/dalal vs proud Bangalis
tell them lick it its made in pakistan
If Bangladesh want's to remain Muslims then some point in future Bd would have to replace current Devanagari script to Arabic/Persian script. We already have over 5K Persian words alone in our vocabulary however these words are no longer in use by common man due to imposed Hindu literature by Hindu loving Awami intellectual. Bangladesh also need to banned literature written by Hindu writer like Tagore. These literature making our population half Hindu.

However in order implement above Hindu leaning forces must be neutralized. A strong Islamic minded government will be necessity to rescue the nation form total Hinduization.

I agree with you that Arabic should be compulsory subject from middle school to high school. I just do not understand what's stopping us from this. Urdu shout be introduce in high school to college label as optional subject. Urdu fairly easy to pickup by Muslims. As you know in USA we have optional subject like Spanish, French and other languages. I think all we need open mindset to embrace the best for next generation. Knowing more then one langue definitely a plus point in the time of globalization.

I am fluent in English, Urdu and Bangla. I can confirm from my own experience that knowing other langue is a Plus-not a minus.

In our Masjid there is a older Pakistani who speak Punjabi only. No Urdu or English. But he understand Urdu. May be a Punjabi nationalist. Not sure. He is not literate. He sometimes stop by me to translate English document. I can understand Punjabi(somewhat) but can not speak it that well. He talks Punjabi while I speak Urdu. It's works just about fine.

However, Punjabi-Bangla doesn't work in two way communication.

Banning usually has the opposite effect, the banned items become more popular. I think the best approach is to introduce Arabic and English script and that will automatically move people away from old trash brainwashing material from Kolkata Renaissance generation Hindu literature, because I think no one will translate these old materials to the new scripts. Also, it will help, if we have high grade literature from Muslim areas of the world translated to Bangla in these new scripts. We need to build bridges with global Muslim world, not the Hindu world which have always tried to subvert our cause, taking advantage of common language and script.

Having Urdu like many other languages as options should be good, as it will let people communicate easily with South Asian Muslims, specially for those who have that need for business or social interaction.
If BD govt wants to live under the hindustani govt, then it's their wish.
Why is the Pakistan govt bothered about it.

Eventhough,if BD government isn't interested..then what we will get?I also agree with @Aeronaut and @jungibaaz.Instead of commenting over Deviani case or Bangladesh scenario,it is better for us rightnow to mind our own bussiness and wait for the time when tables will turn into our favour-if possible... or else such attempts may create a new mess for us.
Bangladesh was out of our concern the day it was formed.Instead of focusing upon Bangladesh,it is much better that Pakistan concentrate upon her own internal affairs-especially Baluchistan scenario.We wish best of luck to people of Bangladesh.Our hearts and souls will always pray for their prosperity.
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I never really understood this completely that for all the wrongs we did why did the Bengalis never evolved a counter-narrative to the Mujib lead espousal of Bangladeshi's National Narrative ?

How is it that all of a sudden the mention of Quaid-e-Azam, of Fatima Jinnah, of the entire Pakistan Movement & everything that went with it was washed away from the collective memories of the Bengalis & instead only the Language Issue, '71 & the Injustices done by the West - which are, if I may say so true but also blown out of proportion - are all that remain from the period '47 to '71 ?
I apologize if this is too long a reply... also @kalu_miah @Al-zakir

- it sort of comes as an enigma to me how did one generation of Bengali Muslims (besides earlier generations obviously) in many ways champion the cause of a separated Muslim homeland, only for the next generation to work to completely overturn that?

- since the defeat at Plassey (1757), the system that developed under British rule fuelled a Brahmin Bengali class to accumulate immense wealth and land, and dominate technical and literary development. what is called a ‘Bengali Renaissance’ was essentially a Brahmin affair. during this time, East Bengal, once a thriving Mughal economy, slowly decayed as did the Muslims. it was during then that education in science was relegated to a diminishing and relatively well off class of Muslims; illiteracy and poverty prevailed. education in Muslim high culture became part of an increasingly powerless Muslim educated class. pathsalas became the places to study instead of maktabs. ‘Bengali’ language and culture became overridden with Hindu culture. Muslims' inclination towards Arabi, Farsi, Urdu for literary purposes like olden times continued. my assumption is that a Musalman/Sultani Bengali could not get too strong a foothold amid all these factors combined.

- turn of 20th century provided a break for Bengali Muslims with advent of Muslim League and opening of a university in East Bengal.

- fastforward to post-1947: well-educated Hindus who used to administer East Bengal all this time mostly left for Calcutta (the same happened for Lahore but you are fortunate that the 'Calcutta' of Punjab went to the Muslims). the few who remained became influential parts of the academia, media and leftist politics of East Pakistan-East Bengal. the seeds of hatred against West Pakistan were being sowed – in the same parcel Bengali Muslim culture was turned into ‘foreign culture’ that ‘they’ were ‘imposing’ on ‘us’. what many newly educated Bengali Muslims adopted as their own were in fact gifts of the Brahmin Renaissance – from folklore to poetry to other social prose, from Nihan Ranjan to Madhusudan Dutta to Sarat Chandra to Tagore, and from literature like Gopal Bhar to Devdas to Galpaguccha. and these tendencies were not even divided along socio-economic classes of Muslims, but along generations. for example in just one educated Bengali family, if pre-1947 generation was dominated by Urdu and Farsi scholars, the generation that matured post-1947 was more steeped in ‘Bengali’ education. as a result when earlier generation was into Allama Iqbal, latter more politically-charged generation was into Bankim Chandra. if older Bengalis tried to initiate a counter-narrative, they were essentially going against a political tide at that time and no match for the historically well-educated well-entrenched Hindus.

- these societal tendencies post-1947, although devastating, never really "washed away" the people and facts of the Pakistan Movement from the memories or psyches. and i don't think they have been washed away even today despite efforts against it, and a lot of blood spilled around 1970 and also after 1971 definitely did a lot of damage. you possibly already know about the violence pre-March 1971 and post-1971 suppression of Muslim League, Nizam-e-Islam, Democratic Party of Nurul Amin, other Muslim oriented parties (@Md Akmal).

ADD: i want to clarify that the societal tendencies post-1947 overturned the cause of separate homeland(s) philosophically. and a lot of who were even participating actively or passively in those left-wing movements were not fully aware how they were completely damaging the fundamentals of their nationhood, the fundamentals they probably still had firm support for (hujugi Bangali effect)

- in these events, former-West Pakistan comes in at phases and (maybe i'm being Bengal-centric here) i wish it had a more helpful role.

here is an interesting link. i don't agree with it completely but it is somewhat related
Bengali Muslims are new (?) | Brown Pundits
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I think majority of Bangladeshi's faught for language (bengali) in "Bhasha Anadolon". This was unique at that time .

" In 1948, the Government of the Dominion of Pakistan ordained Urdu as the sole national language, sparking extensive protests among the Bengali-speaking majority of East Bengal. Facing rising sectarian tensions and mass discontent with the new law, the government outlawed public meetings and rallies. The students of the University of Dhaka and other political activists defied the law and organised a protest on 21 February 1952. The movement reached its climax when police killed student demonstrators on that day. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest. After years of conflict, the central government relented and granted official status to the Bengali language in 1956."

Bengali Language Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think in the history of mankind this was the first ocassion when people gave there life for the honour of their Monther Tongue. United Nation recognised the day 21st Feb as "International Mother Tongue Day". Finally East Pakistan got independence in the name of Bengali language. All over the world , I found Bengali/Bangladeshis are proud of there language.

You told "Arabic words Salam/Du'a is becoming shubechaa/partona and so on."----- This statement proves for sure that you are not a Bengali Speaking person. Probably you are a Bihari Muslim stuck in Bangladdesh against your will. Otherwise you were aware that both the words are Bengali and not Hindi. These words are not newly inducted and used in Bengali literature even by Najrul Islam, Mujtafa Ali, Rabindra Nath Tagore (Nobel Laureate) even in late 19th Century and early 20th Century. They also used Farsi words Gul, khub, Shabnam, Bagicha etc in Bengali Literature as they became Bengali words. These foreign words actually enriched the language.

And for your further information Bengali is a 1000+ year old language , older than both Hindi and Urdu. It came from Pali language in which majority Budhist Scriptures were written. The national song of India, national anthem of India, and the national anthem of Bangladesh were composed in the Bengali language.

"Why is it that we claim our self as Muslim yet we like Hindu related stuff. Nationally, not individually "---- British Muslim speaks in English, French Muslims speak in French, Spanish Muslims speak in Spanish, Thai Muslims speak in Thai ---similarly Bengali Muslims speaks in Bengali. Religion has no role in Mother Tongue. Please correct if I am wrong. In Thailand the name of main Airport is "Subarnabhumi" which is a Sanskrit word---they did not become Hindu for that.

By the way , I hope you are not claiming that your origin is not from this sub-continent and actually you are a descendant of Turk or Arabic :) :)

If he even claim , no harm . Cause Bangladeshis are mixed people. Iraq,Iran,Mongols and from many other areas ppl came here and make Bangladeshis.

I never really understood this completely that for all the wrongs we did why did the Bengalis never evolved a counter-narrative to the Mujib lead espousal of Bangladeshi's National Narrative ?

How is it that all of a sudden the mention of Quaid-e-Azam, of Fatima Jinnah, of the entire Pakistan Movement & everything that went with it was washed away from the collective memories of the Bengalis & instead only the Language Issue, '71 & the Injustices done by the West - which are, if I may say so true but also blown out of proportion - are all that remain from the period '47 to '71 ?

Simple ans is , now all the school history books published from Kolkata instead of Bangladesh . So,do you think India & RAW will
let the truth to be exposed ?
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When I was in school , there was an chapter called " Pakistan Movement " , there was chapter about Quaid e azam,Amir Ali & about great Faraizi movement , Indigo rebellion and so on. but whn League came on power suddenly all this vanished from book.
There is only one man's history mainly,it is Muzib.
And to spread this propaganda ,now they even begin to publishing books from India,where there is so many good publishers in our nation.
It is a total game of Indian conspiracy.

Bangladeshi now completely divided between Arab & Pakistani spit lickers/dalal vs proud Bangalis

Correction , We may be proud Bangladeshi or Muslim but not PROUD BANGALI . Because, Bangali means Indian Bengali also .

our tribals are not Indian root. People of plain area are even not pure Indian origin . We are mixed people . So , we may be Bangladeshi not BANGALI .
When I was in school , there was an chapter called " Pakistan Movement " , there was chapter about Quaid e azam,Amir Ali & about great Faraizi movement , Indigo rebellion and so on. but whn League came on power suddenly all this vanished from book.
There is only one man's history mainly,it is Muzib.
And to spread this propaganda ,now they even begin to publishing books from India,where there is so many good publishers in our nation.
It is a total game of Indian conspiracy.
i did not know about those changes in school books
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