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COAS arrives in Saudi Arabia for two day official visit

Loser weather u copy paste or upload on both occasions u just need the clicks,,,what a waste u r please go n kill your self :offpost:

One would think for an engineer, you would know the difference, between weather (climate) or whether, kindergarten failed Moran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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When ever there is any article mentioning SAUDI ARABIA, these moron shias/secular will come waving there tails n say all kind of sick words, keep burn in your own fumes and may Allah let u burn in this world for ever n ever.

Evil kafir,Murtad shia and seculars dogs ... Fukin Iranian agents ..thy will burn on this earth and forever in afterlife :pop:

Blessed be the sacred al Sauds..the true muslimeen and the inheritors of Islam!

@Irfan Baloch. @Hyperion.
wtf going on keep it simple just milk the Saudis as much as you can. Iran on other hand is more capable of headache, this is where turkey comes into picture Turk don't get on with Iranian ayatollah. here we ask Turks to remind Iran they can be isolated. Saudis can be repelled but Iran has shia loyalty we have second biggest they can wreak havoc.
Ideally it should be PM who should be out to counter diplomatic offensive, but anyway i hope that Chief is there to secure Pakistan's interest.
Firstly, the question was about Protecting the Monarchy. Secondly, Saudi intervention in Pakistani internal affairs is an open secret so no need to go into details.

There is no threat to Saudi monarchy. Question of protecting it does not arise.

If you are weak, people will interfere. It is your fault not theirs. And there is no such thing as open secret. Who exactly from KSA interfered? The govt or citizens? And if they did what was it? Using resources to export an ideology? Who doesn't do that? West exports anarchy labelled as democracy riding on tanks. India exports their soft image wrapped in goodwill of dancing half naked girls masking successfully hideous face of poverty and intolerance. Iran exports sectarianism and proxies. China? Russia? Everyone does that.

audis didnt want Pakistan to go ahead with Iran Pakistan gas pipeline and this remains in limbo.

That again is our failure. If pipeline was in our interest (which in fact it was not) then we should have gone ahead. Nobody was holding a gun to our head.

Point was it's not about Iran. Iran is our neighbour while Saudis are not. Geographic proximity is a crucial factor in relations that cant be ignored. Again why Iran has to be discussed when Pak-Saudi relations are evaluated?

Saudi Arab is very much our neighbour. We are no longer riding horses anymore. Iran does not have to be discussed in our evaluation. Agenda for high level meetings is mutually agreed by both parties. Pakistan has the option to remove something from the agenda.

Bottom line: There are no permanent friends and enemies in International relations. We need to come out of Muslim Ummah delusions and do what serves our national interests best.

Who said anything about UMMAH? No permanent friends and enemies? Yes there are none. But you also don't make enemies for no good reason. And you also don't fall into the lap of anyone who has been stabbing you for years. Those who have supported us shall benefit from our relation. Those who stood against us must not be rewarded based on imaginations.
The problem with most of you mullahs is that you are so obvious. I'll tell you the best way to go to "Jannah or whatever". Why not travel to FATA and join your Tali friends and eat a bullet in the name of Allah? Guaranteed passage to hell, you won't even need to pass go and can collect 200 virgins with balls at it's doorsteps! And this is not it, here comes the best part, you'll also get to meet and live with your favorite mullah brothers from your motherland, Saudi! :D

When ever there is any article mentioning SAUDI ARABIA, these moron shias/secular will come waving there tails n say all kind of sick words, keep burn in your own fumes and may Allah let u burn in this world for ever n ever.
I am for pro Pakistan foreign policy that means. If it suits us, sure let's go for it. If its against our interest, don't call us we will call you.

I understand you are Pro House of Saud and that's your choice.

Canada kay bighoray want to run our policy. pathetic. really.

I see so many of such "American and Canadian Pakistanis" who go hoarse shouting about Pakistan's foreign policy.

What you guys know? you have already abandoned us.

Live here and die here and try to survive.

Then you will have a right to call names for those who live here and die here and try to survive here.

Off course there are sane American and Canadian Pakistanis too. But I am not talking about them here.

Please quit parachuting into Pakistan for 30 seconds and blabbering about our foreign policy.

Thank you

Ideally it should be PM who should be out to counter diplomatic offensive, but anyway i hope that Chief is there to secure Pakistan's interest.

Lovee ji

I respect you.

But I am tired of statements like these.

Gen Sharif is there for the defense related contacts.
PM shrif is there for political contacts.

Let them do their respective jobs. No need to create a fasad between army and politicians.

Haven't we see enough of this already?

Thank you
Canada kay bighoray want to run our policy. pathetic. really.

I see so many of such "American and Canadian Pakistanis" who go hoarse shouting about Pakistan's foreign policy.

What you guys know? you have already abandoned us.

Live here and die here and try to survive.

Then you will have a right to call names for those who live here and die here and try to survive here.

Off course there are sane American and Canadian Pakistanis too. But I am not talking about them here.

Please quit parachuting into Pakistan for 30 seconds and blabbering about our foreign policy.

Thank you

Lovee ji

I respect you.

But I am tired of statements like these.

Gen Sharif is there for the defense related contacts.
PM shrif is there for political contacts.

Let them do their respective jobs. No need to create a fasad between army and politicians.

Haven't we see enough of this already?

Thank you

Qibla after a long time you are back in action.
One would think for an engineer, you would know the difference, between weather (climate) or whether, kindergarten failed Moran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being a engineer doesn't meaning specializing in english, yes i ve no shame in accepting my english is poor and i make hell lots of mistake, but what it has got to do with the topic?

The problem with most of you mullahs is that you are so obvious. I'll tell you the best way to go to "Jannah or whatever". Why not travel to FATA and join your Tali friends and eat a bullet in the name of Allah? Guaranteed passage to hell, you won't even need to pass go and can collect 200 virgins with balls at it's doorsteps! And this is not it, here comes the best part, you'll also get to meet and live with your favorite mullah brothers from your motherland, Saudi! :D
U must save ur own *** from future hell fire first before preaching others what to do , wahan pe apke IMAM khomenin yan bla bla nahin anne wale sifarish kerne :devil:
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KSA is brother and ally the most trusted one.
We are brothers when they need us for example if any country is about to spank their dirty *** publicly....but for most parts we are rafique who needs iqama and Saudi kafeel to stay in KSA and work at slightly below average level. We need visa to enter the country.......and even if we stay there for generations....we can't get nationality or permanent residence or any rights despite they have vast country with immense resources and very small population.....Did you ever wondered why brother does not apply then?. Lets be realistic and do not fall for any fallacies. We are Pakistani, we are proud of Islam and we have to build our country and its economy to the point where we don't need to hear this most abused word "brother".
Tell that to the Pakistani families who reside in KSA and also the ones whose loved ones are decapitated on weekly basis in KSA.
Most of em are the Pro-Saudi type anyways. If you like a snake because your local moulvi told you, and try to live with it, it will bite you, after insulting your country and treating you like the Spartans treated the Helots.

Maintain a friendly relation with the snake now, but don't go licking it's boots.

One would think for an engineer, you would know the difference, between weather (climate) or whether, kindergarten failed Moran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sarcasm here is killing me...
You mean to say, "Moron".
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