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COAS arrives in Saudi Arabia for two day official visit

We are brothers when they need us for example if any country is about to spank their dirty *** publicly....but for most parts we are rafique who needs iqama and Saudi kafeel to stay in KSA and work at slightly below average level. We need visa to enter the country.......and even if we stay there for generations....we can't get nationality or permanent residence or any rights despite they have vast country with immense resources and very small population.....Did you ever wondered why brother does not apply then?. Lets be realistic and do not fall for any fallacies. We are Pakistani, we are proud of Islam and we have to build our country and its economy to the point where we don't need to hear this most abused word "brother".
Your economy run on their money they gave you money when entire world was busy imposing sanctions on you. In time of each trouble they are their for you. So yes some liberals and some sectarians have some issues with them with no solid bases. One has issues because of their master west and other groups has issues because they are from different sect
The approximate 10% minority is making all too much noise.

6 pages and counting of just propaganda and hate fed and refilled last month.
Still doesn't rule out the Saudi interference, now does it? Rather they made situation worse.
Please elaborate the word interference (i am taking into account the present, not past) and how did it make the situation worse as per your point of view.

Why cant you learn from past and mold the future for better prospects
U mean the past when whole world had turned their back on us and it was only KSA who helped us? Do U want to kick out that very country so it should become a lesson for others to not come forward to help us in time of need as we will kick them at their back?
I'm sure they will ask for Pak Army men to go inside the Yemen. But Pakistan should keep itself away as we have a bigger problem inside to deal first.
Probably to get the reward for saying "Pakistan will defend KSA" and here i had so much respect for this man, but he turned out to be just another face in the crowd. Even General Musharaff admits that he has been wronged by Saudis yet Gen Raheel doesn't have the audacity to break away from Saudi influence.
It is not only you are intelligent person on earth. Like you thinking, COAS may be thinking bigger then you.
He is not a dumb person, if someone can take action against terrorist and bring peace in Karachi only in a year which was looking impossible then trust him.
Shia persons please think for Pakistan not Iran. KSA is not our enemy its IRAN's
If they can chose India, why cant we chose Israel?
Did they choose India overstepping us?Did they send all the Pakistanis back from GCC after our refusal?Did they start opposing us just like Afghanistan? No Sir and they also have equal right to business with anyone who brings in profit just like we do. Whats wrong in that?
Are you Saudi national, no na? so tell me, how its like when you spend eternity in a country and then get kicked out. Shall i also quote figures of Pakistani's who have been executed in KSA in last year?

KSA is an important country but not the House of Saud. Giving statements that "we will run to your rescue no matter what" isn't really a standard norm in International Relations. Rest is pretty normal................We need to strike a balance in our relations be it KSA or Iran. Its a pity that some members whose minds are infested with sectarianism have brought in Iran in a debate about KSA.................We can be friends with both, both Saudis don't have the right to tell us with whome we can conduct our business with when they are playing friends with our nemesis.

Ofcourse i'm not a saudi. I thought you are going to give me heart attack with some hidden gem.

And do you know why(Pakistani and other Nationalities including Saudis) they got executed? Most of them were executed because of drug smuggling. May be you dont know that when you enter in airport there is big warning board written "drug trafficking punishable by death"

Now the laws of KSA are becoming soft with each passing year . 70% remittances to Pakistan are coming from GCC. So this clearly tell the picture of ground reality.

Pakistan did well in not joining the Arab Coalition army . It gave Pakistan and other countries confidence that Pakistan is responsible state not a war mongering state. And also send the clear signal to KSA that we will do all to defend KSA but we will not be part of invading other countries.
yes, I have no shame in accepting, I am going to hell, but what it has got to do with the topic?


Canada kay bighoray want to run our policy. pathetic. really.

I see so many of such "American and Canadian Pakistanis" who go hoarse shouting about Pakistan's foreign policy.

What you guys know? you have already abandoned us.

Live here and die here and try to survive.

Then you will have a right to call names for those who live here and die here and try to survive here.

Off course there are sane American and Canadian Pakistanis too. But I am not talking about them here.

Please quit parachuting into Pakistan for 30 seconds and blabbering about our foreign policy.

Thank you

I am willing to bet, Webmaster or one of the other mods lost a bet.
Lovee ji

I respect you.

But I am tired of statements like these.

Gen Sharif is there for the defense related contacts.
PM shrif is there for political contacts.

Let them do their respective jobs. No need to create a fasad between army and politicians.

Haven't we see enough of this already?

Thank you

I was not aware of the fact that my post on PDF will create fasad between army and politicians, otherwise i would have tried to cause martial law.

@ Topic Saudi king meets Gen Raheel, vows to help eliminate terrorism - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Probably to get the reward for saying "Pakistan will defend KSA" and here i had so much respect for this man, but he turned out to be just another face in the crowd. Even General Musharaff admits that he has been wronged by Saudis yet Gen Raheel doesn't have the audacity to break away from Saudi influence.

what do you this is a Saas Bahu ka jhagra?
what does "Even General Musharaf" means, does he hold the last say on every issue?
I wouldnt even call him "Even General" but rather an "Odd General".
Odd General Musharaf screwed Pakistan like most politicians!
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