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COAS arrives in Saudi Arabia for two day official visit

Put it this way? If Arab world can have relations with our enemies then why cant we have with theirs. The project was also "kicking ahead " during previous governments tenure, but nothing has come out of it so far.

Our stature was quite weak at that time and we were under pressure due to multiple reasons. While we were facing the highest level of internal stability, Uncle Sam was hell bent on Do More and we had to virtually liberate whole FATA from clutches of TTP. Yes the rules apllies to us too and we are very well going ahead with it.
If you think that because they have oil they can dictate us then that's your opinion.
Why cant U come out of past and why not concentrate on whats going on in the present?

It appears you think every one is fooled by Muslim Fraternity hogwash.
When it comes to choose between Israel and KSA then you yourself know about the answer the Nation would give. Also i used the word MAJORITY.
Our stature was quite weak at that time and we were under pressure due to multiple reasons. While we were facing the highest level of internal stability, Uncle Sam was hell bent on Do More and we had to virtually liberate whole FATA from clutches of TTP. Yes the rules apllies to us too and we are very well going ahead with it.
Still doesn't rule out the Saudi interference, now does it? Rather they made situation worse.

Why cant U come out of past and why not concentrate on whats going on in the present?

Why cant you learn from past and mold the future for better prospects
When it comes to choose between Israel and KSA then you yourself know about the answer the Nation would give. Also i used the word MAJORITY.
If they can chose India, why cant we chose Israel?
People will not be happy unless we make an enemy out of Saudi Arabia for no good reason... Pak must retain its influence in Arab countries.. Diplomatically..its very important... Also, We cant afford to see all arab countries destabilised, which most if them already is.. Also, we CANNOT see Saudi arabia destablised.. They have Makkah Madina.. All hell will break loose if Saudi Arabia gets destabilize.. And this is exactly what western powers want.. They are destablising all Muslim countries, one by one, esp in Middle east.. Thankfully, Pak is getting out of mess and in the process of getting stablised.. We must ensure, that Saudi Arabia doesn't go Syria or Iraq way.., and do whatever we can, confined within our own complexities and ground realities, to make sure tht Saudi Arabia isnt destablised..

Interesting, which influence do you have in GCC nations? How is all hell going to break loose, if Saudi get destabilized because more than likely, the fighting will be between Arabians and House of Saud, are you going to jump in to defend House of Saud or locals. What happens, if you stand: with one party and the other wins?

HOLY MECCA AND MEDINA, last I checked weren't the personal property of House of Saud, nor are they representatives of God The Almighty, as some people in Pakistan makes them come across. So do tell me how protecting house of Saud, equates to protecting HOLY MECCA AND MEDINA?
Interesting, which influence do you have in GCC nations? How is all hell going to break loose, if Saudi get destabilized because more than likely, the fighting will be between Arabians and House of Saud, are you going to jump in to defend House of Saud or locals. What happens, if you stand: with one party and the other wins?

HOLY MECCA AND MEDINA, last I checked weren't the personal property of House of Saud, nor are they representatives of God The Almighty, as some people in Pakistan makes them come across. So do tell me how protecting house of Saud, equates to protecting HOLY MECCA AND MEDINA?

Pakistani army has a global role.

The way we have stabilized our own FATA, is so remarkable that everyone in the region wants us to be on their side.

You all are just short sighted on this.

Don't you know that Gen. Sharif just got back from Turkey.

Yes Turks want our expertise for dealing with Kurdish insurgency.

let's quit this Arab vs. Ajam debate. It is plane stupid. Sorry to say.

Interesting, which influence do you have in GCC nations? How is all hell going to break loose, if Saudi get destabilized because more than likely, the fighting will be between Arabians and House of Saud, are you going to jump in to defend House of Saud or locals. What happens, if you stand: with one party and the other wins?

HOLY MECCA AND MEDINA, last I checked weren't the personal property of House of Saud, nor are they representatives of God The Almighty, as some people in Pakistan makes them come across. So do tell me how protecting house of Saud, equates to protecting HOLY MECCA AND MEDINA?

So what do u want to do? Throw out the Royal family? And why? Tht is an internal matter of Saudi Arabia.. If the Royal Family is in power, they are the GOVERNMENT, and ofcourse we will deal with them as representatives of Saudis, as we have been doing all along.. Whats the obsession with Royal family of Saudi Arabia? What has Pak to do with them? Is the government in Iran any more democratic? The ayatollahs? People say tht Royal family is undemocratic, so Pak shouldnt deal with them.. They are nobody...how are they nobody? As long as they are in power, THEY are the custodians of holy Mosques, in Makkah and Madina... Do you want Saudi Arabia in chaos? I see no signs of Saudis revolting against the Royal family, unless and until, it is foreign sponsored... And dont get me even started on the so called Arab spring... Was Middle East more stable under those dictators or so called Arab spring which was to restore democracy and throw out dictatorship? Dont u see chaos all around Middle East and Arab states, after so called democratic powers intervened? Terroist organisations like Daesh have emerged.........Do we want same to happen in Saudi Arabia, in hope of throwing out the evil Royal family?would u want to support those powers, who, if in future, might want to repeat the same old, tactic, like they did in other middle eastern states, and want to throw our undemocratic royal family? No.. Pak should ensure tht nothing of tht sort happens in Saudi Arabia, because its home to our holy places... saudi Arabia should remain stable..and Pak should ensure, tht it helps Saudi remain stable, while considering our own ground realties
Pakistani army has a global role.

The way we have stabilized our own FATA, is so remarkable that everyone in the region wants us to be on their side.

You all are just short sighted on this.

Don't you know that Gen. Sharif just got back from Turkey.

Yes Turks want our expertise for dealing with Kurdish insurgency.

let's quit this Arab vs. Ajam debate. It is plane stupid. Sorry to say.


Mr, Historian this isn't about Arabs vs Ajam. This is about some Pakistanis and their obsession with a House of Saud. Where did I question, why the good general is visiting Arabia or Turkey.

I am for pro Pakistan foreign policy that means. If it suits us, sure let's go for it. If its against our interest, don't call us we will call you.

If you don't understand what's being said, ask before jumping in, I have every right to question self-destructible foreign policy of Pakistan for decades or so.

I understand you are Pro House of Saud and that's your choice. I on the other hand don't share your enthusiasm on the subject, I find uneducated retards in Islamabad playing with Pakistan's future. Giving licensee to a Saudi against the supreme court order, which will for sure backfire in Europe and other trading Partners.

Let's quit being Pro Arab at all cost and let the nation Move ahead: Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When ever there is any article mentioning SAUDI ARABIA, these moron shias/secular will come waving there tails n say all kind of sick words, keep burn in your own fumes and may Allah let u burn in this world for ever n ever.
Personal attack what can be expected more from jerks like u !

daffy 2.jpg
To all those who say we are just against kingdom but not local arabs, are liers, don't they see what happened to Iraq when U.S came to oust Saddam hussain from his power dont they take any example from libya after General Qadaffi , same wise it's just not about the kingdom its about the holy places, any step to remove them from power mean destablizing that region with lots of blood. Then u should forget about Makkah Madina like Jeruslem .

A person with no life pretending to b cool with copy n paste :yahoo:
To all those who say we are just against kingdom but not local arabs, are liers, don't they see what happened to Iraq when U.S came to oust Saddam hussain from his power dont they take any example from libya after General Qadaffi , same wise it's just not about the kingdom its about the holy places, any step to remove them from power mean destablizing that region with lots of blood. Then u should forget about Makkah Madina like Jeruslem .

A person with no life pretending to b cool with copy n paste :yahoo:

For crying out loud ''Pee'' brain. Stop embarrassing yourself, pictures are uploaded, not copy and paste.

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