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Saudi crown prince confers King Abdulaziz medal on COAS Bajwa for strengthening Pak-Saudi ties



That is exactly why another BD will happen in the near future.

Apples and oranges. East Pak was bigger than West Pak in population and separated by 1000 miles of hostile Indian territory. GB, KP and Balochistan are much smaller and right next door. Pak Fauj can easily impose discipline there. Yeah, mountainous provinces like FATA and parts of Baluchistan will be ungovernable but frankly speaking barring Reqo Diq there is nothing worth having it there. GB can be easily brought to heal by mobilising Sunni militia from Pak proper and Azad Kashmir is culturally merely an extension of Al Bunjab. So are the Hindko/Hazara regions of KPK.


You can do this. It is a very simple process. You just take a pencil and a map of Pakistan cut Pakistan into four pieces. Your dream will come true but in reality, It is not possible.

This KAA medal is conferred on Pakistan and Pakistan Fauj, Bajwa happens to be the COAS at this point in time(due to extension).

The only Pak entity which Saudis respect is the Pak Fauj, they just hate Zardari and Shahbaz Sharif.

They respect Imran Khan too.
That's hugely problematic how can they respect the same Fauj that overthrew IK who they respect and brought in SS an AZ whom they hate?
That's hugely problematic how can they respect the same Fauj that overthrew IK who they respect and brought in SS an AZ whom they hate?

The Pakistani army is here to stay as is Pakistan. Bajwa and all the other clowns are temporary figures.

Medals/honors given is diplomatic etiquette and the receiver (in this case the clown Bajwa) is given it not because he is Bajwa but because he is the COAS of Pakistan.

KSA (nor any other country with ties to Pakistan) is going to cut them just because of political changes within Pakistan. It would require a paradigm shift which is not on the cards.

And they (KSA) as well as everyone else, knows who really runs Pakistan. It's not exactly a secret when the common man and woman in Pakistan also knows this.

It is what it is.......Pakistani anno 2022. We had a potential diamond in IK, but even that opportunity was destroyed.
Read the forum and the majority of Pakistani views on any social media platform.
The majority of the members and their views really to be construed as just views. You are a seasoned contributor and calling a serving chief of PA a traitor doesn't bode well. Anyways your chief your call.

What do you think !
He has given his entire life to serving the people of Pakistan, Risen through ranks through merit, 2bit idiots who haven't served a day in their lives should think thousand times before calling someone of his stature a traitor IMO. As far as seasoned contributors like @AgNoStiC MuSliM there should be a lot of caution exercised in such name-calling in just following the popular opinion. But at the end of the day, it's your choice. It's sad to see military leadership being maligned.
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You are a seasoned contributor and calling a serving chief of PA a traitor doesn't bode well.
A serving chief of the Pakistan Army and his backers in the Army leadership participated in a conspiracy to overthrow a democratically elected government and imposed a corrupt coalition of mafia like criminals to rule the country.

So yes, Bajwa and the Army leadership that supports him absolutely deserve to be called traitors, and worse.
The majority of the members and their views really to be construed as just views. You are a seasoned contributor and calling a serving chief of PA a traitor doesn't bode well. Anyways your chief your call.

He has given his entire life to serving the people of Pakistan, Risen through ranks through merit, 2bit idiots who haven't served a day in their lives should think thousand times before calling someone of his stature a traitor IMO. As far as seasoned contributors like @AgNoStiC MuSliM there should be a lot of caution exercised in such name-calling in just following the popular opinion. But at the end of the day, it's your choice. It's sad to see military leadership being maligned.

Yes, public sentiments and u-turns are running strong currently, but I am sure that the Army leadership will remain steadfast in pursuing its goals, as it always has, no matter what, and it will help everything settle back down into the routines in due course.

On topic, what's a gold medal or three from one despot to another to show mutual appreciation? :D
A serving chief of the Pakistan Army and his backers in the Army leadership participated in a conspiracy to overthrow a democratically elected government and imposed a corrupt coalition of mafia like criminals to rule the country.

So yes, Bajwa and the Army leadership that supports him absolutely deserve to be called traitors, and worse.


Yes, public sentiments and u-turns are running strong currently, but I am sure that the Army leadership will remain steadfast in pursuing its goals, as it always has, no matter what, and it will help everything settle back down into the routines in due course.

Which is what exactly? Helping embed the sad state of affairs that is Pakistan?

The Army as an institution is not some infallible or sacred entity. They should undergo the same scrutiny like every other Pakistani state institution in the perfect world, as well as the whole political system. The problem is that everything is rotten to the core from the "elites" running the country to large sectors of the society. Hence the mess.

There is no independent institution in Pakistan that can control and ensure that no corruption or foul play occurs. The most protected institution in this regard is the army and they also have the biggest responsibility to turn things around in Pakistan. Unfortunately this is not in their interests. I am talking about the "elites" in the army, the ones that run the show. Not the average soldier.
but I am sure that the Army leadership will remain steadfast in pursuing its goals,
Your praise of, and certitude in, the Army leadership continuing to engage in unconstitutional actions (treason) to pursue objectives that have kept the country backwards and civilian institutions corrupt and society regressive make complete sense, coming as they are from anti-Pakistan mouthpieces.

No surprise that snakes such as Hussain Haqqani are doing the same u-turns and praising the same Army leadership that they spewed poison against - whatever continues the status quo of corruption and weakening of Pakistan.
Your praise of, and certitude in, the Army leadership continuing to engage in unconstitutional actions (treason) to pursue objectives that have kept the country backwards and civilian institutions corrupt and society regressive make complete sense, coming as they are from anti-Pakistan mouthpieces.

No surprise that snakes such as Hussain Haqqani are doing the same u-turns and praising the same Army leadership that they spewed poison against - whatever continues the status quo of corruption and weakening in Pakistan.

What praise? Didn't I clearly call both men despots?

Despot: a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel or oppressive way.

Which is what exactly? Helping embed the sad state of affairs that is Pakistan?

The present state of affairs has taken half a century to get to this point. A sudden epiphany or three is simply not going to change anything. Any reversal will similarly take decades, at least, to restore proper constitutionality of due processes.
Bajwa as messed up his retirement and his family name nothing will recover it not even a 10 riyal medal

It is very unfortunate year

1 Stupid move and ruined relation with China
Ruined relation with People of Pakistan
Destroyed country's economy
Derailed all Social Programs in nation to help poor

From heights of Taking out 2 Indian Fighter Jets and capturing their fighters
Now his legacy will be he was the guy that destroyed Pakistan's Federal Reserve from 26 Billion to Economic melt down

He was in such a great position to leave on High at his retirement as one distinguished man but it was all ruined for unknown reason

I actually liked Bajwa untill April fiasco he was doing so good untill that Cipher fiasco
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A serving chief of the Pakistan Army and his backers in the Army leadership participated in a conspiracy to overthrow a democratically elected government and imposed a corrupt coalition of mafia like criminals to rule the country.

So yes, Bajwa and the Army leadership that supports him absolutely deserve to be called traitors, and worse.
key word missing "Allegedly"
The majority of the members and their views really to be construed as just views. You are a seasoned contributor and calling a serving chief of PA a traitor doesn't bode well. Anyways your chief your call.

He has given his entire life to serving the people of Pakistan, Risen through ranks through merit, 2bit idiots who haven't served a day in their lives should think thousand times before calling someone of his stature a traitor IMO. As far as seasoned contributors like @AgNoStiC MuSliM there should be a lot of caution exercised in such name-calling in just following the popular opinion. But at the end of the day, it's your choice. It's sad to see military leadership being maligned.

No amount of his medals, is going to drag his kind out the hole he dug himself in and the rest of us Pakistanis into.

Just make sense of this because I can not

Imran Khan is the first Prime Minister who was removed by dacoits and robbers (on bail), also called PDM, for fighting corruption in Pakistan.

Imran Khan was overthrown by Pro-US elements in Bureaucracy, Media and Judiciary of Pakistan as well as Pro-US Army chief Qamar Bajwa.

With all this against him. You still wanna say he deserves our appreciation cmon , it’s a absolute disaster for my country. All of it happened under his watch and nod
My criticisms of the man aside, he did indeed work hard to repair our relations with Saudi following the Washington incident, the Iran-Saudi mediation gaff and also the KL conference and joint-TV channel thing. Saudis were upset with us before this, and his efforts were vital in repairing relations.

Read the forum and the majority of Pakistani views on any social media platform.
Social media and PDF don't always reflect the view of the majority of Pakistanis. There's no doubt that Lumber ones have been exposed badly over the last couple of years and also months, but I don't think I've seen any evidence yet that the PTI narrative is the majority view outside the social media circles.
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