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COAS arrives in Saudi Arabia for two day official visit

That why i say turkey good for iran pressure while we play Saudi and use fear factor over Saudis losing grip on thier nation. milk them for god sake.

make them buy over priced gear and then use them ourselves and get paid.
He said a plain NO for sending troops to Yemen when your own Govt was all GREENs on sending them. What else he should do to show audacity? Do U want that we just let relations with KSA and other GCC countries go away? Even when we said No to KSA on Yemen they still were on our side when Mr Modi tried to take advantage of temporary vaccum between Pakistan and GCC during his visit to UAE.

Conspiracy against Pakistan foiled

Yes.. Ppl want tht we make enemies out of Saudi Arabia, for no reason... Ppl want tht we forget our decades old relationship with Saudis..and for what? For ties with Iran, when iran is already closer to India.. I dont say tht we shouldnt have good ties with Iran..we should have good ties with them too..but ppl wanting tht we just throw away our relationship with Saudis and GCC, just because we want closer ties with Iran..tht i cant understand....When its the same Arabas tht have supported us, in our hour of need... When world had sanctioned us, its the same saudis tht helped us financially after our nuclear tests.. And what did Iran do? Yes Iran leaked rightly or wrongly, tht Pak gave them nuclear info, landing our nuclear prog in trouble.. Even if Pak did actually have a part to play, or not..whether its right or wrong..both ways.. Iran made our nuclear prog unsafe.. And again few days ago, some of their leader publicly announced, tht Pak helped them...giving unnecessary negative publicity to our nuclear prog and they know it very well... So only on nuclear issue, we can see difference of reaction of both countries... Still i say.. Iran is our neighbour and we need to have cordial ties with them too
And those who keep saying tht look at how our workers are treated in Saudi Arabia... My uncle is a doctor in saudi arabia...... And have some other relatives in family.. No particular complain from them.. If you want to talk of laborers then, they are treated bad even in Pak... Also.. Just compare number of Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia and then compare it with Iran.. Atleast .saudis and gcc has large number of Pakistanis there, whereas comparatively number of Pakistanis in Iran are minimal
Can U plz explain what reward can Gen Raheel gain from this? And can U plz further explain whats wrong in this visit? Loads of GCC military Chief are on regular visit to us and we reciprocate.
The obvious doesn't need to be stated. Gen Raheel's visit to KSA is a reflection of Pakistan's uncanny allegiance to the house of Saud, which always has been counter productive for Pakistan. Are you talking about the same GCC states which are consolidating relations with India, but hey guess what........We aren't allowed to have relations with their enemies. Pakistani relations with the Arab world are mostly one sided and sooner Pakistani establishment realise this the better it will be for PAKISTAN and not UMMAH.
Agenda on Raheel's end should be:

1. Disruptions of funds of Seminary and TTP in Pakistan.
2. Investment in Pakistani Economy.
3. Human Rights for Pakistani Expats in Saudi.
4. Little to no interference in in Yemen and Syria since Pakistan would be called should Saudi sovereignty be threatened.
Agenda on Raheel's end should be:

1. Disruptions of funds of Seminary and TTP in Pakistan.
2. Investment in Pakistani Economy.
3. Human Rights for Pakistani Expats in Saudi.
4. Little to no interference in in Yemen and Syria since Pakistan would be called should Saudi sovereignty be threatened.

5.buy our toys and rd research in pak funded.
6.pay for dam need electric.
7.stop killing our national animals.
8.cut India out of picture. it all about ummah.
The obvious doesn't need to be stated. Gen Raheel's visit to KSA is a reflection of Pakistan's uncanny allegiance to the house of Saud, which always has been counter productive for Pakistan. Are you talking about the same GCC states which are consolidating relations with India, but hey guess what........We aren't allowed to have relations with their enemies. Pakistani relations with the Arab world are mostly one sided and sooner Pakistani establishment realise this the better it will be for PAKISTAN and not UMMAH.
We will not get involved directly in Yemen they will just request more trainers to avoid more embarassing scenarios like this
Yemen's Iran-backed rebels show off wreckage of Saudi F-16 they say they shot down | Daily Mail Online
It depends on the situation. It is the same man who refused to send army to KSA against Yemen. But you cannot throw the old partnership with a country so easily especially when it controls the holiest places of our religion. Saudis are bad and have been doing many ugliest things to Pakistan but there have been some advantages and benefits too. I think we should keep good relations with Saudia but destroy all the terrorist organisation and their funding from Saudia and KSA should be forced to withdraw any such support to the terrorist organisations.
I agree to what you said, but you haven't addressed my main concern: Should the house of Saud begins to fall, will Pakistan run to it's rescue? Because from the looks of it, our political and military elites have been giving signals that they will.

We will not get involved directly in Yemen they will just request more trainers to avoid more embarassing scenarios like this
Yemen's Iran-backed rebels show off wreckage of Saudi F-16 they say they shot down | Daily Mail Online
The point that every one who has quoted my posts on this thread have failed to grasp is: Why should Pakistan provide protection to the house of Saud?
The obvious doesn't need to be stated. Gen Raheel's visit to KSA is a reflection of Pakistan's uncanny allegiance to the house of Saud, which always has been counter productive for Pakistan. Are you talking about the same GCC states which are consolidating relations with India, but hey guess what........We aren't allowed to have relations with their enemies. Pakistani relations with the Arab world are mostly one sided and sooner Pakistani establishment realise this the better it will be for PAKISTAN and not UMMAH.

Come on man! It's a new world where you talk to everyone and press your national interests. Pakistan's relationship with one country are not at the expense of other and nor should be. We need to grow out of this mentality that every official that visits abroad is out there to pledge his allegiance or is there to beg for something. Top officials visit other countries all the time. It's their job and that's how they convey their point of view and iron out misunderstandings. KSA is an important country in the region and we need to be wise enough to not make an enemy through sheer arrogant stupidity. We will be friends with KSA. We will be friends with Iran as well as Afghanistan and others. We will help them and they will help us. If they help us less we will too. All for Pakistan and Pakistan alone.
My whole resides in KSA so tell us what you want to tell us ........
Are you Saudi national, no na? so tell me, how its like when you spend eternity in a country and then get kicked out. Shall i also quote figures of Pakistani's who have been executed in KSA in last year?

Come on man! It's a new world where you talk to everyone and press your national interests. Pakistan's relationship with one country are not at the expense of other and nor should be. We need to grow out of this mentality that every official that visits abroad is out there to pledge his allegiance or is there to beg for something. Top officials visit other countries all the time. It's their job and that's how they convey their point of view and iron out misunderstandings. KSA is an important country in the region and we need to be wise enough to not make an enemy through sheer arrogant stupidity. We will be friends with KSA. We will be friends with Iran as well as Afghanistan and others. We will help them and they will help us. If they help us less we will too. All for Pakistan and Pakistan alone.
KSA is an important country but not the House of Saud. Giving statements that "we will run to your rescue no matter what" isn't really a standard norm in International Relations. Rest is pretty normal................We need to strike a balance in our relations be it KSA or Iran. Its a pity that some members whose minds are infested with sectarianism have brought in Iran in a debate about KSA.................We can be friends with both, both Saudis don't have the right to tell us with whome we can conduct our business with when they are playing friends with our nemesis.
Its sad that Pakistan cannot have a balanced policy. Policies seem to extreme in nature, when pakistan sided with KSA. it was absolute support, when it was the other way, it was a 360 degree turn.

May be the military establishment is feeling the pressure after the refusal of GCC vote and is mending ties.
Trying to catch-up. Surly it won't be same in scale, since damage caused by in-house parliament pointless and reckless speeches.
Probably to get the reward for saying "Pakistan will defend KSA" and here i had so much respect for this man, but he turned out to be just another face in the crowd. Even General Musharaff admits that he has been wronged by Saudis yet Gen Raheel doesn't have the audacity to break away from Saudi influence.
Oh Duck off
KSA is an important country but not the House of Saud. Giving statements that "we will run to your rescue no matter what" isn't really a standard norm in International Relations. Rest is pretty normal................We need to strike a balance in our relations be it KSA or Iran. Its a pity that some members whose minds are infested with sectarianism have brought in Iran in a debate about KSA.................We can be friends with both, both Saudis don't have the right to tell us with whome we can conduct our business with when they are playing friends with our nemesis.

When you engage with a country you talk to its leadership, the ones who hold the power to make the decisions. In this case the Sauds. It is important to keep our prejudices aside in diplomacy. Who runs KSA is none of our business. It is upto people of KSA to decide and they seem in no mood to replace Sauds. So we talk to them.

As far whether Saudis have the right or not to tell us whom we conduct business with, well nations press others all the time on such matters. Don't we ask Afghanistan to move away from India? Why we have to be so disturbed by what they say? For their diplomatic right to say (just say) that we become hostile to Iran, we have more powerful right to decide what is best for us. Did we get hostile to Iran? Are we not doing business with Russia which is enemy to KSA?

As far striking balance between Iran and KSA, well we are much more friendly to Iran than Iran is to us. Despite our overtures Iran has acted against Pakistan's interest on multiple occasions. They have funded and supported anti-Pakistan factions in Afghanistan, embarrassed us on World Forum by revealing nuclear cooperation, housed Indians close to our borders, shelled our villages and soldiers and stood silent when we were sanctioned. All in contrast to what KSA had done. So as far balance, I think we are somewhat too nice to Iran. Iran has to reciprocate our friendly gestures and stop hurting our national interests.

In the nutshell stop mixing emotions with diplomacy. We need to wise up and see the things as they are not as we want them to be.
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