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Trolling and hate?

I wasnt trolling....just made a valid point
Anyways i dont abuse nationality or harass people

I only troll the trolls and when i do i have a good enough reason for that....

For ur info.....60 percent of time,the mods are inactive.......
Reporting doesnt work and
I am out of the thread
And here it starts on this thread! which is specifically about TROLLING.
No reasons..just announcement for not to do trolling in future.Due to limited mods,we have decided massive clean-up against trolls,which is really bad news.

Thank you. Man this was much needed. Foolish senless trolling where literally try to make something big out of nothing and often preach hate.
All those members who would like to give up trolling,make announcement here.


I almost never start trolling but reply to them alot which sometimes makes me like them depending upon my reply . Anyways I'm trying not to.

For those people who can't stop trolling should learn to take a break I actually took a 3 year break and w8ed to be mature enough not to destroy every thread just because I don't agree with their view point or have no knowledge about topic to start with .

And mods I apologies if I accidentally made your job any more difficult than it already is.

Major motive behind trolling is hate. It's very much clear to every one here, whose hate is for whom.
See the threads with SU-35 and check the level of hate spiting. There goes Rafale and no one bothers, even this is Pakistani defense forum.
All this is increasing day by day uncontrollable.

I wasnt trolling....just made a valid point
Anyways i dont abuse nationality or harass people

i hardly saw any Pakistani commenting on purely indian threads... like their politics, rafaels , development etc... but they always come up with something irritating on the subjects which dont belong to them in any case.. it is pure hate towards Pakistan. they cant see us doing something good.

The three of you need to shut the Fu** up about nationality and its relations to trolling. You think Pakistani's don't comment on Indian threads? I can't tell you how many rape or feces or cow or Modi comments I've seen when there was no reason for them, no instigation, no Indian aggravating or flame-baiting. Same goes for Indians in Pakistani threads talking about money or "Chinese slaves".

You're both complicit, neither Pakistani nor Indian members here are angels and none should pretend to be. Without any Indian members you'd still have Pakistani's trolling India... even when there's no reason to!!!

Shut the Fu** up! As someone who doesn't give a single crap about India or Pakistan, you all look like trolls to me, and you all act like it.
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I find it extremely unfortunate, that whenever we open a thread about some serious issue about Pakistan to have a serious discussion, within no time it is swarmed and overtaken by Indian trolls.

Mostly it is like one post from the original poster and the next 4-5 are from Indians with a clear intention to degrade the discussion.

Ok, sometimes you can live with that, but there are these threads like "The terrorist attack on PAF camp" and while our Jawans and citizen are dying, there come these Indians with tongue-in-the-cheek comments. And some are even very open in saying, "Pakistan deserve that", etc.

Now that is something, which can not be tolerated!

One suggestion that we floated to Webmaster few weeks ago was to stop Indians trolls from taking part in some of the threads which are purely Pakistani in nature and have absolutely no relevance for Indians.
The three of you need to shut the Fu** up about nationality and its relations to trolling. You think Pakistani's don't comment on Indian threads? I can't tell you how many rape or feces or cow or Modi comments I've seen when there was no reason for them, no instigation, no Indian aggravating or flame-baiting. Same goes for Indians in Pakistani threads talking about money or "Chinese slaves".

Your both complicit, neither Pakistani nor Indian members here are angels and none should pretend to be. Without any Indian members you'd still have Pakistani's trolling India... even when there's no reason to!!!

Shut the Fu** up!
I have never done that maam.....you are venting your anger out on the wrong person
Trolling means:
1-Abusing nationality
3-Show-off of ill-informed knowledge
4-Troll threads
6-Representing CT as facts
7-Get messed up and driving others crazy
10-Profanity in name of sarcasm

I have not initiated this thread to learn definition of trolling.I want to ask that how many of you could give up trolling?

Sir... I'm Not saying this becasue i'm an Indian... But the truth is mostly its done by the pakistani Users.. Mainly abusing nationality and Religion, and most of the time they get away with it. but Indian replies are limited becasue we are scared of getting banned. This must end....
You fail to see many trolling with negative more than 15, it should be limited or full ban. Yet our forum policy continue to allow it in every Pakistan threads or other sections.

Whose negative trolling poor records ? Many Indians.
I am relatively junior and have done my share of trolling & goading but did come to a point where I decided NOT To write anything that would be seem hateful. The hate comes from following these areas:

1) Indians showing moral and technical superiority over Pakistanis and Pakistanis vice versa - wars, terrorism being contexts
2) Religious superiority & inferiority

May be what could be tried is:

1) In event based threads (eg: some incident, specific attack, some achievement, some vip passing away, some election etc), BAN any posts on philosophy, ideology and ancestors. Discussion should be limited to concrete facts and players in the event ONLY. Thread purpose would be to inform, to elaborate but not to lay blame on India or Pakistan or Islam or Hinduism

2) in historical threads allow all of the above but disallow ANY unparliamentary language; any words taht you would not speak to your mother should not be used in a debate. This includes the cheap shots such as whose daddy is who

3) In all threads when anything stated without a supporting link (source) it should be marked by default as author's opinion
Trolling means:
1-Abusing nationality
3-Show-off of ill-informed knowledge
4-Troll threads
6-Representing CT as facts
7-Get messed up and driving others crazy
10-Profanity in name of sarcasm

I have not initiated this thread to learn definition of trolling.I want to ask that how many of you could give up trolling?

I promise I won't be doing neither of the above mentioned things, plus I won't engage/quote people from the other side of the border with less than 5000 posts unnecessarily.
You fail to see many trolling with negative more than 15, it should be limited or full ban. Yet our forum policy continue to allow it in every Pakistan threads or other sections.

Whose negative trolling poor records ? Many Indians.

No Sir.... that's what i'm trying to say here... Indians have nagative rating more than of pakistan is becasue most of them are victims. The Pakistani Users can get away most of the time but if we give reply to their abuse we get Negative rating and Ban... I've reported the users who use filthy lang both in Hindi and English Numerous time not one of them got a negative ratings or ban... but if it Indians next min he'll get a error msg in the browser.... and so far i couldn't find a Single Indian MoD why is that??

And Look I get Negative rating for Opening a thread about Charity in Indian defence(which is wrong but i didn't know) But today how many users are doing the same... do they ever get a negative rating or Ban???
I wasnt trolling....just made a valid point
Anyways i dont abuse nationality or harass people

I only troll the trolls and when i do i have a good enough reason for that....

For ur info.....60 percent of time,the mods are inactive.......
Reporting doesnt work and
I am out of the thread
You are troll for all the means of it. I see all of you more than ANYONE else on this forum and know exactly which is a troll and who isnt. You start your trolls and then have the guile to post hypocritical bull here about being an innocent responder.

Restrict various nationality members to their specific country defence, social, economic threads.

Only allow senior members with less than 10 negative ratings to move around to other country sections.

Problem solved.
When it says Senior, I would change that the forum team(TTAs, Professionals, Analysts etc). NO one else is deserving of respect until granted by this core group.

No reasons..just announcement for not to do trolling in future.Due to limited mods,we have decided massive clean-up against trolls,which is really bad news.

It has to be scorched earth. Any Indian or Pakistani, Arab or Persian.. seen pointlessly deriding, posting ridiculous comments will be warned without ado and banned permanently from that section. It doesn't matter who started it, the moderation team will end it.
Dear Mods 99.99% multiple Id owners are Indians they jump in whenever there is a big attack and massive civilian or otherwise deaths in Pakistan in such attacks and thus mock and celebrate these deaths but some of our TTs out of an attempt to look more liberal start tableegh to Pakistani members not to respond to Indians in the same manner. NOw the point is if you abuse my dead and if you abuse the martyrs like capt Asfandyar well i am going to abuse you and use the most dirtiest words in a strongest manner against you, so why on earth you be even expecting mannerism from Pakistani members in such a situation .

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