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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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Nope It's Eyan as in Gift from God :azn:

And about the part of Afghans hating us . question is do we really care?

Eyan as in 'gift from God' - Wow what a meaning....nice name; is that Pashto, Persian or Arabic ? :)
Brother our kind faced not only a difficult situation back then, but we faced total destruction.
We had the British empire on one side, the most powerful and biggest of them all. Then we had the Russian Empire to the north the 2nd most powerful empire back them. At last we had an Iran which was controlled by England and Russia.
We were locked in, they all wanted our land. We had no modern weapons at all. We fought, but even as those Pathans we were, we came to a point where we knew that we faced total destruction.
We had to.
But those you call countrymen today, they were on their side back then, helping the brits with their wars against us.
We did also try to liberate what was lost, but we neither had the power or resources.
If it's and buts were candy and nuts , we'd all have a merry christmas :lol:
But then that chapter of history done . You now have no right to claim the western part , we now have a complete different identity your welcome to join it if you want:dirol: but we've left you a long time ago!
He did not answer the question "Why do Afghans hate us?". He answered the question "Why we should hate Afghans?". Learn comprehension before mouthing off

It was a rhetorical question ! :crazy:

If it's and buts were candy and nuts , we'd all have a merry christmas :lol:
But then that chapter history done . You now have no right to claim the western part , we now have a complete different identity your welcome to join it if you want:dirol: but we've left you a long time ago!


Kiyun hamein marvaniii pei tulaaa hovaa haiii ? :fie:
If it's and buts were candy and nuts , we'd all have a merry christmas :lol:
But then that chapter history done . You now have no right to claim the western part , we now have a complete different identity your welcome to join it if you want:dirol: but we've left you a long time ago!

We will stay loyal to the centre of our kind.
Most likely Persian or something thereof , not sure :D

Achaa waisee eik cheeez bataaa....why is it that most things in Pashto (even when saying a name) ends with an 'aaa' I mean my Pukhtoon friends call each other 'name' Khan-aa instead of just 'name' Khan ! :unsure:
We will stay loyal to the centre of our kind.
And we to ours !
@Kataria Afghans have no right to hate!
Reminds me of the dialogue "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die".
They started the game and got burnt in the process. So really it begs the question "Do Afghans have the right to hate us?"

Achaa waisee eik cheeez bataaa....why is it that most things in Pashto (even when saying a name) ends with an 'aaa' I mean my Pukhtoon friends call each other 'name' Khan-aa instead of just 'name' Khan ! :unsure:
Just a way of speaking kind of like a lingo i guess not a honorific or anything !
And we to ours !
@Kataria Afghans have no right to hate!
Reminds me of the dialogue "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die".
They started the game and got burnt in the process. So really it begs the question "Do Afghans have the right to hate us?"

Here's where that falls apart - the game isn't over yet. Sheer hatred for the opponent can make one a better player.
Here's where that falls apart - the game isn't over yet. Sheer hatred for the opponent can make one a better player.
Afghanistan is in a decapitated state , it won't be a threat for a long time , a very long one. Currently it's survival is on the line more then ours . The little damage it can do will be with India's help but then when haven't India or Pakistan taken a chance to harm each other. So i guess it's really the same old Pak-India game rather then a Af-Pak one.

So I should call you EyanKhanaa ? :azn:
If I can call you "Bhatta". :D
Afghans are a proud people. They have been rulers of their own land. They have been founders of mighty empires and ruled in mighty empires. They have historically ruled present day Punjab and Sindh over centuries, but they were never ever been ruled by a Punjabi or Sindhi Musalman. The Punjabi Sikhs ruled parts of Afghhanistan for a short duration. Historically, the Punjabi Musalman has never ever been a ruler of his own region. Only after 1947 the Punjabi Musalman has tasted power. Since past few decades the Punjabi dominated Pakistan has tried to treat Afghanistan as a colony, to further its efforts to gain strategic depth towards western direction, after its humiliating defeat at the hands of India in 1971. They imposed tyrannical Taliban regime in Afghanistan to have control over Afghanistan. Even today Pakistan considers the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani faction as its strategic assets. Afghans realize that the people that they dominated over for centuries are now trying to boss over them and trying to call the shots in their country. They resent this a lot.
Afghans consider the traditional eastern boundary of Afghanistan as the Indus river. They never willingly accepted the Durrand line, but it was imposed on them by the British empire. They consider all the Pakthoon areas Viz. KPK West of Indus and Northern Baluchistan, as traditionally Afghan territory but kept away from them by the Punjabi dominated Pakistan. Afghanistan was the only country in 1947 which actually opposed the creation of Pakistan.
Dear all,
My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.

1. The Pakhtun dominated regions, even though I have never met a Pakistani Pakhtun in my life who wants unity with Afghanistan. They also lay claim to Baluchistan, even though the Baluch say they would rather go independent than be dominated by more outsiders.

2. It was sold as a lease by the king of the time, that has now expired. But what has also expired is any idea of a united land amongst the Pakhtuns of Pakistan. They have a united land it's called Pakistan, and it is many times bigger than anything they would have gained with the old agreement.

3. No. A stable and strong Afghanistan is good for Pakistan e.g. increased trade, fighting poverty together, shared cross border links and so forth. However there are nefarious elements amongst the Afghan leadership , one of which sadly is a frontrunner in the election (Abdullah, Abdullah) that hate Pakistan, hence they are deemed a threat. However Gani is not so there is hope. But I'm for winning hearts and minds rather than relying on terrorists to "advance" our ideas.

They consider all the Pakthoon areas Viz. KPK West of Indus and Northern Baluchistan, as traditionally Afghan territory but kept away from them by the Punjabi dominated Pakistan. Afghanistan was the only country in 1947 which actually opposed the creation of Pakistan.

The Pakhtuns in Pakistan outnumber the entire Afghan population several times over and they consider these lands part of Pakistan. Henceforth the claim is now redundant, no mater how many times someone over the internet states it.

Punjabi dominated Pakistan? Ok could you please name me three successive Punjabi rulers in Pakistan's history?
They hold Pakistan responsible for their condition and also believe that KPK is a part of Afghanistan.
What a load of crap. I speak as a Pashtun, and on behalf of all Pashtuns that we love our country, "Pakistan"..... most of your friends are just like you, chinky eyed Uzbeks,Tajiks, Turkmens, half breed Farsibans, pretending to be Afghans. Afghanistan is the rightful property of all Pashtuns, and we shall reclaim our land back from Northern Alliance, at any cost.

Now go back to your pathetic lands before uncle sam leaves..... else, you'll find your neck at the wrong end of our blades!

Dear all,

I am new to the forum and one of things, which have bothered me lately is the fact, that many of my great Afghan friends are very much against Pakistan, its military and intelligence activities in particular. Their claims are more specifically:
- ISI and the rest of the Pakistan military are main contributors to the war and problems in Afghanistan, because a stabile Afghanistan would enable Afghanis/Pashtuns to reclaim a part of Pakistan as their own - through international court or something. This part is supposedly something which they say was taken away from them through British rule in an unlegitimate way - and given to Pakistan. They also say, that the population of this area strongly opposes the Pakistani rule and would like independency from Pakistan.

My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.
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