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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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Why do some Afghans hate Pakistan ? :(

Scratch that - Why do all Afghans hate Pakistan ? :bunny:

And is your name really 'Eyan' as in Eyanic Bonding ? :unsure:

I'll answer it for you. Afghans hate Pakistan because they see Pakistan as the supporter of terrorism in their nation. Oh and they see the Western portion of your country as rightfully theirs.

You have too, otherwise you would have have gone all the way to Delhi.

Minor mistakes are expected.

You can try :whistle:
ideally there should be very close economic cooperation between both countries in a liberal society as it will result in optimum social economic uplift of people of both countries because the civilization linkage(demography,bread basket, sea/trade routes etc) of both countries is such that each one left behind will badly effect the other, but situation at the moment is less than ideal because of many factors.
Look who said we would occupy it, I was thinking "liberating it". :D

But after all this issue will not be settled in the near future.

Liberation ? lol cowards can't liberate anything, people who ran away during the times of British, anyways its such a stupid discussion you can liberate W.E you want :D I am out :D
I'll answer it for you. Afghans hate Pakistan because they see Pakistan as the supporter of terrorism in their nation. Oh and they see the Western portion of your country as rightfully theirs.

You can try :whistle:

We'll western portion is us and it belongs to us natives so who care what you or they think.

In charge of eating all the kingdoms food, or in charge of food security for the people?

You guys sold us off for less then 30 pieces of silver to the British,do you think we have forgotten that?.

So wroora tell us why did you guys sell us off , do you really think we would see you with same eyes again?.
I'll answer it for you. Afghans hate Pakistan because they see Pakistan as the supporter of terrorism in their nation. Oh and they see the Western portion of your country as rightfully theirs.

Afghanistan has been supporting terrorism in Pakistan since '48 - Guess where the first Baluch Separatists found refuge ? Guess where every single one of them has found since then ? Guess who invaded our territory at Bajaur in the '60s ? Guess who let their territory be used as a proxy ground against us in the '90s - Before the Taliban ?

And they signed off those portions to British India at the end of the of the Second-Anglo Afghan War, then reaffirmed that secession in the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919 after the Third-Anglo Afghan War & further reaffirmed that treaty in 1921 & 1930 - Under International Law the Treaty stood & passed onto the newly created State of Pakistan in 1947 !

There is a reason why the Afghans don't go to the International Court of Justice or the International Court of Arbitration like most other countries with territorial disputes do - Because they know that their shenanigans would be thrown out the moment they do them !
Coward is not the word history use when describing us, and we fought the britts, while you guys was managed by them.

If this helps you sleep better at night then, be it world knows about it.
Afghanistan has been supporting terrorism in Pakistan since '48 - Guess where the first Baluch Separatists found refuge ? Guess where every single one of them has found since then ? Guess who invaded our territory at Bajaur in the '60s ? Guess who let their territory be used as a proxy ground against us in the '90s - Before the Taliban ?

And they signed off those portions to British India at the end of the of the Second-Anglo Afghan War, then reaffirmed that secession in the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919 after the Third-Anglo Afghan War & further reaffirmed that treaty in 1921 & 1930 - Under International Law the Treaty stood & passed onto the newly created State of Pakistan in 1947 !

There is a reason why the Afghans don't go to the International Court of Justice or the International Court of Arbitration like most other countries with territorial disputes do - Because they know that their shenanigans would be thrown out the moment they do them !

yes even if you talk about economically than current Pakistan geography provide optimum combination to all of its provinces/native lands from bread baskets to sea ports to human capital/natural resources all necessary to reach full growth potential individually each one of them will be left either land locked, deprived of fertile plains/human capital etc etc. Now its upto people to work in harmony.
Coward is not the word history use when describing us, and we fought the britts, while you guys was managed by them.

Lol... Shah Shuja's Afghanistan hyphenated itself with the british , british installed Shah shujah to the throne

Karzai's Afghanistan hyphenated itself with america , the Americans made him president of Afghanistan

You have hyphenated yourself with India , maybe they will make you a peon in their jalalabad consulate

So wroora tell us why did you guys sell us off , do you really think we would see you with same eyes again?.

Brother our kind faced not only a difficult situation back then, but we faced total destruction.

We had the British empire on one side, the most powerful and biggest of them all. Then we had the Russian Empire to the north the 2nd most powerful empire back them. At last we had an Iran which was controlled by England and Russia.

We were locked in, they all wanted our land. We had no modern weapons at all. We fought, but even as those Pathans we were, we came to a point where we knew that we faced total destruction.

We had to.

But those you call countrymen today, they were on their side back then, helping the brits with their wars against us.

We did also try to liberate what was lost, but we neither had the power or resources.
And is your name really 'Eyan' as in Eyanic Bonding ?
Nope It's Eyan as in Gift from God :azn:

And about the part of Afghans hating us . question is do we really care?

I'll answer it for you. Afghans hate Pakistan because they see Pakistan as the supporter of terrorism in their nation. Oh and they see the Western portion of your country as rightfully theirs.
@Armstrong already answered your question , read history before you mouth off .
Nope It's Eyan as in Gift from God :azn:

And about the part of Afghans hating us . question is do we really care?

@Armstrong already answered your question , read history before you mouth off .

He did not answer the question "Why do Afghans hate us?". He answered the question "Why we should hate Afghans?". Learn comprehension before mouthing off
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