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Farooq Sattar and Khalid Maqbool Siddqui to be banned from entering UK

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Apr 28, 2011
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I am least concerned about them but what I know is soon this curse Altaf would be behind bars really very soon INSHALLAH

mullah is very happy the kaafir UK will jail Altaf? :lol:

when your mullah *** get bombed by UK in afghanistan mullah curse UK day and night?

has UK given you halwa or what?

mullah zarvan can send his lashkar to Karachi, MQM is ready to spank your ***
mullah is very happy the kaafir UK will jail Altaf? :lol:

when your mullah *** get bombed by UK in afghanistan mullah curse UK day and night?

has UK given you halwa or what?

mullah zarvan can send his lashkar to Karachi, MQM is ready to spank your ***
I hope he gets hanged in Pakistan but he made some stupid move in UK UK is not doing it because they love Pakistan but this dumbo Altaf crossed their red line

mullah @Zarvan jumping up and down after UK gives halwa to mullah

They have not banned him yet they are in process but if they do it than he is going no where
I hope he gets hanged in Pakistan but he made some stupid move in UK UK is not doing it because they love Pakistan but this dumbo Altaf crossed their red line

They have not banned him yet they are in process but if they do it than he is going no where

if UK cooks mullah its haram

why, are you mullahs pigs that roasting you is haraam?
Mr your leader ordered a murder of a person in UK what do You expect them to do

the justice system in UK is not taliban justice, the murder will be proven as internal conspiracy then only the course of justice against altaf will take place

talking about justice i have seen videos of how taliban slaughtered innocent men and played football with their heads which you keep supporting, go mullah eat your halwa
A good first step, next they need to do what Canada did and declare MQM as a terrorist organization, then they need to try Altaf for murder. I don't even want them to extradite him to Pakistan; God knows, MQM would resort to violence to protect him from the law.

the justice system in UK is not taliban justice, the murder will be proven as internal conspiracy then only the course of justice against altaf will take place

talking about justice i have seen videos of how taliban slaughtered innocent men and played football with their heads which you keep supporting, go mullah eat your halwa
What does the Taliban have to do with this? Don't bring up topics and start labeling people without any evidence. Stop calling anyone who disagrees with MQM as a taliban lover, because it makes you and your party look like you're hiding something.

If MQM is innocent, then this ban will not go through and Altaf will be cleared, but be prepared for when he is found guilty, because on that day, everyone who's been calling Altaf a leader of a mafia organization will be vindicated.
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A good first step, next they need to do what Canada did and declare MQM as a terrorist organization, then they need to try Altaf for murder. I don't even want them to extradite him to Pakistan; God knows, MQM would resort to violence to protect him from the law.

What does the Taliban have to do with this? Don't bring up topics and start labeling people without any evidence. Stop calling anyone who disagrees with MQM as a taliban lover, because it makes you and your party look like you're hiding something.

can you show me the list of banned organisations in canada whch has MQM name on it?

here is the wikipedia list, i don't see MQM

List of designated terrorist organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
can you show me the list of banned organisations in canada whch has MQM name on it?

here is the wikipedia list, i don't see MQM

List of designated terrorist organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've already shown you before, I don't need to do so again; but since you have a short term memory, I'll oblige you...

Muttahida Qaumi Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's all I'm going to give you. I'm not your servant, if you want evidence, it's public info online, look for it yourself.

By the way, the wiki article you posted is clearly incomplete.
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I've already shown you before, I don't need to do so again; but since you have a short term member, I'll oblige you...

Muttahida Qaumi Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's all I'm going to give you. I'm not your servant, if you want evidence, it's public info online, look for it yourself.

By the way, the wiki article you posted is clearly incomplete.

ok, but i couldn't find the source of the list of banned organisations in canada, maybe you can help thanks

it is you who has brought this to my knowledge so it should be you to prove it not me

excuses like you are not my servent is not enough
ok, but i couldn't find the source of the list of banned organisations in canada, maybe you can help thanks

it is you who has brought this to my knowledge so it should be you to prove it not me

excuses like you are not my servent is not enough

No, but this being public information should be.

Official judicial website

Federal Courts Reports - [2006] 4 F.C.R. 471

So yeah, I don't care anymore. If you want to ignore facts and remain in your little world, fine by me.
No, but this being public information should be.

Official judicial website

Federal Courts Reports - [2006] 4 F.C.R. 471

So yeah, I don't care anymore. If you want to ignore facts and remain in your little world, fine by me.

here we go again, i asked you something, you are completely ignoring, if canada declared MQM terrorist organisation then it must have put it under lists of banned terror organisations, is MQM in that list or not?

canada may have mentioned MQM as meeting legal def of terror organisation but canada never declared MQM terrorist organisation, if it is then please show me the list of designated terror banned org in canada thanks
here we go again, i asked you something, you are completely ignoring, if canada declared MQM terrorist organisation then it must have put it under lists of banned terror organisations, is MQM in that list or not?
Did you read the document or not?

Honestly, I've given you an official document and you want a wikipedia list?

I'm going to stop talking to you now, clearly you're not thinking straight.
Did you read the document or not? Many times an organization can be declared a terrorist organization by one branch of the government but not be on a list. A classic example is the Afghan Taliban. The FBI has put them on it's global terrorist list, but not the US DoD

ok then why you mentioned canada, you should have mentioned like a perticular canadian court ruling mentioned MQM meeting the legal definition of terror organisation while hearing the case of an asylum of an MQM worker but canada never infact declared MQM a terrorist organisation

its as simple as it gets bro :lol:

when an org is declared terrorist it is simply putting under the ban list, MQM is not under the ban list

if PPP worker, or PMLN, JI, ANP etc worker would have applied for asylum, im sure that few political opponents for example would have provided their involved in killings and having militant wing and canada would have treated him similarly
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