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Indian Ocean: the new Great Game

EzioAltaïr;3375107 said:
So because anything is possible, you will assume that one day in the faaaar off future, the U.S. of A. and Japan will be your best friends. And so you will stop concentrating on immediate threats, because you know that one day you will be the most powerful. :rofl:

Well I assume as much as you guys did ... but I didn't said that US, Japan will be our friends...I just assume that both of three have interest in Indian Ocean either one of us or three of us to neutralize Indian navy if it represent a threat to our ship navigation.

Now there you fall into line....................:tongue:

Sure it's a good deal for other to provide a free service until otherwise: if someone open the door for me I would say thank you...dare him not block my door.
Actually, India could be more like Australia or Canada if India join the western nations. But India leadership is weak and indecisive. As a result, no countries will trust India and it will again be diplomatically isolated once all the dices have fallen in place.
Yes thats why US offered us F35 and Russia offered PAKFA . :rofl: A chini speaking about trust :rofl:

Not quite sure of your statement...people is crying about string pearl...there must be a rational explaination? :rofl:
Atleast no one claims our part of Bay of Bengal , Arabian sea and Indian Ocean . Now go you have many people claiming your backyard . And regarding string of pearls Chinese is scared , it went back as first it should protect its own backyard .
Atleast no one claims our part of Bay of Bengal , Arabian sea and Indian Ocean . Now go you have many people claiming your backyard . And regarding string of pearls Chinese is scared , it went back as first it should protect its own backyard .

Even nobody claim Bay of Bengal , Arabian sea and Indian Ocean, you Indians can only helplessly just writing a fiction about how you dominate Indian Ocean but can't do a sh1t ...not even an official statement dare to said a word...only mumbling inside the closet. :rofl:

...but when you relealize that China came paying visit to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan...your Medias became so alergic, anger and frenzy ...start to yelling "China's is building a string pearl". And what's matter...to Chicken to deal with China in Indian ocean by asking us to go to SCS :lol:.
very nice discussion But like always china win by taking control of gwadar port they make sure that nobody block their energy line and by doing that they are not worried about Malacca strait .we are talking about 10 years Indian Navy with more ship and technology what about china can we imagine that,so be cool guys don't worry indian will never ever try to stop malacca strait in dream or reality .:rofl:
Indians living in wet dreams. LOL.
China can kick India's a5s to kingdom Com. In case of a war. China has more men, more weapons, more aircrafts, more ships than India. It has beaten India soundly in 1962 war when 50,000 indian soldiers died or were injured.
Please believe what you all will, but baap baap hota hain our beta beta hota hain.

Lets extrapolate the same logic,,, your admission was epic!!!

Indians getting wet dreams again.

Let them face a force of 2 Chinese supercarriers carrying up to 120 stealth fighters, 2 Type-55 Cruisers, 4 Type-052D destroyers and a couple of Type-095 SSNs and see how their Navy compares against his.

Only the US can compete with China.

"Supercarrier"; "Made in china" ; Next
Even nobody claim Bay of Bengal , Arabian sea and Indian Ocean, you Indians can only helplessly just writing a fiction about how you dominate Indian Ocean but can't do a sh1t ...not even an official statement dare to said a word...only mumbling inside the closet. :rofl:

...but when you relealize that China came paying visit to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan...your Medias became so alergic, anger and frenzy ...start to yelling "China's is building a string pearl". And what's matter...to Chicken to deal with China in Indian ocean by asking us to go to SCS :lol:.
Where do you think all our sh1t goes into ? Why should we do something like claiming Indian Ocean ? We dont want thorns under our a$$ just like you have in SCS . Just check your claims in SCS and you will know who is the fictional claimer . If the official statement makes our friends a step away we will not do that . We dont want to become another China .
lol you couldnt even detect our nuke sub when it was p*ssing in SCS and you claim to beat us in IOR huh ? :P Why is your govt so scared about our moves in SCS ? Your representatives ran to our place for peace talks . FYI Half a dozen of subs and a couple of fighters in Andaman can make China never return back to IOR . Right now we want China to waste few resources so that we can save a few in fighting pirates , hence we are not opposing Chinis . Coming to the countries you mentioned their airforces and navies couldnt even stop terrorists (No offense ), they know how Indian punch tastes . And how would your military enter Bangladesh ? Dont delude yourself that myanmar will help you out .
and china also has more enemies, 3 to 3.5 times more land mass to protect, 3 to 3.5 times larger airspace (wrt India), lack of access to advanced US tech

and yes, it doesn't have Andaman Nicobar like islands in Indian ocean which are 1200 km away from INdia and serve as military base and tools of power projection


and the country who having advance tech failed in all wars "Vietnam, IRaq, Afghanistan" LOL and daily **** by Talibans! LOL @ THIS ****ing advance tech country and their children lol
and the country who having advance tech failed in all wars "Vietnam, IRaq, Afghanistan" LOL and daily **** by Talibans! LOL @ THIS ****ing advance tech country and their children lol

yeah... u are right.. In '71 also they supported some country with full might but instead that country overnight got divided by 2 :lol:
This is absolutely hilarious.:rofl:

1.8 trillion GDP India thinking that they have any chance against 8 trillion GDP China in dominance in the Indian Ocean.

Let us wait till 2025 and then we shall see how brave the Indian Navy is against 100,000 tonne Chinese supercarrier battle groups.
This is absolutely hilarious.:rofl:

1.8 trillion GDP India thinking that they have any chance against 8 trillion GDP China in dominance in the Indian Ocean.

Let us wait till 2025 and then we shall see how brave the Indian Navy is against 100,000 tonne Chinese supercarrier battle groups.

I've Never Seen an Idiot Like You, Quality Of education speaks for itself.
Grow Up Genius.

Indeed hilarious
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