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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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this is just pathetic, ladders come u **** heads, where were those cctv guys, **** these boys, they deserved what happened to them for there negligence

Bad part is, nothing really happened to them. Our tax money got burnt. They, who feed on our money, employed by us, failed to protect our assets.
@Windjammer keh raha hai kuch nhn hua, DGPR said 'Alhamdolillah', to is liay ab main kuch nhn keh raha bhai.

Waisay PAF ko 'Alhamdolillah' likhnay say pehle thori si sharam khani chahiay thi. At least respect those who lost their lives.

Aur kam az kam yeh to mat likho that 'decomissioned aircraft' were damaged. Just don't write anything, just say 'An attack occured, we are working on eliminating the threat'.
I never said, "kuch nai huwa".... Attackers breached the facility is enough for heads to roll. One can see a fire and plume of smoke in the OP, which i understand is from a fuel truck that was hit. Do a google earth search of any PAF base any day, you be lucky to spot one or two aircraft parked in open. Never the case with say IAF stations where a whole squadrons are lined up on the tarmac. Admittedly just seen one video of aftermath with SSW guys giving thumbs up after eliminating the attackers.

Has anyone of you guys seen the TTP shot video of attack?
I guess it is pretty clear what was lost and what wasn't.
Just seen some stills, can you share if possible.
The Afghan refugees inside Pakistan, is a weird Frankenstein's monster tbh.

The Establishment's support to them, has ebbed and flowed given the happenings in Afghanistan. It rises and falls, whenever Pakistan has some role to play in that country or has to keep quiet.

Whatever the past, the current decision of Pak Govt to get rid of the illegal Afghans might prove to be pretty difficult. Taliban are in a flux right now, given their no profit no loss economic situation. Any influx of Afghans from Pakistan to Afghanistan, will make it really difficult for them economically.

Am not saying this particular attack, is a direct result of that. However the past where Pak Govt's at times looked like supporting the Afghans policy wise, or not supporting them has caused heart burn in that community I believe. With gun culture/pashtunwali/badal etc, things get pretty nasty. There will be unending supply of fodder, for anyone who wants to make it unbreathable for Pak Govt security wise.

Not many think about it (neither did I, till I heard a program recently where a retd general spoke about it) but, there is a reason as to why Taliban might have turned anti Pakistan. If Pakistan can create a Taliban inside Afghanistan, they can create another faction that can bring them down too. Both groups know each other well, so there will be that fear of danger lurking from a supposed friend. The same general was saying that, Taliban effectively has been divided into three factions. A Kabul faction then a Kandahar faction, and finally the Doha faction that negotiates with West. The Kabul faction is the Haqqani network, that is supposedly close to Pakistan according to him. Akhunzada you know is the supreme leader and sits in Kandahara, to whom the TTP owes allegiance. The Doha faction has no teeth, so they are all talk. Perhaps the General meant the Kabul faction, when he mentioned the Taliban's distrust of Pak Establishment besides the

Whatever Tehreek that has claimed responsibility for this attack, am sure will lead back to the Talibs. Am sure PA and ISI know all this, but given the entrenched situation of lot of this cannon fodder inside Pakistan, it will be difficult to separate wheat from chaff from them. Some solution with Talib has to be devised, if such attacks have to be stopped as kinetic actions haven't proven affective so far.

Pakistan allows Afghanistan refugees because it has been promoted for decades that Pakistan and Afghanistan are brothers and we are one. The afghan and Pakistan pashtun are relatives, they have 1000s of families on each side so you cannot really stop them from coming or crossing the border. The pashtuns trade with each other etc.

Regarding the Taliban, its a loose organisation with many different groups, we also have many sufis who are aligned to the Taliban, they too have 1000s of fighters. They are certainly not extremists or someone who would promote terrorism in Pakistan because they too faced terrorism in Pakistan loosing 1000s of people (their families and followers in Pakistan were targeted by terrorists).

Pakistan should clearly targeted the extremist takfiri elements in the taliban and the terrorism will decrease automatically. I don't know which side is more powerful, the extremists or the moderate ones. It looks like the taliban themselves cannot control these people. If Pakistan starts to bomb Afghanistan they will end up killing the innocents and moderate taliban also so this will increase the problem. The solution is to support the pro Pakistan elements or the moderate ones, then slowly decrease the power of the extremist takfiris, also support the Tajikistan, Uzbekis, Turks, hazaras, slowly win them over and it will neutralise the anti Pakistan pashtuns.
I never said, "kuch nai huwa".... Attackers breached the facility is enough for heads to roll. One can see a fire and plume of smoke in the OP, which i understand is from a fuel truck that was hit. Do a google earth search of any PAF base any day, you be lucky to spot one or two aircraft parked in open. Never the case with say IAF stations where a whole squadrons are lined up on the tarmac. Admittedly just seen one video of aftermath with SSW guys giving thumbs up after eliminating the attackers.

Not gonna debate on this, but I was wrong to mention you in the first place.

Replace that with 'Sidhu nay mubarkbad di PAF ko' :P

Edited original comment as well.
One thing I failed to understand may be some one can help me with this. Afghanistan has more then one neighbour and not a single one is attacked except Pakistan? so why always and only Pakistan?

Its almost impossible to go near a Generals house without having to bendover and cough Never mind armed to the teeth holding a ladder cutting the wires to an operational air base?

So I will ask is this a intelligence failure or 100% facilitated by intelligence Agency...
Read history.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh whipped their asss.
The Afghani pushtoons fought Punjabi Sikh for about a 100 years. Both trading blows over the years. Both winning some and losing some. The Afghani claim that they never lost a war , 2as undone by the Sikh.

However in the peanut sized Afghani brain, the current day Muslim Punjabi are responsible for their historical defeats against Sikh "Phinjabay'.
From there comes the hate .
Later the British went all the way to Kabul along with Sikh Punjabi soldiers, whom they had conquered, and forced the Afghani king to sign the Durand line agreement. Not 9nce but three times.
The Afghani are salty about that too, and claim all Pakistani areas up to the indus river. Claiming that they don't want to abide by the agreement signed by their own king.
Then there is the ethnic reason. Afghan claim Pakistani pushtoon to be "one of their own" and claim that the "Punjabi " country of Pakistan is dividing people of same blood, just by existing as a country called Pakistan.
So there. you go. That's their reasons.
Not gonna debate on this, but I was wrong to mention you in the first place.

Replace that with 'Sidhu nay mubarkbad di PAF ko' :P

Edited original comment as well.
DIK kaya ho gaya ab..... ya DIG ma
Basically they were having a field day inside, from the video it looks like the security was not aware of the infiltration as long as the militants did not start smoking up the jets because you can not hear any exchange of fire & the militants were roaming freely (no defensive positions) while shooting the aircrafts which only logically means until that time they were not being engaged at all. This is a big security failure because you only knew about infiltration once you started hearing noises of your aircrafts being destroyed.

Also, PAF is and has always been short on manpower, the SOP is one tower every 100 meters but you will hardly see that happen because they don't have enough men to man the towers. You won't believe it but I have even seen them place dummies in towers (not kidding at all).

Exactly, they were standing on the flight line bunched up for AT LEAST 3 minutes and could fire off an RPG on video, and then go to the ATC tower apron (in daytime), and were not countered at all. I saw a twitter post which had the timeline of fire heard, and there was no resistance for about 40 minutes IIRC. How can a professional force let this go on at your own friggin airbase?

Pathetic. Although perimeter security is responsibility of DSG. Same stuff happened at Kamra, blame was being passed around like a ping pong.

I mean how hard is it to have an SOP where you do a radio check every 5 minutes with all sentries? Or NRTC or the NASTP or heck even a 3rd year intern can create a system where you have to tap a button to check in with command every 5 minutes.

Electrified fencing, live CCTV footage, heck there is even open source computer vision now.


And how did they even know where the flight line was? And as far as I know, retired aircrafts are not stationed in sheds, they are in the junkyard, the jets they smoked were clearly in sheds. And they smoked at least 6+ in the 2-3 mins video, we don't even know how many they destroyed after/before the video.

Yeah no one believes this retired aircraft BS.

Sad that the men who lost their lives didn't even had weapons on them because they were usual technical guys sitting in sections doing night duties.

Very sad. So were the sentries not even engaged?

Also, shameful and pathetic on part of PAF and ISPR not to even acknowledge them and then have the audacity to say 'Alhamdolillah'.

I really do not care about the jets or the PR disaster or incursion, but your soldiers got shaheed from a terrorist attack at your base and you do not even acknowledge that?

Woh to choro, you write 'Alhamdolillah'? Beghairti ki had hai.

I have no idea how this incident unfolded, but I fear that maybe PAF did not even know there was an incursion until they got to the flight line.
I think we should be glad that the terrorists only managed to destroy 3 or 4 planes. If these terrorists were intelligent and capable enough, then they would have sat in the cockpit in rest of the planes and flew straight to their safe heavens in Afghanistan. Offcourse given the state of the country, no one would bother intercepting them in air.
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Offcourse given the state of the country, no one would bother intercepting them in air.
They can politely ask and Azzin Mu me Kheer will gladly donate all F16s to Afghanistan sensing an opportunity to buy new aircraft and bag a buttload of commission from Daddy America.
Not sure who's feeding you this crap info, but there is NO active F7 Squadron in Mianwali.

Those are all rust-buckets that are as good as paper weight at this time.
Indian twitter posts😅😅😅.
I hope you are correct and no important national assets were destroyed.
However very unprofessional and lame security from Armed forces. Very shameful that even this happened.
LOL! Who on their right mind can believe ISPR? The one outlet which is proven time and again to lie.

None of the phased-out aircrafts were touched. See Map applications, See the videos posted by terrorists and see for yourself, I believe F-7s were already phased out, Airforce keeps only active aircrafts in the hangars and over the ramps. So there were F-7PGs.

Videos are openly showing large scale destruction. Should I count it for you all guys in the frame by frame motion. ?? Multiple F-7PGs inside HAS and multiple on Ramp are destroyed. Way more than 4!

Only below frame from the video is showing at minimum 4 aircrafts destroyed. They are in addition to ones destroyed in the hardened hangars. The video showing atleast 6-8 aircrafts destroyed only in the ramp. Can't capture all in single frame, when he moved the camera, 3 more airframes engulfed in fire were visible.

View attachment 968163

Then there are dozens of hangars just close to the ramp.

View attachment 968164

There are multiple Hangars engulfed in fire as seen in the video:

View attachment 968165

This is the door half opened of the HAS.

Like this which they usually are normally:

View attachment 968166

Easily 10-12 F-7 PGs are destroyed and they are gone beyond repair. They are destroyed. The sounds, explosions, explosive sounds everything is in the video. There's no denying it.

We must stop pretending that we "foiled" this attack OR somehow this is nothing. This is epic failure in the long list of failures. Its time to start accepting. When you don't accept, you don't learn. That's what happening with Pak military.


Alright, we need to have a conversation about the terrorist video. We have all terrorists killed, yet only in a few hours they publish a video? How is this possible?

First possibility: the video is a fake. When you have enemies with state resources such as India and Taliban, it is easy to construct some sheds, put up model aircraft and show a shooting party at night.

At the very least, the claim of 35 aircrafts is completely false. The physical size of an airbase is a component of its security. Other than during exercises, no one parks 35 aircraft so close to each other that men can walk/run to them and destroy them.
This is what manually destroying 35 aircraft looks like. You start with full intel on the locations of the aircraft and the road infrastructure you will use to access them. Within the first 30 mins you need to acquire transport. You then methodically visit the locations and plant charges that are either timed or remotely triggered. So far, no gun fights or rocket launchers. You are doing this because you DON’T want to jeopardise the mission by drawing attention to yourself.

This laughable ‘operation’ reeks of amateurism and is more show than substance. The dead bodies shown can be any dead bodies in a uniform.
But there is a second possibility. The video is genuine. Which raises a very uncomfortable question: how was the video transmitted? Was mobile phone access allowed during the time the terrorists were conducting ops? If yes, why wasn’t triangulation used to pin point their location and track their movements? Was there an internet connected Wi-fi router nearby which the terrorists used? Did they use satellite phones? Or were there accomplices outside the base and the perpetrators left signal boosters along the way and the accomplices easily got away from the scene? What communication equipment was retrieved from the dead bodies? Can the sims be traced to owners?

But in any case, the claim of destroying 35 aircrafts is bogus. Airbases do place retired/dummy aircraft in easily identifiable positions to confuse enemy bombers and create clutter for hostiles trying to identify targets. Probably the terrorists succeeded in destroying these. Well done! You have now given us advance warning that there is more to come, and provided us the moral high ground for retaliatory action. You have also given us DNA that can be analysed. And you will find, Insha Allah, that this is no longer a Pakistan run by the Bajwa Khan Traitorship (BKT).
Alright, we need to have a conversation about the terrorist video. We have all terrorists killed, yet only in a few hours they publish a video? How is this possible?

First possibility: the video is a fake. When you have enemies with state resources such as India and Taliban, it is easy to construct some sheds, put up model aircraft and show a shooting party at night.

At the very least, the claim of 35 aircrafts is completely false. The physical size of an airbase is a component of its security. Other than during exercises, no one parks 35 aircraft so close to each other that men can walk/run to them and destroy them.
This is what manually destroying 35 aircraft looks like. You start with full intel on the locations of the aircraft and the road infrastructure you will use to access them. Within the first 30 mins you need to acquire transport. You then methodically visit the locations and plant charges that are either timed or remotely triggered. So far, no gun fights or rocket launchers. You are doing this because you DON’T want to jeopardise the mission by drawing attention to yourself.

This laughable ‘operation’ reeks of amateurism and is more show than substance. The dead bodies shown can be any dead bodies in a uniform.
But there is a second possibility. The video is genuine. Which raises a very uncomfortable question: how was the video transmitted? Was mobile phone access allowed during the time the terrorists were conducting ops? If yes, why wasn’t triangulation used to pin point their location and track their movements? Was there an internet connected Wi-fi router nearby which the terrorists used? Did they use satellite phones? Or were there accomplices outside the base and the perpetrators left signal boosters along the way and the accomplices easily got away from the scene? What communication equipment was retrieved from the dead bodies? Can the sims be traced to owners?

But in any case, the claim of destroying 35 aircrafts is bogus. Airbases do place retired/dummy aircraft in easily identifiable positions to confuse enemy bombers and create clutter for hostiles trying to identify targets. Probably the terrorists succeeded in destroying these. Well done! You have now given us advance warning that there is more to come, and provided us the moral high ground for retaliatory action. You have also given us DNA that can be analysed. And you will find, Insha Allah, that this is no longer a Pakistan run by the Bajwa Khan Traitorship (BKT).
Its will be old news by tomorrow. There will be no retaliation, hasn't been for 20 years.
And let's not talk about genes or something.
Yeah. You are right. Can’t be genetic. It was just poor assessment and planning by the top brass. Yaha who claimed to know BD better than BD’s and like the back of his hand and his cohorts who messed it all up. But that discussion is for another time and place, not here.

@PanzerKiel, request you to not fall into this spree of posting such pictures and instead bring some sanity here.

These attacks by Baloch and other tribes could be a wrong assessment again. Assessment that it can be resolved by military action. It appears to be a political issue and needs the right medicine not a full fledged enema.

Paksiatn needs to find a solution ASAP. Because, deteriorating relations with Afghanistan, coupled with trouble with tribals in border areas can become a nightmare for Paksiatn.

ISPR’s claims of no significant losses have to be taken with a pinch of salt. After a similar attack last time, they had hid the loss of few aircraft of high value. Saying that nothing happened, itself reeks of misinformation. They should have accepted that it was a serious breach and then go on to make claims would have sounded better and plausible.
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I have read history ser. Lots violence from that time was afgjan on punjabi. Indus has always been the frontier. While the empires stretched deeper into north india (and there were sacks of delhi etc) those places were generally insulated from the routine brutality of the frontier.

Now if the afghans in question were pashtoon or tajik idk. They just came from that side to this side and did bad things to your ancestors. Now they are doing it again.
The borders that make up Pakistan today minus lhr...were never in history considered parts of India.....
If ever theirs a serious effort made to find our true origins through DNA testing, then it will come out that the overwhelming majority of us are not ppl of the land.
So all this bc fed to us is just that pure bs......so read histort
A post Kamra experiment which mainly repackaged the old capability in a new uniform and name.

This is basically half the fauj.

Then you have ANF, NDMA, some levels of FC/Rangers etc., this practice needs to stop.
Not to forget our no 1 intel agency n its sister military concern.......most of the offrs making its no. Are the ones who couldn't pass the staff college exam n hence did the intel course......
Its £ucked up our military sys where mediocrity is breed n is now is eating away at its foundations.

With its mind set n the way things are aa the gora left them our army can conqour n ravage Pakistan again again but fighting any army is beyond uts capabilities

That the sad reality n why I say it again n again that very soon india will thrash us n take over large parts of our terrority.......
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