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Least racially diverse countries in the world

Maula Jatt

Jul 24, 2021
Reaction score
United States
By map

We are almost the same as Iran and Afghanistan
Interestingly There's a lot of parallels between Iran, Afghanistan And Pakistan in terms of how all 3 deal with thier ethnic diversity
if someone wants to go down that rabbit hole

- Region wise Most Muslim countries are homogenous (probably a mix of Islam and arabization?) just like East Asia and Europe
- Most African countries are diverse
- Americas is racially diverse but not culturally diverse (outside of constant flow of new immigrants) so it's somewhere in the middle when it comes to diversity
-outside of sri Lanka and Bangladesh South Asia is diverse

@lastofthepatriots @Great Janjua @TNT @RealNapster @Mirzali Khan @Paitoo @Kaniska @StraightEdge @Stryker1982
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What is the definition of race for this map?

With regards to India there is no concept of race. Communities are formed based on people's affinity towards a combination of language, religion and caste.
What is the definition of race for this map?

With regards to India there is no concept of race. Communities are formed based on people's affinity towards a combination of language, religion and caste.
Probably ethnicity, languages
Religions say we came from a common ancestors.
Scientists say the same; and trace our ancestors in Africa.
The question is, how different races came into being if all of us share the same ancestors?
Religions say we came from a common ancestors.
Scientists say the same; and trace our ancestors in Africa.
The question is, how different races came into being if all of us share the same ancestors?
75,000 years ago, the people who left Africa went to different places in the world.

The process of evolution and the accumulation of genetic variations over generations has led to the diversity we observe in human appearances today. Genetic variations arise through a combination of factors such as mutations, genetic recombination during reproduction, and natural selection.

Over time, these variations can become more or less common in different populations due to various factors, including geographic isolation, migration, and adaptation to different environments.

As humans migrated to different regions of the world, they encountered different climates, foods, and environmental conditions. These factors exerted selective pressures on populations, leading to adaptations that favored certain traits. For example, populations in regions with higher exposure to sunlight developed adaptations like darker skin to protect against harmful UV radiation, while populations in colder climates developed adaptations like lighter skin to maximize vitamin D synthesis in regions with less sunlight.

Additionally, other physical traits such as eye shape, hair color, and facial features can vary due to a combination of genetic factors and the interplay between genetics and environmental influences.

Cultural practices and intermixing between populations have also contributed to the diversity of human appearances.
75,000 years ago, the people who left Africa went to different places in the world.

The process of evolution and the accumulation of genetic variations over generations has led to the diversity we observe in human appearances today. Genetic variations arise through a combination of factors such as mutations, genetic recombination during reproduction, and natural selection.

Over time, these variations can become more or less common in different populations due to various factors, including geographic isolation, migration, and adaptation to different environments.

As humans migrated to different regions of the world, they encountered different climates, foods, and environmental conditions. These factors exerted selective pressures on populations, leading to adaptations that favored certain traits. For example, populations in regions with higher exposure to sunlight developed adaptations like darker skin to protect against harmful UV radiation, while populations in colder climates developed adaptations like lighter skin to maximize vitamin D synthesis in regions with less sunlight.

Additionally, other physical traits such as eye shape, hair color, and facial features can vary due to a combination of genetic factors and the interplay between genetics and environmental influences.

Cultural practices and intermixing between populations have also contributed to the diversity of human appearances.
Thanks for the detailed explanation buddy. Really appreciate it 🙏
What is the definition of race for this map?

With regards to India there is no concept of race. Communities are formed based on people's affinity towards a combination of language, religion and caste.
Race is an unscientific concept. If you want to rationalize this term, it is better to view it in terms of endogamy. i.e., Set of all the people someone will agree to marry (or have children with). That set can then be viewed as a 'race' as it can be self-perpetuating. Hence, your tuple of language, religion and caste may be considered as a 'race' if there is no significant and routine mixing of people of different languages, religions or castes.
Race is an unscientific concept. If you want to rationalize this term, it is better to view it in terms of endogamy. i.e., Set of all the people someone will agree to marry (or have children with). That set can then be viewed as a 'race' as it can be self-perpetuating. Hence, your tuple of language, religion and caste may be considered as a 'race' if there is no significant and routine mixing of people of different languages, religions or castes.

Of course religion will be a barrier

Hindus, Jews, and Budish for example could be seen as Homogenous in term of looks

While for Muslim and Christian we are really mixing between races because both Muslim and Christian consist of many human races.
Of course religion will be a barrier

Hindus, Jews, and Budish for example could be seen as Homogenous in term of looks

While for Muslim and Christian we are really mixing between races because both Muslim and Christian consist of many human races.
Jews are multiracial. White Black Indian Arab etc.
Jews are multiracial. White Black Indian Arab etc.

LOL Indian Jews hehe. Are you decendent of Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham (Iraqi Arab) ?

Jews and Arab is basically the same root.

Yep, just like Muslim men, male Jews can marry Christian women. So Jews can be mix with European

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