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Indonesia Bans Sex Outside Marriage

Here's one of a 40+ hottie Indian single woman I wanted to post for @SIPRA paajee
I am telling you Tyagi Ji, all that excessive p*** usage is clearly messing with your borrowed, hand's me down call center 2004 computer

Change it

Go easy on him, usko kuch khane ko bhi ni milta most days

Capitalist India me iski bhot hi zyada vaat lagi hui hai... horribly oppressed poor little thing, this guy.

Oho, ye kya baat hui ?

You lot would get along quite well I thought.

Also, apu runs a good honest business and has 23 kids of his own. His clan is taking over the gas station store business.
@-=virus=- Apu is an honest, hard working man
I am engaging you in good faith,
In good faith? Says a liberalrandu who calls shit state of Afghanistan as Pure Ismaic .
Its your pathetic kind that moves to West and then proudly becomes Ex Muslims or Atheists and Thanks for confirming your fetish for Anus as it seems you cant think beyond that,
It has got ZERO to do with clothing. It is alien to our land and culture and civilization. Another form of segregation and non assimilation and ghettoisation. And hence must be banned.
Good. Remove all alien laws from India. What is next? Burning widows or 1 woman marrying 5 men? I think the latter is more likely given the acute shortage of women caused by female fetus genocide
So, where in the Quran or Hadiths does it say to act childish, name call, insult and parrot "pervert" when someone disagrees with you?
You seem to know exactly who and what is a Muslims, you must have a hadith that supports your actions right?
There is a surah in Quran cursing Abu Lahab and his wife for doing mischeivous acts against our Prophet SAW

Yes, him and his mates because they can't answer logically to me nor do they want to be humble and accept that I am right. :)

Some may wear the mangalsutra but that is because they retained pre-Islam-adoption Hindu culture even as they have now adopted the modern flood of the burqa, so they wear the mangalsutra under their burqa.

However, I have never seen a Muslim female in India wear bindi. Maybe they wore in the 1970s as fashion just as in Pakistan, Akhtar Sultana, the Muslim wife of Pakistani Communist Jam Saqi wore it in the 1980s :

In fact a female Pakistani member of PDF had said she liked the bindi.

It is a decorative item when it is aesthetic and devoid of obscene religious ritualist meaning.

First you learn Islam, my dear NATO-seeded Tableeghi, and then preach it to others. And while you are learning also learn to speak with decency, empathy, gentleness, thoughtfulness.

Maybe Sayfullah thinks he is the Mahdi therefore knows who is murtad and who blessed by the heavens.
Shut up bhangi
In good faith? Says a liberalrandu who calls shit state of Afghanistan as Pure Ismaic .
Its your pathetic kind that moves to West and then proudly becomes Ex Muslims or Atheists and Thanks for confirming your fetish for Anus as it seems you cant think beyond that,
lol, imagine being so triggered by a simple discussion what you have to start acting like a child in public.
Anyways, it's clear you have nothing to offer but abuse and violence.... kind of like the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan... no wonder it's your dream nation.

There is a surah in Quran cursing Abu Lahab and his wife for doing mischeivous acts against our Prophet SAW

Shut up bhangi
Is Abu Lahab here? Is he in this discussion?
Since when
Afaik you can't even visit the country anyways so making BS out of thin air are we?

We've seen your videos. And I've lost count of the number of Pakistanis who've commented that our muslims are a lot more hardcore than yours.

Maula Jatt, in this I agree with Langda. India has the largest number of burqa wearers in the world. And this started in the mid-2000s. During my school years and the two years of college there was not a single girl wearing burqa or this hijab stuff. None of my relatives wore it then. Not many in India wore it then.

Now, in my area I regularly see some burqa'ed self-hater taking her two children maybe to the mosque. The boy maybe of four wears t-shirt and chaddi. The girl maybe of six wears the burqa though not with naqab. Thd older females are totally covered, with the naqab tightly tightly tied from around the back of the head. And they ride scooters or sit pillion without wearing helmet as if their "pakeeza" burqa will protect them from a crash through divine commandment. Some of the males wear the Arab thawb. Cringe. Super cringe.

But yes, Langda is also right about Pakistanis wearing lot lot less burqa than Indians. There is not only the film and TV industry going unburqa'ed but also general society too including those good times when Pakistani female tourists and entrepreneurs used to cross over into India from Wagah wearing stylish shalwar-kameez and glasses and would set up stalls at some embassy in Delhi.

Compare :

And :

With :

Ask someone younger for help, say papa Tyagi wants to post Malika Arora naughty pics on the internet

Malaika Arora is your choice ???

With all due respect Rusty, you are wasting your precious time and energy engaging this inbred and unemployed moron. I just realised that half the duration of this thread was you going off on him :confused:

haha, I know.
I was bored so didn't mind.

Careful. Now @Sayfullah and his mates - @Areesh and @Mujahid Memon - will start combining their energies into spamming you with "Shut up, pervert" or their latesht "Shut up, bhangi".
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