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Every Muslim should try to follow the path of the Salaf.
Following path of the Salaf = not the same as being salafi. I have nothing against salafis tho.
The reasons for following the Salaf are:
Narrated `Abdullah:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation), and then after them, there will come people whose witness will precede their oaths, and whose oaths will precede their witness."
-Sahih al-Bukhari 6429

I’m a Hanafi Sunni my self. Every Muslim should follow the Quran, Sunnah and the path of the Salaf. The Salaf are the first 3 generations of Muslims who were the best Muslims.
Modern Salafis are not the only ones who should follow the path of the Salaf.
It’s like Shias aren’t the only ones who should own Ahlul Bayt.
Any Muslim must follow both these ways. Muslims should follow Quran, Sunnah and path of Salaf (which includes Ahlul Bayt). None of these are exclusive to one sect.
So, where in the Quran or Hadiths does it say to act childish, name call, insult and parrot "pervert" when someone disagrees with you?
You seem to know exactly who and what is a Muslims, you must have a hadith that supports your actions right?
Even the Quran itself says there is no compulsion in religion.
Yes. I agree with you. That’s clearly in the Quran.
But can you please mention everything else that’s also in the Quran? Like Surah al-Maa’idah from Ayah 44-50. Or the many other verses and Surah’s and what they say about how we should live, rule and interact with others?
Yes. I agree with you. That’s clearly in the Quran.
But can you please mention everything else that’s also in the Quran? Like Surah al-Maa’idah from Ayah 44-50. Or the many other verses and Surah’s and what they say about how we should live, rule and interact with others?
So the Quran is contradicting itself?
Is there compulsion in religion or not?
The Quran clearly says there isn't.
So, where in the Quran or Hadiths does it say to act childish, name call, insult and parrot "pervert" when someone disagrees with you?
You seem to know exactly who and what is a Muslims, you must have a hadith that supports your actions right?
Says the one who came right to insults when he couldn’t provide any Quranic or Hadith evidence to prove my facts as wrong.
I can show you what Islam says about those who reject the verses of the Quran after clearly knowing they’re from the Quran.
It is hypocritical of Pakistanis to defend the burqa and hijab when most of your own women do not wear it.
Since when
Afaik you can't even visit the country anyways so making BS out of thin air are we?
Even in Bangladesh, many women wear the hijab. I saw hardly any burqas.

But both of you are muslim countries. We are not. Just as France is not. I respect France for being true to its own culture and banning these middle eastern attires in public. And I believe we too ultimately will do the same.
Says the one who came right to insults when he couldn’t provide any Quranic or Hadith evidence to prove my facts as wrong.
I can show you what Islam says about those who reject the verses of the Quran after clearly knowing they’re from the Quran.
quote me where I did that.
Since when
Afaik you can't even visit the country anyways so making BS out of thin air are we?

We've seen your videos. And I've lost count of the number of Pakistanis who've commented that our muslims are a lot more hardcore than yours.
So the Quran is contradicting itself?
Is there compulsion in religion or not?
The Quran clearly says there isn't.

The problem is you and your 2 iq which doesn’t understand the context of the Surah or the verse. Your 2 iq doesn’t understand what verse applies to what.
Frankly, no layman should be interpreting Quran verses on their own, not even me. That’s why I use what scholars have interpreted and say that.
There is no compulsion in religion. Yes that’s true. But there is context to that verse. same for the verses I said.

quote me where I did that.
In the hijab thread.
Your denying hijab is mandatory after I sent Hadith and Quran verses as proof and mentioned scholars view regarding those Hadith and verses and that it’s a consensus amongst scholars that hijab is mandatory

Yes, him and his mates because they can't answer logically to me nor do they want to be humble and accept that I am right. :)

Some may wear the mangalsutra but that is because they retained pre-Islam-adoption Hindu culture even as they have now adopted the modern flood of the burqa, so they wear the mangalsutra under their burqa.

However, I have never seen a Muslim female in India wear bindi. Maybe they wore in the 1970s as fashion just as in Pakistan, Akhtar Sultana, the Muslim wife of Pakistani Communist Jam Saqi wore it in the 1980s :

In fact a female Pakistani member of PDF had said she liked the bindi.

It is a decorative item when it is aesthetic and devoid of obscene religious ritualist meaning.

First you learn Islam, my dear NATO-seeded Tableeghi, and then preach it to others. And while you are learning also learn to speak with decency, empathy, gentleness, thoughtfulness.

Maybe Sayfullah thinks he is the Mahdi therefore knows who is murtad and who blessed by the heavens.
Shut up pervert
We've seen your videos. And I've lost count of the number of Pakistanis who've commented that our muslims are a lot more hardcore than yours.
Yeah again, caught your BS with no evidence to back up the baloney
@Rusty2 unless you have valid arguments backed by Quranic verses, Hadith, examples from the Salaf or scholars backing your claim, I won’t be replying to your useless rants

The problem is you and your 2 iq which doesn’t understand the context of the Surah or the verse. Your 2 iq doesn’t understand what verse applies to what.
Frankly, no layman should be interpreting Quran verses on their own, not even me. That’s why I use what scholars have interpreted and say that.
There is no compulsion in religion. Yes that’s true. But there is context to that verse. same for the verses I said.

In the hijab thread.
lol, there you go again, getting all worked up over simple questions.
If no layman should be interpreting the Quran, then that includes you as well!
You should not be out here pushing for Islam when you yourself admit you have no right to interpret the Quran.
So kindly stop talking about things you admit you know nothing about.

And quote me! You are a liar and I am challenging you to quote me.
@Rusty2 unless you have valid arguments backed by Quranic verses, Hadith, examples from the Salaf or scholars backing your claim, I won’t be replying to your useless rants

Religious Discussions

PDF proudly maintains respect for all religions therefore; as PDF is primarily a defense and geopolitical forum, the management feels that, it is not the place for religious discussions. Kindly do not post religious threads nor respond to any and, please, refrain from using religion in arguments. It should be noted that ethnicity is different from religion, Muslims/ Hindu/ Christians are ethnicities and Islam / Hinduism / Christianity are religions. This also includes sectarianism as well; PDF is not the place to have a dialogue on religion. Violation of this rule would be considered serious as it often leads to issues based on religious / communal tensions.

What does the Quran say about breaking rules?
Show me photos of regular Pakistani crowd in regular places. And I'll show you photos of our Muslims. @jamahir will chip in too. His dislike of the burqa is one of his saving graces.
Why should I show you, you made the claim, I didn't make the claim
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