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Well done PDF! Now let's get to the other level


Aug 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
I would firstly like to begin by thanking the MODs for doing a sterling job in getting rid of anti-Pakistani racism and propaganda on PDF over the past year. This was very prevalent between 2010-2019/20. The quality of PDF has substantially shot up as a result and it is pleasing to see, to say the least.

I really hope that PDF now goes to the next level and becomes a forum that can rank among the top defence forums in the world where we can focus more on the technical aspects of the Pakistani military.

I believe that the next step to fulfilling our goal as a top defence forum is to completely eliminate anti-Pakistani racism and propaganda from PDF. This is so we can focus more on defence matters and less in countering anti-Pakistani racism and propaganda which has now unfortunately become a daily routine. This assertion was prompted by the following reply by @waz to some anti-Pakistani racism and propaganda on a certain thread:

I would love to hear the thoughts of fellow Pakistanis and our allies
Since when are Pakistanis a race ?
Races are a political or human constructs and have no basis in science anymore then borders of nation states do in the physical geography of earth.

If a people decide they are a race then that race exists. I mean European is not a race either and neither is India a race or Arab a race or even Turk a race.

So if I would go with @PAKISTANFOREVER and indeed laud him for bringing this to the fore. Only by accepting this do we come to exist.
I don't know.. I don't want Indians to be kicked out, I would really miss kicking the living $hit out of them on a regular basis.. honestly I come here to debate with them
Races are a political or human constructs and have no basis in science anymore then borders of nation states do in the physical geography of earth.

If a people decide they are a race then that race exists. I mean European is not a race either and neither is India a race or Arab a race or even Turk a race.

So if I would go with @PAKISTANFOREVER and indeed laud him for bringing this to the fore. Only by accepting this do we come to exist.
Are you not the progenitor of the term "Gangu" ?
The single thing that has prevented the genesis of a strong Pakistani identity and contingent on that a Pakistani brand is lack of ferocious self identification as Pakistani. This is why I respect @PAKISTANFOREVER as there is never any ambiquity. Terms like Apna, Desi, Asian, Muslim merely weaken the national identity of Pakistan.

All such identities are constructed. Take the Turks. The truth is most Turks genetically are Greeks, Bulgars, Serbs, Anatolians, Arabs, Kurds, Circassians, Georgians, Armenians with a thin layer of Turkic blood from Central Asia - probably below 5% in the general population. Erdogan could be of Georgian extraction. However such a varied pool of peoples have been melted and moulded into cast iron identity of Turks.

Then look at at Indians. No such thing as Indians exist. If you have seen Tamils who often look like Australian Aborigines to Indian Bengalis who often have sliver of Tibeto-Burman blood and Punjabi Sikhs there is nothing in common. They speak Dravidian languages contrasted with Indo-European languages. Yet India has moulded a national identity even by using such nonsense as unity in diversity. The fact is if a people can be made to think in certain way that bewgins to exist.

Bravo to @PAKISTANFOREVER for trying to di this.
More than 10 years ago as I remembered PDF used to have members who are domain experts in their own field and debating or defending an argument against them whether it was political or defense related was “a self learning” experience but as time passed by some of those members left the forum … I remember there was a member with his/her DP as Penguin very knowledgeable fellow indeed … but now most of the time nowadays time spent on countering Indian propaganda or critic on western double standards towards Pakistan … I am not discounting the fact that there are still quite a few members who post really nice defense related technical materials but that all pushed under usual political threads … but things will get better Insha Allah
Indian posters, who, by and large, follow the rules of the PDF, with allowance for some occasional violations, shall not be banned. They add to the value of this forum.
I don't know.. I don't want Indians to be kicked out, I would really miss kicking the living $hit out of them on a regular basis.. honestly I come here to debate with them

But then it lowers the quality of PDF and brings it to their level. Their is no progress or growth. It prevents PDF from becoming a top defence forum like the ones that the americans, Chinese, European and Russian defence forums have. Apparently, the indians have also now started trolling Chinese defence forums too.

The indians are too limited, low IQ and one dimensional. The indian mindset can be summed up by the following:

(1) india is the greatest civilisation and superpower of the world
(2) Pakistan needs to be destroyed
(3) If you do not believe that india is the hyper power of the universe, then you need to be insulted and shouted at.

The above is now too boring and tedious.
Are there not many Muslim Gangus settled in Pakistan, in Sindh, particularly ?

are they lesser Pakistanis ?
All countries have migrants. However the majority define a people and not 5%. India has Parsee and Christians who certainly are not dharmics but they are part of the Indian galaxy. Russia has Chechen Muslim, Muslim Tatars. Poland has Muslim Tatars.
Indian posters, who, by and large, follow the rules of the PDF, with allowance for some occasional violations, shall not be banned. They add to the value of this forum.

They don't. It keeps the quality of PDF low and there is NO progress. They never have anything intelligent to say and everything about them is rotten to the core. ALL they do is troll and make up delusional fantasies. I believe PDF is way better than that.
The single thing that has prevented the genesis of a strong Pakistani identity and contingent on that a Pakistani brand is lack of ferocious self identification as Pakistani. This is why I respect @PAKISTANFOREVER as there is never any ambiquity. Terms like Apna, Desi, Asian, Muslim merely weaken the national identity of Pakistan.

All such identities are constructed. Take the Turks. The truth is most Turks genetically are Greeks, Bulgars, Serbs, Anatolians, Arabs, Kurds, Circassians, Georgians, Armenians with a thin layer of Turkic blood from Central Asia - probably below 5% in the general population. Erdogan could be of Georgian extraction. However such a varied pool of peoples have been melted and moulded into cast iron identity of Turks.

Then look at at Indians. No such thing as Indians exist. If you have seen Tamils who often look like Australian Aborigines to Indian Bengalis who often have sliver of Tibeto-Burman blood and Punjabi Sikhs there is nothing in common. They speak Dravidian languages contrasted with Indo-European languages. Yet India has moulded a national identity even by using such nonsense as unity in diversity. The fact is if a people can be made to think in certain way that bewgins to exist.

Bravo to @PAKISTANFOREVER for trying to di this.

Bro, the biggest hindrance in forming our national identity is the propensity of Pakistanis to put the "Ummah brotherhood" on a pedestal that doesn't exist. Even the unreligious Pakistanis have this notion that the "Ummah brotherhood" trumps everything else. I don't understand why this is so.
But then it lowers the quality of PDF and brings it to their level. Their is no progress or growth. It prevents PDF from becoming a top defence forum like the ones that the americans, Chinese, European and Russian defence forums have. Apparently, the indians have also now started trolling Chinese defence forums too.

The indians are too limited, low IQ and one dimensional. The indian mindset can be summed up by the following:

(1) india is the greatest civilisation and superpower of the world
(2) Pakistan needs to be destroyed
(3) If you do not believe that india is the hyper power of the universe, then you need to be insulted and shouted at.

The above is now too boring and tedious.
You do not need to hate India to make your country Pakistan great.

There are 2 ways to win a race - either by shoving your opponent down or by just focusing on running fast enough.
If you try to shove your opponent, the opponent will push back and both may fall down.

India and Pakistan are doing this to each other since independence - trying to shove each other down while other nations are moving ahead in the race.
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