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Worrying aspects about Imran Khan's campaign



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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I'll break down my assessment of Imran Khan in a pros & cons list:


a) He is an honest worker

b) He is not a feudal/wadera

c) He has a large support from certain sections of the middle & upper middle classes of Pakistan, & seems like the only one capable of breaking the political stronghold of the PML-N & PPP. Even though he needs to tackle PML-N's (South Punjab) & PPP's strongholds (Sindh).

d) He has good leadership skills, even though he is untested on a national political level.

e) He can bring a positive change for Balochistan & KPK/FATA as compared to previous governments.


a) He undermines Pakistan's WOT efforts. The drone campaign in Pakistan, & Pakistani Army efforts in the FATA have done a lot to break the terror network there. I am fearful that terrorist sympathizers & extremists might slip in through the cracks & might be rooting for him as well.

b) He seems to be a one-man show, & we do not know enough about the PTI. He does not seem to have a strong enough team backing him up. He seems a bit naive sometimes as well.

c) The PTI does not have one seat in the parliament.

d) He should give better clarification on how he plans to revive the economy (he has talked about utilizing Pakistan's natural resources, asking politicians to declare their assets, better tax collection; but there must be something more concrete. We don't want Imran Khan's revolution campaign to turn into Obama's 2008 "Change" campaign).

Overall, I will still root for the PTI over the PML-N & PPP, but I will certainly have certain apprehensions about Imran Khan, till these are clarified.
I'll address your cons:

b) and d) can be addressed by naming a panel of economic advisers.
c) will take of itself if the other concerns are addressed.

That leaves a), which is actually his greatest appeal. One way to appreciate his approach is to compare it to the problem of drug use. Imran Khan's approach is to kill the drug lords and the major dealers, but rehabilitate the junkies. This is more mature than the the US approach, which is to carpet bomb everyone with a needle. He also understands the potential for racial strife if the WOT should be perceived as being predominantly against a particular ethnicity. (And, let's be clear: certain foreign media will make sure to portray it as such, just to stir up trouble in Pakistan.)
Pakistan has no other choice. If Pakistan votes for PML-N then this country will go back to the terrible cycle of the 90s when Nawaz and BB were taking turns looting the country that put Pakistan to near bankruptcy in 1999.

It will be worst this decade because Pakistan is in the middle of a very costly war OF terror that has cost Pakistan billions. Nawaz is also anti-army so expect more memos to US army chief from him.

If not Imran Khan, then army should permanently take over Pakistan.
I'll address your cons:

b) and d) can be addressed by naming a panel of economic advisers.
c) will take of itself if the other concerns are addressed.

That leaves a), which is actually his greatest appeal. One way to appreciate his approach is to compare it to the problem of drug use. Imran Khan's approach is to kill the drug lords and the major dealers, but rehabilitate the junkies. This is more mature than the the US approach, which is to carpet bomb everyone with a needle. He also understands the potential for racial strife if the WOT should be perceived as being predominantly against a particular ethnicity. (And, let's be clear: certain foreign media will make sure to portray it as such, just to stir up trouble in Pakistan.)

About a): I would agree of a peace solution ONLY if the terrorists surrender & disarm. The problem of the FATA & Eastern Afghanistan is not as simple as Imran Khan puts it out to be. Pakistan has a long porous border with Afghanistan, & there are some serious safe havens for terrorist groups in Eastern Afghanistan. They infiltrate with ease & make the Pakistani tribal people hostage. A 'peace deal' in Swat gave terrorists enough time to group up & reorganize, & have been a bigger threat since. Ever since Pakistan's operations in the FATA today, the terrorist network is being effectively shattered, & you are seeing decreased violence in Pakistan. The current FATA operations are fully backed by the tribal people, & they have formed their own Lashkars to fight the terrorists alongside the Pakistan Army. Let me make it clear: the people of Khyber Agency were told to vacate Khyber before the Army started its operations, & they did that. Likewise, people have moved from North Waziristan & South Waziristan to other parts of FATA & KPK, leaving these two regions largely controlled by the terrorists. In other words, the terrorists have been concentrated in these two regions & the US is carpet bombing them (90% of the people killed in these strikes have been terrorists), even though they occasionally try to sweep into other parts of FATA (but are then killed by Pakistan Armed Forces & Tribal Lashkars). There is not one separatist movement in the FATA, & the tribal elders are fully on board with the Pakistan Army. The terrorists have disrespected the locals, killed innocent children & people, killed people praying inside Mosques on Eid day, they've blown themselves up at funerals killing tribal elders in jirgas. The list of the brutalities goes on.

Pakistan's resolution of the FATA violence will be dictated by how events transpire in Afghanistan. There are clearly Al-Qaeda terrorists operating both from North Waziristan as well as Eastern Afghanistan, that are a huge threat to both countries. Peace cannot be talked to these groups, because they want to enforce their distorted version of Shariah Law in Pakistan. Imran Khan 'solution' in the FATA can only work if Afghanistan is stable, & the US policy in Afghanistan synchronizes with Imran Khan's policy in Pakistan, & it won't be. This is the truth, & Afghanistan will destabilize Pakistan with Imran Khan's policy.

Local Punjabi terror networks in Pakistan that engage in sectarian violence, aid Al-Qaeda & the Taliban in the FATA, aid Baloch terrorists, & elsewhere must be clamped down completely. Making peace with everyone seems to be Imran Khan's policy, & if you make peace with the LeJ, it can have disastrous consequences for Pakistan in the long run. Imran Khan wants to be on everyone's good side, & if you want to be on the good side of bad people, it might help him win the elections, but it will not only bite him in the rear end in the long run, it will bite Pakistan in the rear end. This is where I appreciate Musharraf's leadership qualities & experience. He was a seasoned campaigner, not naive like Imran Khan.
I must say, I am very worried about Imran Khan's simplistic thoughts on the WOT, & I hope my doubts about him are cleared before the elections.
@bilal , I understand your apprehensions and concerns but you have to admit that we have to play this game with the current Players. Out of the whole lot, Imran Khan stands out head and shoulders. Even though he is not perfect but but he is still a lot better than the alternatives, Once he is elected, he will need all the help and at that point we will have to steer his Govt. in the right direction. You have to understand that there are many Powers who can derail him at this stage so it is wise of him to play the middle ground. You will be surprised how the responsibility of governance makes people wise up.

In brief, we are not looking for perfection because we will not find perfection anywhere in Pakistan. His detractors are quick to point out his weaknesses but we have to be smart and understand that those who point out Imran's weaknesses have much bigger skeletons in their closets.

Stay positive and pray all turns out well. :pakistan:
As an outsider, I see Mushraff as the only leader with the courage to take on Pakistan's challenges . Imran Khan seems kinda shallow.
@bilal , I understand your apprehensions and concerns but you have to admit that we have to play this game with the current Players. Out of the whole lot, Imran Khan stands out head and shoulders. Even though he is not perfect but but he is still a lot better than the alternatives, Once he is elected, he will need all the help and at that point we will have to steer his Govt. in the right direction. You have to understand that there are many Powers who can derail him at this stage so it is wise of him to play the middle ground. You will be surprised how the responsibility of governance makes people wise up.

In brief, we are not looking for perfection because we will not find perfection anywhere in Pakistan. His detractors are quick to point out his weaknesses but we have to be smart and understand that those who point out Imran's weaknesses have much bigger skeletons in their closets.

Stay positive and pray all turns out well. :pakistan:

I feel he can do a great job economically inside Pakistan, bring prosperity to Balochistan. I do not doubt his intentions or character, but I doubt his naivety. I am dismayed about his simplistic views on the WOT, & feel his viewpoints on that front are terrible. I feel that confidence building measures between Pakistan & India is must, not just for Pakistan, but for the region as a whole. Imran Khan says he does not want militant groups operating from Pakistan, I don't want militant groups operating from Pakistan either. How does one tackle such groups: by making frail/fragile peace treaties, or by breaking their backbone? Declaring peace with groups that want to install their distorted version of Shariah is a recipe for disaster for Pakistan. They will not stop even if Pakistan stops going after these groups. Imran Khan's policy is essentially saying: "Militant groups, listen. Let's be friends. We won't be destroying your networks anymore. We're being nice to you, you should be nice to us. Here, we are giving you our arms & guns, take our guns from us. Don't shoot us". And these groups will 'shoot' Pakistan. These groups will attack Pakistan to no end, until they install their distorted version of Shariah over the country.
his WOT stance is a pro for me

about the team, well that is one thing to worry about too, but soon he will gain some support from educated people from karachi and some support from even lahore, as many honest people are rooting out for him

the elections are ne ear away and i think his jalsas will increase his popularity and many people will volunteer

as for now, he is indeed one man show and some jahil type people too as imp guys in his PTI but i think his popularity will get help

the cons are, how the hell he has no office in quetta and balochistan, and just one office in sindh, that is karachi and peshwar in KP< he should open many offices, in each city of pakistan

he has to gain favour of certain beaurocrates some guys like that
i think if imran pulls a popularity in balochistan, as a peace maker, i think that will clear way for the gwadar as a future port city :pakistan:
The aspect of Imran Khan's political policies that disturbs me is how one dimensional & non-robust they are. American policies in Afghanistan will dictate what will happen to the conditions in the FATA, Pakistan. For his political policies to succeed, not only does the Pakistan Army/ISI have to on-board with his strategy, but also India, the US & Afghanistan. All of these parties must be in perfect synchronization. If anyone of these parties deviates from his idealistic plans, it could spell disaster like nothing Pakistan has ever seen or faced. I have alluded to this scenario in my previous posts.
The aspect of Imran Khan's political policies that disturbs me is how one dimensional & non-robust they are. American policies in Afghanistan will dictate what will happen to the conditions in the FATA, Pakistan. For his political policies to succeed, not only does the Pakistan Army/ISI have to on-board with his strategy, but also India, the US & Afghanistan. All of these parties must be in perfect synchronization. If anyone of these parties deviates from his idealistic plans, it could spell disaster like nothing Pakistan has ever seen or faced. I have alluded to this scenario in my previous posts.

Why are you so scared? Iran is also Afghanistan's immediate neighbour. They have remained out of this war OF terror. Why get ourselves involved and make so many sacrafices which is not in Pakistan's interests in the first place. Extremism and terrorism has grown since Pakistan involved itself in this war OF terror.

Dont be scared of America. Republican or Democrat every political party in U.S. has become anti-pakistan and anti-iran. They cant afford another war so they will just talk. Pakistan needs a lion like Ahmedinejad, not small pet cats like Zardari and Nawaz.

Ahmedinejad sleeps on the groud and even when U.S. placed sanction on Iran he put his country before anything else. Imran Khan is similar. Imran Khan slept in the streets trying to stop drone attacks. Pakistan will never find any political leader like him.
Doesn't he live in a 120 crores rupees house? He will save Pakistan? :victory:

It will be worst this decade because Pakistan is in the middle of a very costly war OF terror that has cost Pakistan billions. Nawaz is also anti-army so expect more memos to US army chief from him.

Anti-army doesn't mean Anti-Pakistan. For Mr. Zardari though, being both is equally important.
I'm voting for Bashir Ahmed Qureshi of Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) :smokin:
Doesn't he live in a 120 crores rupees house? He will save Pakistan? :victory:

Anti-army doesn't mean Anti-Pakistan. For Mr. Zardari though, being both is equally important.

Without a strong army, Pakistan is doomed. India, U.S., NATO, even Afghanistan all want something from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
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