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Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran


You want the list of 'secular nations' with starving populations, malnutrition, crippling poverty and crime rates?

Atheists like you have inflicted un imagineable degrees of suffering on humanity in recent history. Leninism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism has resulted in Goolaags, 'Correction camps', Fabricated famines, Holocaust, Chinese genocide by Japs, Stalin's mass starvation, and N.Korea!

EST 40 million people have been killed since the czar's revolt in Russia to the Bosnian genocide. Most of them were carried out by atheists. Go and educate yourself. Welfare of any nation doesn't depend on religion but on creating citizenship.
You are a bigot(.) People like you do a disservice to Pakistan(.) We want the equality and freedom to do whatever our desires wish(.)

Post my respects and thanks to them. I'm glad that they left.

EXACTLY how their founder declared us 'infadels' and 'worse than baby pigs', unless we become Ahmadis.
No(.) He did not do that(.) He was a tolerant loyal Muslim(.)By loyal I mean to the British Colonial Master who came to civilise our savage forebears(.) Even Allama Iqbal joined their movement, never mind that he left them after learning the truth about them and wrote what he wrote about them(.)...

What is Riba?
Basically usury (interest) but a lot more than that.

So if you sell something to someone more than the market price and he buys this in his ignorance of the market price, you have committed riba. I think the base etymology means more than one is entitled to...

lolz that is why we are worse society on earth ? keep away religion from politics and you will be like first world
Well that is your opinion.
Personally I think Allama Iqbal's opinion is heavier when he says:
جلال پادشہی ہو کہ جمہوری تماشا ہو
جدا ہو دینس سیاست سے تو رہ جاتی ہے چنگیزی

So next comes the 64,000 dollar question: Whose version of Islam and Sharia should be imposed? Therein lies the problem.
Read the Pakistani ideologue, Muhammad Asad who was the director of the now extinct dept of Islamic Reconstruction. His book "The Principles of State and Government in Islam" is a fantastic eye opener for the layman on how to deal with the issue you have raised.


Remember Islam, at least for those who claim to follow it, is not just theory but a practice ...for those who do not claim to follow it then it is whatever they want to see it as...
yes it does but still there is need to bring changes!

Nothing wrong with sharia.....we need to educate the idiots that just know this word and not it's meaning
Islam as a religion is peaceful and mercy above all is paramount.
Put a jahil imam at the head and you have a disaster. Only want heads cut.

This is neither Islam nor sharia
Obviously opposing. Imran Khan is a total bozo who is in over his head when it comes to TTP.

Negotiations with these animals is not the answer. Only brute force to finally subdue and wipe these animals is the answer.
He was taking about a senerio before the operation. Not after the operation. Operation was the last option.
Now You See these ptm or other groups are asking for the collateral damage that happened as the result of war.
Though we won.
But many innocent people died. Whole cities are displaced. House and infrastructure destroyed and army has to stay there permanently. Plus shadow of ttp though small but always lurking across in Afghanistan .
So all in all, If things could be managed without operations, all would be well and good. This is also choice of all political parties and army....
Only after when everything fails due to many factors which includes us drones and non seriousness of our government too, then it pushes army to do operation. Till last moment army was reluctant to do any operation mind you that.

No the problem is that Pakistan's internal problems effect everyone else in the world as well. If there was no Al Qaeda in Pakistan then I wouldn't care if Pakistan was taken over by the Taliban. Its the problem that the Taliban give shelter to Al Qaeda to plan global terrorist attacks becomes everyone's problem.

Pakistanis living in Pakistan need to be concerned about the welfare of Pakistan. But they are too busy making conspiracy theories blaming India for TTP and now they are negotiating with those very TTP. In essence negotiating with RAW Agents or other words India.

So India is dictating to Pakistan to become a Sharia State. :D
Oh you don't have to worry.
You are confusing ttp and afghan taliban.
They are two different groups.
Afghan taliban are sympathetic to Al qaida and supported them.
It was only due to Pakistan that alqaida is non existent now. Even the US hierarchy admits that.
Now Afghan Taliban controls or influence 70 percent of Afghanistan and army of NATO and us forces are there. No need for sick Indians to worry.
Besides ttp are only group at the border areas of Pakistan directly supported by raw and nds, thanks to you they ate still alive but not longer.
Isis is a new factor which mainly consists of ex ttp and alqaida and afghan taliban and is dangerous to China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran. While India has no problem as they don't share the border with Afghanistan . So our interests do no coincide with India's and you people only want mahem in our region.
So how can the Ahmedis be excluded as they are just as much a sect as anybody else? Or if they are indeed non-Muslims, then what stops any sect from declaring any other sect non-Muslims too using the same bases?
It was not one sect the declared the Ahmadis non Muslim, but pretty much a unanimous vote by the National Assembly under the leadership of Bhutto. Basically a national consensus..one could say... Also the Ahmadis were invited to this debate and were questioned on their beliefs. And also the Muslim World League in Makkah in 1974 also after invited scholars from all over the shop also declared that Ahamdis to not be Muslims. One could say an international (Muslim) consensus...

It wasn't just a bunch of fellas on the street declaring this that and the other....

It was not one sect the declared the Ahmadis non Muslim, but pretty much a unanimous vote by the National Assembly under the leadership of Bhutto. Basically a national consensus..one could say... Also the Ahmadis were invited to this debate and were questioned on their beliefs. And also the Muslim World League in Makkah in 1974 also after invited scholars from all over the shop also declared that Ahamdis to not be Muslims. One could say an international (Muslim) consensus...

It wasn't just a bunch of fellas on the street declaring this that and the other....

Although personally I think it would be have more appropriate to ask an individual what his beliefs were and then make a decision...rather than on a whole community...
Well that is your opinion.
Personally I think Allama Iqbal's opinion is heavier when he says:
جلال پادشہی ہو کہ جمہوری تماشا ہو
جدا ہو دینس سیاست سے تو رہ جاتی ہے چنگیزی
Can you translate?
Btw,what dou you think of the laws(blasphemy,sharia) in Pakistan?


You want the list of 'secular nations' with starving populations, malnutrition, crippling poverty and crime rates?

Atheists like you have inflicted un imagineable degrees of suffering on humanity in recent history. Leninism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism has resulted in Goolaags, 'Correction camps', Fabricated famines, Holocaust, Chinese genocide by Japs, Stalin's mass starvation, and N.Korea!

EST 40 million people have been killed since the czar's revolt in Russia to the Bosnian genocide. Most of them were carried out by atheists. Go and educate yourself. Welfare of any nation doesn't depend on religion but on creating citizenship.
Big bs,im guessing you dont even know what secular means,im secular,does that mean im not Muslim?
How does your economy do these days and why is it that only a few countries dare to invest in Pakistan?
lolz that is why we are worse society on earth ? keep away religion from politics and you will be like first world
I guess hard to get for most of your people,its a shame when you look at the potential.

You want the list of 'secular nations' with starving populations, malnutrition, crippling poverty and crime rates?

Atheists like you have inflicted un imagineable degrees of suffering on humanity in recent history. Leninism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism has resulted in Goolaags, 'Correction camps', Fabricated famines, Holocaust, Chinese genocide by Japs, Stalin's mass starvation, and N.Korea!

EST 40 million people have been killed since the czar's revolt in Russia to the Bosnian genocide. Most of them were carried out by atheists. Go and educate yourself. Welfare of any nation doesn't depend on religion but on creating citizenship.
Excellent post. Pakistan should be ruled by Shariah since that is what the people want.

lolz that is why we are worse society on earth ? keep away religion from politics and you will be like first world

I guess hard to get for most of your people,its a shame when you look at the potential.
Your opinion is not warranted. I never comment on Turkish politics since I am not a Turk.

I always say their country their rules.

As I Pakistani I gave my view.

Can you translate?
Btw,what dou you think of the laws(blasphemy,sharia) in Pakistan?

Big bs,im guessing you dont even know what secular means,im secular,does that mean im not Muslim?
How does your economy do these days and why is it that only a few countries dare to invest in Pakistan?
secular means indifference to religion.

There are probably Turks who do not like Pakistan, because the ideology practised in Pakistan hurts the secular Kemalist worldview.
Your opinion is not warranted. I never comment on Turkish politics.
Thats not how it works,you dont comment on Turkish politcs because you dont know much about it,i know more about Pakistan then many Pakistanis do,thats the difference.
Can you translate?
Btw,what dou you think of the laws(blasphemy,sharia) in Pakistan?

Big bs,im guessing you dont even know what secular means,im secular,does that mean im not Muslim?
How does your economy do these days and why is it that only a few countries dare to invest in Pakistan?
We are improving our country, thank you very much. China has recently invested a large amount in Pakistan in the form of CPEC - 60 billion dollars.

Thats not how it works,you dont comment on Turkish politcs because you dont know much about it,i know more about Pakistan then many Pakistanis do,thats the difference.
I know quite a few things about Turkey myself. I could comment, but I know Turkish members would say shut up to me, because they would say I am not a Turkish citizen.
but I know Turkish members would say shut up to me, because they would say I am not a Turkish citizen.
That is only because we have some new " blind fanboys" no sane member would tell you to shut up,you shouldnt care about them.
Shari’a is not missing from Pakistan’s constitution. Indeed, examination of Shari’a content in all modern Muslim state constitutions — what we call "sharia density" — including post-Arab Spring states’ new constitutions, indicates that Pakistan is, in fact, one of the most Shari’a-dense constitutions in the modern world. The amount of Shari’a content in Pakistan’s constitution — those articles that include Shari’a language, norms, principles, prohibitions, and guarantees — are surpassed only by the constitutions of Saudi Arabia (known as the basic law) and Iran.
An entire section of Pakistan’s constitution, for instance, is dedicated exclusively to Islamic provisions. Article 227 holds that all existing laws "shall be brought in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah […] and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such injunctions." In addition to this well-known "repugnancy clause," that section further establishes the Islamic Council, comprised traditionally of Islamic clerics or scholars who carry enormous interpretive weight, to advise on such legal matters. Likewise, a dedicated Shari’a court is established under Article 203. Such constitutionally-enshrined Shari’a norms even frame Pakistan’s foreign policy, as provided by Article 40, which holds that Pakistan "shall endeavor to preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic unity."
Majority of Pakistanis want legislation to be influenced by Islam, Pew survey reveals back in 2016 04
Can you translate?
Btw,what dou you think of the laws(blasphemy,sharia) in Pakistan?

Big bs,im guessing you dont even know what secular means,im secular,does that mean im not Muslim?
How does your economy do these days and why is it that only a few countries dare to invest in Pakistan?

There is one country which recently invested a lot in Pakistan which was China and China invested 60 billion dollars.

Have you heard of CPEC and Gwadar port? China has a large stake in Pakistan, and don't worry we won't fail.
The thing is Pakistan might have shariah but riba is rampant. I don't think interest is illegal in Pakistan.
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