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Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

Like Pakistan needs your opinion.

I guess forums are meant for that.
Ja bhai apna kaam kar.

Na constitution ka pata aur na shariat ka. Aa gaye beech main naachnai.

Same here. Good decision by uncle and aunt. :)

Pakistan's foundation itself was laid on Islamic principles so, knowing sharia is safeguarded by it's constitution doesn't take Einstein's IQ .
So next comes the 64,000 dollar question: Whose version of Islam and Sharia should be imposed? Therein lies the problem.

As per our constitution , no single interpretation of Islam can be imposed on all Muslims

The Constitution of Pakistan

227 : Provisions relating to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
(1) All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, in this Part referred to as the Injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such Injunctions.
595[Explanation:- In the application of this clause to the personal law of any Muslim sect, the expression "Quran and Sunnah" shall mean the Quran and Sunnah as interpreted by that sect.] 595

(2) Effect shall be given to the provisions of clause (1) only in the manner provided in this Part.

(3) Nothing in this Part shall affect the personal laws of non-Muslim citizens or their status as citizens.

Whosoever gets the Vote !
Why should that be problematic ?

We are a republic , not a direct democracy . In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters
We are a republic , not a direct democracy . In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters

Who decides what the Constitution is going to be or whatever is going to be enshrined within the Charter if not the People themselves ?

Though I fail to see how is it relevant to my post ?
As per our constitution , no single interpretation of Islam can be imposed on all Muslims

The Constitution of Pakistan

227 : Provisions relating to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
(1) All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, in this Part referred to as the Injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such Injunctions.
595[Explanation:- In the application of this clause to the personal law of any Muslim sect, the expression "Quran and Sunnah" shall mean the Quran and Sunnah as interpreted by that sect.] 595

(2) Effect shall be given to the provisions of clause (1) only in the manner provided in this Part.

(3) Nothing in this Part shall affect the personal laws of non-Muslim citizens or their status as citizens.

So how can the Ahmedis be excluded as they are just as much a sect as anybody else? Or if they are indeed non-Muslims, then what stops any sect from declaring any other sect non-Muslims too using the same bases?
Glad my parents left Pakistan.
Post my respects and thanks to them. I'm glad that they left.

So how can the Ahmedis be excluded as they are just as much a sect as anybody else? Or if they are indeed non-Muslims, then what stops any sect from declaring any other sect non-Muslims too using the same bases?

EXACTLY how their founder declared us 'infadels' and 'worse than baby pigs', unless we become Ahmadis.
So how can the Ahmedis be excluded as they are just as much a sect as anybody else? Or if they are indeed non-Muslims, then what stops any sect from declaring any other sect non-Muslims too using the same bases?

Qadiyanis were specifically targeted , originally they were not declared non Muslims , but later through an amendment (basically on political grounds) .

The Second Amendment

3- Amendment of Article 260 of the Constitution

(3) A person who does not believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of The Prophethood of MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him), the last of the Prophets or claims to be a Prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after MUHAMMAD (Peace be upon him), or recognizes such a claimant as a Prophet or religious reformer, is not a Muslim for the purposes of the Constitution or law."

And according to 260 3 (b):
"non-Muslim" means a person who is not a Muslim and includes a person belonging to the Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or Parsi community, a person of the Quadiani Group or the Lahori Group who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name or a Bahai, and a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes.

And I agree with you , a very dangerous example has been set by doing this
EXACTLY how their founder declared us 'infadels' and 'worse than baby pigs', unless we become Ahmadis.

There is a difference between the Law of the Land and the declarations of a religious leader. If we allow any sect's leader to declare anybody else a non-Muslim, or if the law itself takes sides, there there is no supremacy of the law. Just like what we see now-a-days in Pakistan, this means a slow march to anarchy.

Qadiyanis were specifically targeted , originally they were not declared non Muslims , but later through an amendment (basically on political grounds) .

And I agree with you , a very dangerous example has been set by doing this

And we are reaping the bitter fruits of the tree thus planted.

You want the list of 'secular nations' with starving populations, malnutrition, crippling poverty and crime rates?

Atheists like you have inflicted un imagineable degrees of suffering on humanity in recent history. Leninism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism has resulted in Goolaags, 'Correction camps', Fabricated famines, Holocaust, Chinese genocide by Japs, Stalin's mass starvation, and N.Korea!

EST 40 million people have been killed since the czar's revolt in Russia to the Bosnian genocide. Most of them were carried out by atheists. Go and educate yourself. Welfare of any nation doesn't depend on religion but on creating citizenship.
It is very easy to say for you - a proud Muslim of an Islamic State(nothing wrong in that). Live as an Ahmedi or (God forbid) Hindu in Pakistan and you would perhaps appreciate the sentiment of those who are voicing their objections here.

Faith inspired politics has the capacity to kill 10 times the people killed in the two World Wars. Secular policy can be debated and argued against. Faith often has no place for 'debate'. Actions that are morally disgusting can be justified. Best wishes.
Pakistan's foundation itself was laid on Islamic principles so, knowing sharia is safeguarded by it's constitution doesn't take Einstein's IQ .

You guys know zilch about shariah, Pakistani constitution. IT is better you learn more about them before BSing with your one line trolls.

I guess forums are meant for that.

Forums are for reasonable discussion. Not for one line cr@p that you Indians usually come op with.
EXACTLY how their founder declared us 'infadels' and 'worse than baby pigs', unless we become Ahmadis.

And what about the Mullahs who declared that anyone who doubts the "Kufr" of Jinnah is himself a kafir ??

wearing a Turkish or British hat is kufr !!

One who doubts the Qiyas of Abu Hanifa is a kafir

One who does not respect Ullema is a Kafir

One who praises Jinnah , is a apostate and His marriage becomes void

Satan speaks in Iqbal , he is a murtid

These fatwas came from Barelvi Hazrat !! About Deoband , every one knows already

Why blame Qadiyanis alone for calling others kafir??
You guys know zilch about shariah, Pakistani constitution. IT is better you learn more about them before BSing with your one line trolls.
Go and tell that to IK, I guess he knows better than you.

Forums are for reasonable discussion. Not for one line cr@p that you Indians usually come op with.

There is report button for that, use and move on no need to crib and engage trolls.
What he is saying is right. What you were saying was a BS.

Do you think , I will take your empty words ?? There are many Pakistani forumers who are not against it. Why don't you take the trouble to prove me wrong by citing some article of your constitution ??
@VCheng @Azlan Haider @SarthakGanguly

* Muslims are infadels as a part of Ahmadi belief. Its proven by their 'scriptures'.

* They aren't allowed to marry Muslims

* They are allowed to pray behind a Muslim imam

A line in the sand had to be drawn. Now they are a minority religion and must be given equal rights as non Muslim citizens of the Pakistani state.
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