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Worrying aspects about Imran Khan's campaign

SWAT is cleared we will see other areas also.[/QUOTE
HAHAHAHA pull your Army Back you will see How Much it was cleared you Army is still there because they know they moment they will return they will be back this type of clearance has been many times before and failed miserably and this fact is know to your Army and that is why they push for talks because they know they haven't won in Swat just pushed militants back :hitwall:

Why are you hardcore supporter of extremists/terrorists. And you haven't told how old you are?
Why are you hardcore supporter of extremists/terrorists. And you haven't told how old you are?
Sir I am telling you the facts because my Relatives are in Army and the know what's going in Army and Army hasn't won a single thing they just pushed the militants back in Swat as a matter of fact only few remained in Swat to fight hundreds and more al ready left they area so the day Army will pull back they will return with greater and Army can't remain there for very long they will have to come back so they want talks to start
Sir I am telling you the facts because my Relatives are in Army and the know what's going in Army and Army hasn't won a single thing they just pushed the militants back in Swat as a matter of fact only few remained in Swat to fight hundreds and more al ready left they area so the day Army will pull back they will return with greater and Army can't remain there for very long they will have to come back so they want talks to start

Disagreed. plus army will never pullback from there , army is there to protect innocent people.
Disagreed. plus army will never pullback from there , army is there to protect innocent people.
Army can't live there for ever Sir they have to pull back because they can't afford it for long and we also have enemy like India and Army can't fight its own people so Army will pull back one day or may be very soon and that is why they want talk to start soon
Army can't live there for ever Sir they have to pull back because they can't afford it for long and we also have enemy like India and Army can't fight its own people so Army will pull back one day or may be very soon and that is why they want talk to start soon

Its ok you can have your opinion.
Pakistan has no other choice. If Pakistan votes for PML-N then this country will go back to the terrible cycle of the 90s when Nawaz and BB were taking turns looting the country that put Pakistan to near bankruptcy in 1999.

It will be worst this decade because Pakistan is in the middle of a very costly war OF terror that has cost Pakistan billions. Nawaz is also anti-army so expect more memos to US army chief from him.

If not Imran Khan, then army should permanently take over Pakistan.

Salam, Only for the last Line:
can we intermingle both , by giving a permanent role to the army by making the COAS as ex-officio president of Pakistan..... whom would play the same role as by the kings in the other democracies.........this would mean that there be no presidential elections nor term extensions for COAS all the other democratic operations like elections etc would go on in routine.....

"think man we have to live here"
Salam, Only for the last Line:
can we intermingle both , by giving a permanent role to the army by making the COAS as ex-officio president of Pakistan..... whom would play the same role as by the kings in the other democracies.........this would mean that there be no presidential elections nor term extensions for COAS all the other democratic operations like elections etc would go on in routine.....

"think man we have to live here"

IMHO , army's job is security and its doing well . Politics is politicians job they must do it with honesty. Inter mixing these jobs could be disastrous (we can take examples of past dictators).
I must say, I am very worried about Imran Khan's simplistic thoughts on the WOT, & I hope my doubts about him are cleared before the elections.
he has already cleared his view and i like them very much..
1. distancing yourself from terror war thus being behind means less targets from alqeda as we wount be seen as major alley of mamerica
2. not allowing our terrority for any terrorist activity
3. stopping non judiciary killing through drones...

i just dont want him to go into futile talks with terrorists and release pressure from them
Its not fact but a delusion of yours. When you will grow to mature age you will know of reality.
Sir I am mature enough I am giving you inside information Army is pushing Government and also trying on their own for talks so they can pull-out from those Areas and focus on our main enemy India
Imran's biggest Pro is he represents (and has appeal ) in the federation of Pakistan . He has appeal in Punjab / he is a pathan and therefore enjoys appeal in KP and this credential might also help him in some parts of Balochistan , He is well known and will have appeal in urban Sindh . People believe him to be honest and with proven record of success . He embodies 'hope' .

His biggest con (as some believe) is that he believes in 'unity of command' (i-e only one person in command) and this will begin to be difficult as more influential politicians join him . But for success 'unity of command' is a must otherwise things fall apart like they hav now .
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