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World will accept Nuclear Iran

Anyways, best of luck to the Iranians. Hopefully, this will make the Saudi **** their pants, less Saudi influence ---> Less Wahhabism ---> better for India (and the world)

The Islamic Republic of Iran will not use its nukes on any Muslim country, especially not the place where our holy cities are located.

Say goodbye to your best friend israel :wave:
Your country voted against them in the U.N
If Israel has Nuclear weapons then Iran has every right to develop its Nuclear weapons.

Pakistanis are with our Iranian brothers. We Pakistanis never forget that Iran was the first nation to recognize us in 1947.

i dont even thnk many in my town know where is israel located. lol best friend my ***. we will say goodbye to israel once iran develop nukes. let them develop some once. lets wait n watch till then
Your country voted against their nuclear weapons program in the U.N

Any links? I never heard this before.

Its India who voted against Iran in the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005. It India who backed out of IPI because of US pressure. yesterday US ambassador told Pakistan IPI is not a good idea, Pakistani media are laughing at US statements.
And hearing the truth, the indians burn......

But when they hear the voice of Anglo masters, their ears perk up and tail starts wagging.

Exactly !!! Poor sad bhartis. What embarrassment they are !!!! We Pakistanis atleast criticize US/Israel on their wrong doings. But alas, you say one thing against the Whites....Bhartis come in packs defending their previous masters. Its ironic that Bhartis defend their white Masters but hate their Muslim Masters,who ruled them for like 10X more years lol.
muslims ruled parts of india not whole india. many muslim recognised israel but we didnt. it was only when muslim nations backstabed us we decided to be friends with israel.
LOL a white called Raymond Davis killed citizens in your country and went away scott free. What could you do?
Criticise US on their wrong doings? You President was begging for American intervention to save his chair... heard of the Memo scndal? You betrayed Afghanistan to be bombed by the whites who are in turn bombing your country with drones?
Don't talk of self respect. Can protect your citizens from American missiles and all you do is critize US for their wrong doings?
Exactly !!! Poor sad bhartis. What embarrassment they are !!!! We Pakistanis atleast criticize US/Israel on their wrong doings. But alas, you say one thing against the Whites....Bhartis come in packs defending their previous masters. Its ironic that Bhartis defend their white Masters but hate their Muslim Masters,who ruled them for like 10X more years lol.
And hearing the truth, the indians burn......

But when they hear the voice of Anglo masters, their ears perk up and tail starts wagging.

Don't overgeneralize. There are so many of us Indians who support Iran here.
yaar when did muslims ruled indian for 100000000 years ? which history book pakistani friends study. onlhy muslim rulers to rule india was mugals for 3 centuries but they didnt ruled directly but other kingdoms use to pay tribute to them. n today mugals sons and daughters clean toilets in delhi resturants
I may seem surprising for many Pakistanis. But Pakistan (along with China) voted against Iran too

Stop spreading lies. No Muslim country, including Pakistan, is against Iran's Nuclear Program. Pakistan never voted against Iran on anything.

Other countries

Public opinion surveys conducted in 2006 in Iran's three neighboring countries of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey found large numbers of people favoring the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran and even greater numbers opposed to any American military action against Iran[500]

In February 2007, lawmakers from 56 member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, addressing Iran's nuclear program at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, urged "full respect for equal and inalienable rights for all nations to explore modern technologies including nuclear energy for peaceful purposes."[501]

Officials in several countries have voiced support for Iran in the on-going standoff with the US over its nuclear program. These include Iraq[502] Algeria[503] and Indonesia.[504] Turkey has expressed support for Iran's right to a nuclear program for peaceful energy production,[505] and along with Egypt has urged for a peaceful solution to the standoff.[506] Former President Vladimir Putin of Russia, while urging more transparency from Iran, has said that there is no objective evidence that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons.[507] On 11 September 2009, Prime Minister Putin opposed the use of force or further sanctions against Iran.[508]

Support for tough measures against Iran's nuclear program has fallen in 13 out of 21 Arab countries according to a new BBC World Service Poll.[509] According to a 2008 global poll of Arab public opinion, the Arab public does not appear to see Iran as a major threat and does not support international pressure to force Iran to curtail the program.[510] Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa echoed remarks made by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, saying that Israel, not Iran, posed a nuclear threat to the Middle East.[511]

Stop spreading lies. No Muslim country, including Pakistan, is against Iran's Nuclear Program. Pakistan never voted against Iran on anything.

Other countries

Public opinion surveys conducted in 2006 in Iran's three neighboring countries of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey found large numbers of people favoring the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran and even greater numbers opposed to any American military action against Iran[500]

In February 2007, lawmakers from 56 member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, addressing Iran's nuclear program at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, urged "full respect for equal and inalienable rights for all nations to explore modern technologies including nuclear energy for peaceful purposes."[501]

Officials in several countries have voiced support for Iran in the on-going standoff with the US over its nuclear program. These include Iraq[502] Algeria[503] and Indonesia.[504] Turkey has expressed support for Iran's right to a nuclear program for peaceful energy production,[505] and along with Egypt has urged for a peaceful solution to the standoff.[506] Former President Vladimir Putin of Russia, while urging more transparency from Iran, has said that there is no objective evidence that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons.[507] On 11 September 2009, Prime Minister Putin opposed the use of force or further sanctions against Iran.[508]

Support for tough measures against Iran's nuclear program has fallen in 13 out of 21 Arab countries according to a new BBC World Service Poll.[509] According to a 2008 global poll of Arab public opinion, the Arab public does not appear to see Iran as a major threat and does not support international pressure to force Iran to curtail the program.[510] Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa echoed remarks made by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, saying that Israel, not Iran, posed a nuclear threat to the Middle East.[511]


Right...whatever floats your boat. Anyways, I'm pro Iran getting nukes :coffee:


yaar when did muslims ruled indian for 100000000 years ? which history book pakistani friends study. onlhy muslim rulers to rule india was mugals for 3 centuries but they didnt ruled directly but other kingdoms use to pay tribute to them. n today mugals sons and daughters clean toilets in delhi resturants

Pakistan is nation of converts. I'll would accept, that a Persianized Mongol ruled large parts of India, but Pakistanis :no: .

Half of them got converted by the sword, rest of them were lower castes who converted readily because Islam seemed more "egalitarian" . Pakistanis were never the ruling class :lol:
Pakistan is nation of converts. I'll would accept, that an Persianized Mongol ruled large parts of India, but Pakistanis :no: .

Half of them got converted by the sword, rest of them were lower castes who convereted readily because Islam seemed more "egalitarian" . You were never the ruling class :lol:

You Hindus dont know anything. Even the people of Mecca believed in a pagan belief like hinduism before Islam was revealed to them so it doesnt matter what our ancestors believed in thousands of years ago. And most of the people in land of Pakistan were Buddhists not hindus before Islam was revealed to us. And there were many high caste hindus who converted to Islam like Buts and Rajputs.

Thank God we separated ourselves from you ignorant hindustanis.
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