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World will accept Nuclear Iran

The sad thing is Pakistan is not pro America but ghulam of America. Have you heard of Afia Siddiqui? Zara batana kaun mulk apne begunah log Amreekano ko deta hai torture karne keliye?
I doubt this will ever happen. India will never do anything to upset U.S. Out of all the countries in the region, only India and Indians are pro-america. Not Iran, not Pakistan,not China, not Russia.
You haven't signed the pipeline deal either making excuses that the price is too high. Dude tell me what's more humiliating, backing of a pipeline deal or daily bombing by an ally in "war against terror". I mean has any other nation suffered such a humiliation ever? Trust no matter how big a superpower, only amreeka can find an ally for bombing practice.

Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline project to be completed before scheduled time 2014

ISLAMABAD: Dispelling the foreign pressure over Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Dr Asim Hussain on Thursday informed the Senate that work has been expedited on the project and said that it would be completed by end of 2013, before the scheduled time.

Replying to various supplementary questions during Question Hour session, he said that feasibility of the project was being prepared and tenders for compressors and pipes would be floated in a month.

The estimated cost of the project is $1.5 billion, however, it will be confirmed after completion of bankable feasibility study.

He said the pipeline would be laid along the coastal highway and two compressor stations would also be set up. Electricity and gas would be provided to the areas nearest to the pipeline, he added.

To another question, the minister said that talks were also being carried out with Turkmenistan for gas supply and an agreement would be inked on November 15 in this regard.

He said that petroleum policy 2011 would be announced shortly in which more incentives were proposed to both local and foreign investors for setting up oil refineries and oil and gas exploration.

The minister said that there are 169 natural gas reservoirs in the country. He said that much bigger gas reservoir than Sui has been discovered at Zinc Block in Balochsitan.

Dr Asim said that currently 24,267 barrel of oil per day was being produced from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while 11 exploration licences were granted for exploration of oil and gas in the province.

Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline project to be completed before scheduled time 2014

Please be in touch with the latest news before trolling about. We have in fact started work on the pipeline.
The current bloodsucking ruling elite in Pakistan (who Pakistanis hate) are ghulam of Amreeka like indians are. Not the people of Pakistan. You will see a real leader and real representative of Pakistanis come to power soon (IMRAN KHAN).

Even then the curent bloodsucking ruling elite never voted against Iran.

Look at this thread. All indian ghulam supporting amreeka and terrorist israel over Islamic Republic of Iran.
Then the world will have to grudgingly accept that the NPT is a piece of toilet paper, and that nuclear disarmament/anti-proliferation is dead. I've never lived in a world with 60,000 plus nukes, but should this be reality, I expect to.

The US made the NPT "a piece of toilet paper" the day it decided to ignore Israel's quest for nuclear weapons. Israel, to this day, refuses to officially acknowledge the existence of nuclear weapons in its arsenal and the US has conveniently supported the cover-up. Iran wouldn't have pursued nuclear weapons with such vigor had US not supported nuclear weapons for Israel. Fearing Iranian nukes, Arab nations too will pursue nuclear weapons.

US abuse of atomic weapons during World War 2 convinced USSR to develop nuclear weapons. Once the Soviets got it, the Brits and the French felt too unsecured and also went for nukes. The Sino-Soviet split and animosity with US following Korean war caused China to develop nuclear weapons too. The Sino-Indian war convinced India to carry out nuclear weapons test and hence arch-rival Pakistan went after these weapons too.

A chain reaction is happening here which was triggered by the United States. So therefore, the US has only itself to blame for the growing nuclearization of the world.
The US made the NPT "a piece of toilet paper" the day it decided to ignore Israel's quest for nuclear weapons. Israel, to this day, refuses to officially acknowledge the existence of nuclear weapons in its arsenal and the US has conveniently supported the cover-up. Iran wouldn't have pursued nuclear weapons with such vigor had US not supported nuclear weapons for Israel. Fearing Iranian nukes, Arab nations too will pursue nuclear weapons.
Israel has not signed the NPT, Iran has. Basically, Iran gave its word to not pursue nuclear weapons development in return for recieving dual use nuclear technology from the West to be used towards peaceful nuclear energy development.

Basically Iran has lied to the world and used that lie to its benefit, in which case Iran's word means nothing, in which case why do you believe that Iran wouldn't threaten India? Iran's nukes were given to it by Pakistan.

India has not had to live under the threat of total destruction, how will it feel when Pakistan doesn't have 100, but 2000 weapons because anti-proliferation efforts have broken down and now the largest and smallest countries race for whoever has the biggest arsenal because they don't have to worry about a united response?

South Africa was a nuclear power and they willingly gave theirs up for the NPT. Were they idiots?
US abuse of atomic weapons during World War 2 convinced USSR to develop nuclear weapons. Once the Soviets got it, the Brits and the French felt too unsecured and also went for nukes. The Sino-Soviet split and animosity with US following Korean war caused China to develop nuclear weapons too. The Sino-Indian war convinced India to carry out nuclear weapons test and hence arch-rival Pakistan went after these weapons too.
There was no concept of 'abusing' nuclear weapons because there were no laws for nuclear weapons in WW2, much like there was no 'abuse' of chemical weapons in WW1. You are speaking of a cold war stigma, and you can't tell me you believe the USSR wouldn't have gotten and tested nuclear weapons if the US hadn't used one, I'm fairly sure you aren't so naive. It was a bigger bomb, the stigma wasn't there until the arsenals were in the thousands. You are telling me that despite all the effort that went in to preventing things from getting further out of control... effort that came from both the US and the Soviet Union, that you want to throw all that away so any country is 'equal' with 2,000+ nuclear weapons? You want chaos.

A chain reaction is happening here which was triggered by the United States. So therefore, the US has only itself to blame for the growing nuclearization of the world.

You are cheering the potential growing nuclearization of the world in one breath and blame it on the US in the other?
When Country after Country gets Attack, Invaded or their internal affairs by America then the N-Bomb is their Option, the USA only has itself to blame for this.

Bullsh*t, what beef would we possibly invade Iran over if they weren't trying to turn international law into toilet paper? For calling us the 'Great Satan'?:rolleyes:
the NPT is a toilet paper since the time it was written......although i hope iran doesn't get nuclear weapons, i don't want another state to start nuclear war blackmail, we already have one country doing that....

The law is only as strong as the will to enforce it.
At this point in time I call your words wrong because of the sheer number of signatories, and I sincerely hope I'm right.

we don't give a **** about what the white man and his slaves find acceptable and unacceptable
The only people that matter to us are our country men and women and we will do what ever the hell we want to, just like we've done for the past 2500 years.

I'd like to point this out to anyone who thinks a nuclear Iran is nothing to worry about.
The only people that matter to us are our country men and women and we will do what ever the hell we want to, just like we've done for the past 2500 years.

This is the only argument he could come up with, the only justification he could find for breaking international law...so his country could do whatever the hell it wanted.

Don't spew bulls*it that your country was forced to sign the npt. Your racism is utterly unsurprising and your views an abomination to the beliefs of all free peoples.

There is a reason we have rule of law, so that life isn't like it was for time immemorial from 500 years ago.:angry:

There is a reason we have people in uniform worldwide with the job to either put down people like you, or make you scared enough to keep it confined to words.:partay:
I'd like to point this out to anyone who thinks a nuclear Iran is nothing to worry about.

This is the only argument he could come up with, the only justification he could find for breaking international law...so his country could do whatever the hell it wanted.

Don't spew bulls*it that your country was forced to sign the npt. Your racism is utterly unsurprising and your views an abomination to the beliefs of all free peoples.

There is a reason we have rule of law, so that life isn't like it was for time immemorial from 500 years ago.:angry:

There is a reason we have people in uniform to either put down people like you, or make you scared enough to keep it confined to words.:partay:
people like me? You mean the guy who's going to graduate from the second best law school in Canada in 4 years, walk around like he owns the place and order around the white guys in their own country? That guy? lmao
buddy, you can't do **** to us Iranians. To us, the world is our playground.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no evidence that Iran is going after nukes. Also, the NPT was signed by a slave of your country, the shah, and thus, it has zero meaning for us. The only reason we haven't pulled out yet is we don't want to give you warmongering trigger happy weirdos reason to go apeshit. Once you guys hit the crapper (by the looks of it you guys will go the way of the Soviets very soon) or we feel we're strong enough to defend ourselves, we will pull out. Untill then, we will milk it as much as we can.
Exactly !!! Poor sad bhartis. What embarrassment they are !!!! We Pakistanis atleast criticize US/Israel on their wrong doings. But alas, you say one thing against the Whites....Bhartis come in packs defending their previous masters. Its ironic that Bhartis defend their white Masters but hate their Muslim Masters,who ruled them for like 10X more years lol.

LOL.......just criticise???
Americans have killed 30,000 of your countrymen......and you have no balls to fight back
i think we know who the real white man's slave is ;)
Then the world will have to grudgingly accept that the NPT is a piece of toilet paper, and that nuclear disarmament/anti-proliferation is dead. I've never lived in a world with 60,000 plus nukes, but should this be reality, I expect to.

The NPT was always a toilet paper, to some fools it seemed like the holy grail.
Bullsh*t, what beef would we possibly invade Iran over if they weren't trying to turn international law into toilet paper? For calling us the 'Great Satan'?:rolleyes:

The same beef that lured you to attack Iraq, I suppose!
The current bloodsucking ruling elite in Pakistan (who Pakistanis hate) are ghulam of Amreeka like indians are. Not the people of Pakistan. You will see a real leader and real representative of Pakistanis come to power soon (IMRAN KHAN).

Even then the curent bloodsucking ruling elite never voted against Iran.

Look at this thread. All indian ghulam supporting amreeka and terrorist israel over Islamic Republic of Iran.
Yes, although Pakistan being pro US it never voted against Iran, as far as i can remember
i don't understand why Iran does even needs nuclear weapons, i mean US is threatening Iran only because they are developing weapons, why not stop it, US will back down itself........

i will explain you that,

once up on a time there was a country in ME called Iran, the Iran was ruled by a king called Sha. Sha was a lapdog of uncle sam:tdown:. Iran had a good reserve of oil.uncle sam took away large quantities of oil from Iran with cheap price decided by uncle sam.
under the rule of sha, the rich became richer and poor became poorer:devil:. one day the people of Iran came with a broom stick and cleaned the throne of Iran:flame:.the sha was out and the new government representing the Iranian people came in to existence.:tup:

from that day onwards uncle sam did not get the oil for cheap price . uncle sam became angry and begin to FART.:taz:
since then uncle sam started to say that Iran is a dangerous country and it is an extremist Islamic state.

(Saudi Arabia is more extremist than iran, still US is a good friend of Saudi, itz only because Saudi does what ever US wants. so there is no involvement of Islam or extremism, its pure **** )

OK,lets come to the story. then uncle sam started bothering all activities of Iran so that uncle sam thought that one day iran will fed up and come back under the feet of uncle sam. but nothing happened . uncle sam continued his farting by bringing and passing out various bills in UN.:hitwall:
(UN is a clown palace were clowns from various regions come together to present different types of giggles and jokes for uncle sam )

OK, the story, what happened was iran became more and more self sufficient and powerful under the rule of determinant rulers. then uncle sam started to sh!t all around Iran .
the smell was so foul that ,at last iran decided to stop this act of uncle sam and started making NUKE .:flame:
NUKE is something uncle sam always wear in his underpants in between his false snow balls (this balls always melts when goes near real heat). but when uncle sam sees the NUKE in any other's hand other than his evil dickhead cousin, Israel, he will piss in pants and will cry like a little girl.

OK, one day Iran will be making NUKE, so that Iranians can sleep peacefully with out the smell of uncle sam shiting around.:tup:

The end

so the moral of story: Iran needs NUKE to keep away US.
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