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Will not order more , but OK with Export : IAF on Tejas Mk-1

and why you think Cheap Chinese fighter is better off ? IAF rejected F/A-18 ,Mig 35 and Gripen because of performance,give them chinese fighter to evaluate and am sure they not even bother to fly it.
IAF stringent criteria doesn't apply to everyone and if MK1 which cost around 26Million $ with reliable engine and avionics clears FOC standard then its better than any chinese aircraft in market at same price tag.

BTW welcome He-Man
keep dreaming..
In India, defence industry and armed forces works as different entities doing the job they are supposed to do.
this isn't the right layout it should be. if they work separately, how could you promise your national defence works?
wow what a confidence builder........no we dont want any but yeah go and export....
A silly thing to say really as this is nothing new- the IAF has made it clear that what they are really looking forward to is the LCA Mk.2 that will have an AESA radar, a more powerful engine, improved avionics and an increased range. The LCA Mk.1 was only ever a stepping stone for them. It's not a matter of not having confidence in the LCA, just the Mk.2 is better suited to the IAF's operational requirements thus they have only ordered 40 Mk.1s.

Your country invest billions in LCA, the result is your air force don't even want it. What's happening in India? Are you taking this kind of serious concern as joking? I can't bear it even I'm not Indian.
You don't understand even the basic aspects of this. The IAF doesn't want the MK.1 but very much wants the LCA Mk.2 and will go for that plane in the hundreds.
this isn't the right layout it should be. if they work separately, how could you promise your national defence works?

The reason is our neighbourhood, so we need to give whats best for them.
Didn't China just order more AL-31 engines from Russia? I wouldn't be taking the smug approach if I was you, understand every developing nation has limitations as it stands today.

very soon that locally made engine is coming, very soon, very very soon.. ;)
India needs Kaveri to power LCA and AMCA. Lets see if this takes a decade or more :(
One has to praise China's efforts on this front- producing a homegrown jet engine is no small feat, but to belittle India's efforts and ignore China's own difficulties is rather unfair.

you take WankAlong too seriously. he is here to distribute imaginary defence toffees to pakistanis like the proverbial carrot off a two feet pole in front of the donkey.
It is a huge setback for peoples of India....:(
Because they have created so much publicity:thinktank::mps:for this so called indigenous HAL-Tejas Project....
wow what a confidence builder........no we dont want any but yeah go and export....

Don't say the same against another fighter in green colours, you will get negative ratings, warnings, bans, etc. etc. :-)
wow what a confidence builder........no we dont want any but yeah go and export....

Slightly better than JF-17. IAF will have LCA-MK1 in few numbers, CHina will have none of JF-17. Pakistan bought them though :tup:
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