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Will not order more , but OK with Export : IAF on Tejas Mk-1

IAF is not an industry booster organisation. It wants a mature platform . Its primary objective is to acquire mechanisms which guards the country best. Its not here to look after what is invested in what industry.

Your surprise citing "look u invested a lot in LCA, its chaos if u dont buy is laughable.

But I wont, as i know your intentions well and clear when i see you loiter in Indian defence threads.
give 5 squad of this tejas mk1 to Indian army .

iaf concepts of fighter plane requirement becoming headache now . they just dont want to support any indigenous products same thing happening with ijt , lch always upgrading their requirement once products r ready and only gives token orders
It was first of a kind.... HAL is not/never was a ebay where you order the item of ur choice ( may be works in china but India is not advanced yet) , they had capability only to make and send that for testing at that time, they build and gained experience out of it, which is good for them in future.

I know its beyond your grasp of logic to believe that simple fact...

Again your motive on this thread works against any logical explanation i have or may produce , trying to make you understand.
I don't agree with you with some of the logic you put there. anyway, you are a very patient gentleman.
MOD needs to push Tejas MK1 down the throat of import loving IAF. 40 is too less need atleast 100 till MK2 comes online.
It was first of a kind.... HAL is not/never was a ebay where you order the item of ur choice ( may be works in china but India is not advanced yet) , they had capability only to make and send that for testing at that time, they build and gained experience out of it, which is good for them in future.

I know its beyond your grasp of logic to believe that simple fact...

Again your motive on this thread works against any logical explanation i have or may produce , trying to make you understand.
I don't agree with you with some of the logic you put there. anyway, you are a very patient gentleman.
I don't agree with you with some of the logic you put there. anyway, you are a very patient gentleman.

For a change , check the fighter projects countries like US,Russia has invested billions in past and then abandoned by googling , binging etc.

We have not abandoned the LCA project. We consider it as a stepping stone for the aerospace industry (domestic).

LCA Mk-1 order is limited because we have made up specifics, blueprints and started a project called Mk-2 with add-ons which satisfies IAF and its requirements.
hope you can achieve something in mK2, you can't always pamper IAF like baby cause it will get spoiled.
bro, Mr. @RKO is not he_man. I can assure you that.
IAF seems to be acting like a child,if it doesn't wants mk1 then tell that to MoD and not come out in the media and whine like kids,such behaviour could effect exports aswell,as no plane would be considered for export if it has got no demand in it's own market.

Yep brother @GORKHALI i can assure you he's is not he-man.
thanx bros!!! I still get why he thought like that!!!!
it might not be good when you have too many choices sometimes.
hope you can achieve something in mK2, you can't always pamper IAF like baby cause it will get spoiled.

In India, defence industry and armed forces works as different entities doing the job they are supposed to do.
Iaf spolit with massive orders for su30 mki and soon rafale.

Cant see it really taking off without iaf
Comitment to 250 planes
loool, To be honest, i dont see which country will go for this ever. Latin american, African and less wealthy South east Asian countries who cant afford our western/U.S fighters will rather go for Russian or Chinese fighters like they have been doing for decades now.
So they should just drop this project and go for MKII which i read will soon be developed and has better prospects.
they are better off with cheap China fighters!!!

not necessarily, tejas mk I will be equally cheap if not cheaper. discounting the cheap logic.

otoh, the chinese fighters will fire max R-73.

tejas mk 1 will fire python and derby, part of the programme. huge advantage. ;)
IAF seems to be acting like a child,if it doesn't wants mk1 then tell that to MoD and not come out in the media and whine like kids,such behaviour could effect exports aswell,as no plane would be considered for export if it has got no demand in it's own market.

Yep brother @GORKHALI i can assure you he's is not he-man.

Who is this he-man you are all talking about? seems like the kind of guy i will get on with quite well.:D:cheers:

it was in past, when western tech was considered advance then chinese, today chinese are at pair with western tech or even more advance then western, especially western tech present in Tejas.

loool Our tech is still more advanced than that of China(for now), no argument on that man.:bounce:
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I think french are working with DRDO already on this.

But whether or not french help India Kaveri will be brought into production in next 10-15 years.
check this article
Saurav Jha's Blog : An 'engine' for India's growth

Bro no country will ever transfer you their engine tech NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR IT. This is something i have said before and which i believe everybody knows(well i thought.lol). Engine tech is the most complex/diffcult to master tech in the world, and requires billions of dollars worth of investments/know how/ knowledge/industries/man power/technology/ time etc to mature/ be reliable, and you think a country after going through all that will just you hand you over their tech for a few billions? LOOOL NOPE NEVER, Russia and france wont even transfer you their latest tech of their fighter jets, forget about Engines(which is even more important than jets)

So it will be advisable for India to stop dreaming/thinking the french or their 'best friend' Russia or any other country for that matter will transfer you their engine tech, India should invest more itself into this and develop one itself, it will take time and money yes,but at the end it will be more than worth it. Theres no short cut for this one believe me.
i My point of view 40 mk 1 is good enough to fulfill Iaf operational need. But Have Big Export potential for nations operating old migs and f-7 in their inventory
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