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Will Mumbai finally surpass Shanghai this year?

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Which Chinese city is this?

Futian(fortune field) and Houhai(Backsea) district of Shenzhen
Even in poor countries poverty can be eliminated in a single city. Conditions should be developed so that those who are poor are unable to find any work in the city and those who work are not poor.

Give it another twenty years and China will have a hundred cities that could sustain the population of a small country at a very decent standard. China is the hyper-power of the future. And guess who their best little buddies are? LOL! Yep! Pakistan!

What is up with these Chinese now days lol & specially Pakistanis! :D

Jealously is ugly man. Be happy. Our Chinese friends are taking this world away from Western Domination. You can appreciate that at least cant you? Arent you Asian?
Mumbai is small, about 600 square kilometers.
Shanghai is very large, about 6300 square kilometers.
Two cities in the area of more than 10 times the gap.
Shanghai has a population of 24 million, with a population of about 14 million in Mumbai! This is a very big problem. Small area has a large population.

BTW: I live in the city the area of 505 square kilometers, population of about 500 thousand
Mumbai is small, about 600 square kilometers.
Shanghai is very large, about 6300 square kilometers.
Two cities in the area of more than 10 times the gap.
Shanghai has a population of 24 million, with a population of about 14 million in Mumbai! This is a very big problem. Small area has a large population.

BTW: I live in the city the area of 505 square kilometers, population of about 500 thousand

You need to add in the slum areas and Mumbai will be larger in size. And population.

Its not the city or its infrastructure that matters. Its the people.

If the exact same city of Shanghai is built in Mumbai the people there will slowly devolve it to just another large Indian city.

Indian culture is very disorderly and egalitarian values almost non existant.
yes he did. Now get back to the real issue buddy boy, are you anglo-Saxon or just pretending to be?
He/she is a pretend to be. I can put my money where my mouth is.

Btw, for a moment, I thought I was banned. :D
Gotta watch out from now. Lol....
This is how some Indian trolls, from the very top to lowly keyboard warriors, turned a promising developing country into a world-renowned laughing stock, and they insist that's "Aspiration"!

Indeed inspiring!
Mumbai is small, about 600 square kilometers.
Shanghai is very large, about 6300 square kilometers.
Two cities in the area of more than 10 times the gap.
Shanghai has a population of 24 million, with a population of about 14 million in Mumbai! This is a very big problem. Small area has a large population.

BTW: I live in the city the area of 505 square kilometers, population of about 500 thousand
Definition of cities are quite different here.
Shanghai Municipality= Shanghai Proper + many outer districts.

Like my city, we have 10 million people, in 8000km2.
However, the majority live in Wuhan Proper, the main city, approximately 1000km2.

Another example, Chongqing Municipality, has 30 million people!
But, in 82,300 km²!
The Chongqing Proper, the so-called main city, has 10 million people, in 800km2.

0-9:40 The main city (Chongqing Proper), the traditional Chongqing
9:45-35:20 Outer districts and counties outside the main city
35:20-end Chongqing main city at night

Chongqing main city
屏幕快照 2016-12-09 01.08.05.jpg

Wanzhou district, 300km from the main city
(administered by Chongqing Municipality)

Wulong County, 200km from the main city
(administered by Chongqing Municipality)
This is how some Indian trolls, from the very top to lowly keyboard warriors, turned a promising developing country into a world-renowned laughing stock, and they insist that's "Aspiration"!

Indeed inspiring!
I know some of them are sane, but most of them are so hard core ultra-nationalist to a point that makes them become delusional.
I know some of them are sane, but most of them are so hard core ultra-nationalist to a point that makes them become delusional.

Yes, there are many well learned Indian members here as well, but most of them would rather keep silent to avoid confrontation with those delusional, which unfortunately bring the doubt on the mindset of Indian elite class as a whole.
That might be unrealistic for India to achieve. Mumbai should first aim to catch up with a fourth-tier city in China and then maybe think about catching up with a provincial capital city.
I stop posting photos of Shanghai and likes long time ago in PDF.
I advise Chinese members focus on the development of the Interior China, especially poorest provinces like Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi.

Western China as a whole is a 2 trillion dollar economy growing at 8-10% annually.
We now have a few provinces in the East with GDP of 1 trillion dollar respectively.
In the next decade, I hope we could see the GDP of many provinces in the interior to reach 1 trillion dollar benchmark. (My province hopefully 6-8 years).

Rural counties in China's poorest Guizhou Province
Zunyi County

Panxian County
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Me too think the same,but end of the day they dont have any other choice.ordinary chinese are really hardworking sometimes i feel sorry for them

Well, not only Chinese "don't have any other choice", Westerners don't have any other choice either, as "Sloth" is one of 7 sins in western culture. Indians are very lucky, as you don't have to be "hardworking". We envy you! :enjoy:
Mumbai is small, about 600 square kilometers.
Shanghai is very large, about 6300 square kilometers.
Two cities in the area of more than 10 times the gap.
Shanghai has a population of 24 million, with a population of about 14 million in Mumbai! This is a very big problem. Small area has a large population.

BTW: I live in the city the area of 505 square kilometers, population of about 500 thousand

If shanghai is spread in such a lrge area than why I see sky scrappers and very conjusted areas? Why I have never seen the photos of people leving in laxurious vilas and prefers conjusted sky scrappers? Why all chinese cities appears to be very conjusted?
If shanghai is spread in such a lrge area than why I see sky scrappers and very conjusted areas? Why I have never seen the photos of people leving in laxurious vilas and prefers conjusted sky scrappers? Why all chinese cities appears to be very conjusted?

This region has longer controll-accessed expressways than entire India.
Do you even have a passport?

屏幕快照 2017-03-01 14.30.06.png
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