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Will Mumbai finally surpass Shanghai this year?

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Quite or keep quite if you have no answer.

Did you mean "quiet"? I just tried to guide you to do some simple research with a tool called Google, so you don't have to ask silly questions like that anymore. In a way helping to preserve some respect from foreigners for your country.
Did you mean "quiet"? I just tried to guide you to do some simple research with a tool called Google, so you don't have to ask silly questions like that anymore. In a way helping to preserve some respect from foreigners for your country.
Absurd to compare a communist city with a city in a democratic nation. We might as well be comparing Pyongyang to Bombay. Meanwhile in the real world, we continue to welcome refugees from China into India and give them a decent life. We are happy to bear the burden as the champion of human rights in the region. Meanwhile 30 million people in China continue to live in caves - they don't even have the resources to move into a city and build a slum. The state of affairs in China is very sad.

So the Indian mouth doesn't need any proof... an agricultural country, even a turbulent country, How can expect to get a good education?

Oh, welcome India refugees to the capitalist world.


So, Indian propaganda than Freedom 251 cheaper
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It needs more than a half century to turn Mumbai to present Shanghai..
We don't lack money but people here have chosen to live uncivilized..
Change of their mentality is decades away..Can spend thousands millions for education,technology but lack basic sense of living standard,cleanliness..
Did you mean "quiet"? I just tried to guide you to do some simple research with a tool called Google, so you don't have to ask silly questions like that anymore. In a way helping to preserve some respect from foreigners for your country.

Why do want me to research? If you know, write the answer. DO you think that I am going to research to get an answer to a troll post?
View attachment 380731
So the Indian mouth doesn't need any proof... an agricultural country, even a turbulent country, How can expect to get a good education?

Oh, welcome India refugees to the capitalist world.


So, Indian propaganda than Freedom 251 cheaper

Just do a basic comparison with US an economy almost of your own size,not India..India considers China only role model for development..India still have millions of poor.Don't get what sort of amusement a Chinese sole can achieve comparing to us a poor nation..
India is trying it's best to eradicate it's problems..
Oh jeez...not another Mumbai -Shanghai thread by a chinese jizzbucket ...:disagree::disagree:
Why do want me to research? If you know, write the answer. DO you think that I am going to research to get an answer to a troll post?

Below is your question, and here is my answer: open Google.com page and type two key words "Shanghai, Villa", and you will get your answer. Simple enough? I am pretty sure you are not from IIT.

Why I have never seen the photos of people leving in laxurious vilas and prefers conjusted sky scrappers? Why all chinese cities appears to be very conjusted?
Below is your question, and here is my answer: open Google.com page and type two key words "Shanghai, Villa", and you will get your answer. Simple enough? I am pretty sure you are not from IIT.

i'm curious , whats the average price of 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom , 4 bhk, villas in Shanghai ...affordable to common man ..?
Below is your question, and here is my answer: open Google.com page and type two key words "Shanghai, Villa", and you will get your answer. Simple enough? I am pretty sure you are not from IIT.

Not From IIT or IT but we do not need IIT or any technical education to search Google like you guys.

There may be villas in your city but if they are so large in area, I should not be seeing so many high rises. Why go vertical when you have the space.
There is no such term as "learned indian" in PDF.
Most of them are ill-informed and they will regard city like Mumbai as developed.
Keyword here is, "delusional", bro!
Quite if you have no answer. Do not act like a very smart guy. Evrybody here know about you guys. I had asked a very simple question and I am awaiting for an answer.
My dear @HariPrasad, who are the everybody here again?
i'm curious , whats the average price of 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom , 4 bhk, villas in Shanghai ...affordable to common man ..?

That really depends. locals either bought their apartments years ago when they were still cheap (many bought for their children as well), or compensated by the government when their old housing were demolished for new developments. Common people can't afford villas, so they usually settle with high rise condos. Migrates usually can't afford houses in the cities they work so they rent, but they have their own land or house back home.

In China, house ownership is about 94%. I am not sure about housing market in China right now, but I do have a apartment in a tier-2 city that my parents bought for me years ago. It is a 90 m2 2 bedroom apartment, the current market value is about 30K-40K RMB per square meter. It is a rental right now.
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