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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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We are Indo-European people aren't we? Even Urdu belongs to the Indo-Aryan group of language families right? I never claimed to be European so stop making up false accusations alright? Yeah I do speak English as well.

Check my previous post #157, I added some very funny links about Indian obsession with fair skin & facial features. :rofl:

my frnd ur nothing but an indian. since 90% of the world doesnt even know where pakistan is on the world map they will always assune u to be an indian first untill to make it clear to them.
We are Indo-European people aren't we? Even Urdu belongs to the Indo-Aryan group of language families right? I never claimed to be European so stop making up false accusations alright? Yeah I do speak English as well.

Check my previous post #157, I added some very funny links about Indian obsession with fair skin & facial features. :rofl:

its pakistanis who are more obsessed with fair skin. just look at you. you think you are aryan.i can show you whats the aukaat of pakistanis in real world but i would be baned. come back to real world my friend. do u even know what the word indo means..is doest mean pakistani for sure.
Thank God for that.

We have a saying in Tamizh - A donkey does not know the fragrance of camphor. Even the most soothing of the music will be cacophonous to the ears of the unlearned.


Recite your saying to someone who gives a crap, I never even bothered to read it. What the hell does "Q.E.D" mean?

my frnd ur nothing but an indian. since 90% of the world doesnt even know where pakistan is on the world map they will always assune u to be an indian first untill to make it clear to them.

No one has ever assumed I am an Indian. Can you prove 90% of the world doesn't even know where Pakistan is on the map? :woot:

It is better to be obsessed with fair skin than, you-know-what ;)

Than what? Obsessed with India?

its pakistanis who are more obsessed with fair skin. just look at you. you think you are aryan.i can show you whats the aukaat of pakistanis in real world but i would be baned. come back to real world my friend. do u even know what the word indo means..is doest mean pakistani for sure.

Just because I am Aryan, doesn't mean I am obsessed with fair skin. It's you guys who are obsessed with that. I am simply proud of my heritage, it's you who turned it in to a skin color competition. I can show you the "aukaat" of Indians too, trust me. Yeah the word "Indo" is derived from the word Indus, just like how the word "India" is derived from the word "Indus".
It doesn't matter one bit whether they support Pak or not. The Arabs could not even keep upto a nation of 6 million and get walloped every now and then. Good luck to them 'helping' Pakistan against India. LOL.

Stop living in LaLa land 6 Million plus Super powers and all of Europe, Western protected puppets on Arab countries are the reason those 5 million plus are controlling the masses in middle east.
my frnd ur nothing but an indian..
Last time I checked my nationality is Pakistani.

since 90% of the world doesnt even know where pakistan is on the world map
Cool, did you perform research on this statistic? Mind showing us any proof of results?

they will always assune u to be an indian first untill to make it clear to them

Yeah, only people as close minded as you will, and you'll be surprised at the amount of people who don't fall for such stereotypes. Last time I checked, there is clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians in facial feature, language, culture and of course religion.
SO indians have hit rock bottom and love to be insulted by their enemies ? Next will be beaten . Its really sad and pathetic now to be a Pagen Indian Isn't it ? Even Israel will beat you like a dog because Israel has no respect for such people.

Nice try false flagger..
No one has ever assumed I am an Indian. Can you prove 90% of the world doesn't even know where Pakistan is on the map? :woot:

Than what? Obsessed with India?

oh h great so what did they assme ur european??? plzz tell me.
Stop living in LaLa land 6 Million plus Super powers and all of Europe, Western protected puppets on Arab countries are the reason those 5 million plus are controlling the masses in middle east.
real reason is arabs are backward people. they can produce a hair pin on their own. they are too weak this is why they are the puppets. and then they fight among themselves. there is no point in asking them to help pakistan
Stop living in LaLa land 6 Million plus Super powers and all of Europe, Western protected puppets on Arab countries are the reason those 5 million plus are controlling the masses in middle east.

History says, in the Six-Day war...the Arabis were brutally crushed by Israel even without any outside help. FACT.

When the Arbis can sucessfully defeat a puny nation of 6 million which is surrounded on all sides by them, then they can think of 'helping' others.
Yeah, only people as close minded as you will, and you'll be surprised at the amount of people who don't fall for such stereotypes. Last time I checked, there is clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians in facial feature, language, culture and of course religion.

hahhal so according to u in 65 yrs u look like europeans?? what ppk think abt u in first sight? i right now live in canada. an indian or pakistani can easily identify each other. but do u think a russian here would know if u r from pakistan???? ppl will always assume ur from india.
I believe that they'll remain neutral as usual.

The Arabs simply don't care. To be quite frank, Pakistan doesn't care either. Even during times like now we aren't getting any help from Arab countries, what's going to make them help us later?
Like I mentioned earlier

Well we don't have to speculate on this. Just look what happened in the KArgil war?

Saudi Arabia refused to help Nawaz Sharif and told him to withdraw to the LoC.

The point is who will be the aggressor. If Pakistan will be the aggressor as we saw in Kargil, then no one will stand with you, Not even China forget Arab countries.

Infact, in the 1965 and 71 wars, it was the US that helped Pakistan more than any other Arab country. The Jordanian fighrters were trasnferred under US watch and so were the Iranian fighter jets.
The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971

Moreover, the recent situation post 2008 and the Pakistanisation of Al Qaeda and its affiliates and groups like LeT getting close to the Al Qaeda ideology has made the Arabs, particularly Gulf Arabs wary of Pakistan and its intelligence services. You can see the same play out in other GCC countries with for example refusal by GCC countries for something as simple as deferring oil payments or get discounted oil which was quite routine a decade ago.

Most interesting of all is the views expressed in wikileak cables and see what the UAE, Saudis, Omanis e.t.c. have to say about Pakistan
Just to give you an idea, in this particular Wikileaked cable, the Saudis explain how they think 10 times before talking to the ISI
The Hindu : News / International : “We think 10 times before approaching ISI”

You also have cases were the Pakistani Mil /ISI have withdrawn landing rights for UAE in Balochistan for example because the UAE had passed this facility on to the Americans and was used as a base for drones. From wikileaks we know that atleast the DG ISI believes that UAE alongwith India and Russia is partially responsible for funding the Baloch insurgency. It doesn't mean it is true, but atleast this is what the DG ISI wants the parliament and the people of Pakistan to believe
MPs told Russia, India and UAE involved in Baloch insurgency – The Express Tribune

The most interesting and frank discussion I found was of the Omani no.2. aka Crown prince on Pakistan.
Cable Viewer


¶6. (S) Oman is encouraging India to engage in the region diplomatically and politically. He said that as Iran wants to be seen as a regional power, Oman wants a balance of power and sees India possibly as that balance. India does not need to present a military presence, according to Sayyid Fahd, a political presence will do. He termed India as a reliable country and a reliable partner, and that India would contribute to regional stability and security.


¶7. (S) Sayyid Fahd said that Pakistan is quite a different issue. It is a large country "with so many fanatics." The social fabric and the cultural fabric are under real threat and Pakistan needs help, both material and psychological support from its friends. He continued, noting that the situation spreads beyond Pakistan's borders, citing the problem in Great Britain, with its substantial Pakistani population. Sorting out who is a fanatic, and who is
not, "is a big problem." It doesn't stop there, he noted, it spreads throughout Europe, as these Pakistanis are British, with freedom of travel.
All these developments are related to the last 4-5 years and indicates the GCC a slow withdrawing from Pakistan and if Pakistan gets closer to Iran as it has been doing for the past 2-3 years, you can expect even more visible changes in policy. The biggest fear for the GCC would be Pakistan somehow aligning with Iran and China to form an axis of its own. And this is what atleast some in Saudi Arabia are writing about
Editorial: Consolidating ties - Arab News

Infact, in any future war, its what China and US do that would matter the most rather than what Arab countries do. Keep in mind that it has been the US that has been putting pressure on India to not initiate military action wether it was mumbai attacks or the 2001 parliament attacks. Even in Kargil, it was the US that worked out a face saving withdrawal for Pakistan. China of course provides weapons and nuclear tech to Pakistan and will be an important factor.

The Arabs will be neutral like they have been in the past 60 year when they were outright leaning towards Pakistan. So now when they actually have more stakes with an Indian relationship, the dynamics will stay neutral. And if Pakistan is the aggressor, the "moral support" will also not be there for Pakistan as we saw in Kargil.

This might sound unpalatable but this is the reality and what is happening in the real world.
oh h great so what did they assme ur european??? plzz tell me.

Nope, they were actually able to tell I am Pakistani. In fact even in Arabia no one has ever confused me as Indian, some people can immediately tell my ethnicity too. There is a pretty clear difference in our appearance & it varies from ethnicity to ethnicity, you should know that. Even Indians vary from ethnicity to ethnicity sometimes.
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