We were always different, I am racially Aryan while you aren't. I resemble my Indo-European cousins a lot.

No the culture isn't the same either. India itself has such a vast majority of different cultures, I am pretty sure you realize that Pakistani culture is vastly different from southern & eastern Indian culture. There are even differences in our culture while travelling from province to province. You are just desperately trying to associate yourself to us, stop doing that, I would rather not come in to existence than be an Indian.
Again our food isn't that similar either, there are a vast majority of provincial dishes present that are hardly eaten from one province to another. Similarities in food exist almost everywhere to a certain extent, did you know biryani was from Persia? Does that make all the people eating biryani locally Persians? Of course not. Our languages are the same too?

Besides Urdu & Punjabi, I doubt most Pakistani languages are spoken in India. For example I can't speak a word of that horribly foul language called "Tamil", I would rather listen to a cat cry all day long than listen to that being spoken. Finally, there is no India in Pakistan, thank God! Stop associating yourself to us, it's really annoying, I don't want to have anything to do with you or your country. Anyway I got to go, it's getting late here.